"Thinkings~ Musings~ and Pithy words!"

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Friday, January 15, 2010

Sweet 16 is delightful.....

I woke up this morning to sweet, precious, lovely piano music wafting up the stairs from our living room. Hannah was playing beautiful praise music for quite awhile. I thoroughly enjoyed laying in bed and praying for her as she played on! What a treasured gift of music to all of us on HER BIRTHDAY! I can see Jesus shining through Hannah' life. I am reminded that God gives us children as blessings and gifts from our Father above. What a 'gift' she is to us and to all who know her.

" Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change." James 1:17 ESV

Hannah is 16 years old today. I remember when I was 16....it doesn't seem THAT long ago, but it was long ago. She loves Jesus and is committed to living for HIM. I was converted at age 12 but did not grow very much in the following teen years. I cannot say that about Hannah. She is growing fast in many disciplines and in the way she desires to follow Christ. It thrills my heart. It thrills her Daddy's heart too. We are humbled and grateful for God's grace in her heart and life. I am teary eyed to see my baby girl turn 16 yet I know time marches on. Life really is a vapor. We each have today. God holds tomorrow in his hand.

We CAN make a difference today by God's grace. Smile. Laugh at yourself. Give a kind word. Return a smile for a frown. Hug someone who is hurting. Offer a cold drink to one thirsty. Pay for coffee for a friend or stranger. Give someone your clothes that don't fit. Dig someone else out of the snow. Let that person have the close parking spot. Give a gift of time. Give a gift of yourself. Help out your neighbor. Or your enemy! Cry with a friend. Let the love of Christ shine through!

Sweet 16---YES. Sweet 66---YES. Sweet 96 YES!!! May others say of you.....'they are so SWEET -- I see Jesus in them!

Signing off for now, hugs, Lynette

1 comment:

  1. What a good way to look at getting older! I love your eternal perspective... I strive for that too! I can't believe Gwen will be 10 this year! How fast it goes... Hannah is such a blessing to us all :)
