"Thinkings~ Musings~ and Pithy words!"

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Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Choosing the good portion...

" Martha, Martha, you are anixous and troubled about many things, but one thing is necessary. Mary has chosen the good portion, which will not be taken away from her." Luke 10: 41-42

I can relate to Martha. I am often like Martha. I want to be like Mary. I often think about these two sisters and their hearts. I like how honest the Bible is. It tells me the truth.

This morning I woke up at 6am. I work at the Church Office two days a week. I have an excellent boss. I think he is a top notch boss, you see I am in love with him. Not everyone gets to work for their husband as his secretary. I do! I love my job. Anyway, this morning I wanted to make blueberry muffins as a 'treat' for those at work. Quickly I realized I could not have my time with the LORD and make muffins. I 'sea sawed' back and forth...make muffins, quiet time with Jesus? Then I remembered Mary and Martha.....I let the muffins go, went downstairs to get my usual cup of joe. There was my sweet daughter Hannah. "Hi darlin' " I said. "What are you doing up, dressed for the day and down here?" " I am making muffins for you, Mom." Wow....isn't that sweet? Isn't that just like the LORD? I am so blessed by my sweet daughter's servant heart. Up I went to meet in secret with my God. So .....by God's grace I chose the 'good portion' and God abundantly blessed me by Hannah's sacrifice of love. So off I go to work with a blessing to share....much more than just muffins!

Signing off for now, Hugs, Sherry Lynette


  1. Good thoughts. I know I am a "Martha," myself. I like to get things done. Something I have decided to really work on this year. Thanks for this!

    ~ P.S. Tell Hannah she can come make muffins for Shawn and I whenever she wants ;)

  2. Boy, do I struggle with this one. I waste so much time on silly stuff - not even things like making muffins to love and serve others - but, just mindless things. And, then I find myself not making time for the One my heart needs to be in fellowhip with - Jesus.

    Thank you for this reminder today. I needed it.

  3. Hannah is one special girl! What a blessing!

  4. Such a great reminder Sherry!! I fight the Mary/Martha battle on a regular basis....need to always preach to myself to choose the better thing that will last! Hooray for Hannah...love that girl!!


  5. I am enjoying your site Sherry....thanks!

  6. This made me teary. What a sweet blessing Hannah was and is! Thank you for reminding me to chose the Lord first. All of these other chores and busy-ness can wait!
