"Thinkings~ Musings~ and Pithy words!"

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Thursday, January 28, 2010

New Mercies EVERYDAY!

God is so good! His mercies are new everyday!

I have a confession to make. Maybe you struggle with this too? I am often challenged to read other things before I read my Bible. My habit is to READ my Bible first. I like that, I LOVE that. Yet, as I am honest, I admit when I'm into a really really good book, having read into the 'wee' hours of the early morning ~ I am tempted to pick up where I left off as I awake. My book is right there where it fell as I dosed off. I don't even have to get out of the warm bed, just pick it up. Besides, I can read my Bible later when I have more time!

Unfortunately, some mornings I have not chosen the 'better part'. I am worse for the choosing of it indeed. Gladly, I admit those type morning have become less and less occurring in my life. Why? God's GRACE! By HIS enabling power, my 'hearing' has been sharpened. I "hear" Him calling me over to my desk which sits across the room from my warm bed. "Sherry--I'm waiting for you", I hear. I smile. I recognize that voice. The moment has come...get up or ignore the voice? I am growing! I am gaining! HIS mercies are evident in me.

"Here I am LORD!", my heart whispers. "To BE with YOU and hear from YOU. To drink SWEET HONEY from THE ROCK!"

I am glad. I am blessed. I am loved by HIM! You see, HE WANTS to MEET with me--HE wants to talk to me. HE WANTS me to worship HIM! The book I thought was sooo good can wait! HIS MERCIES are mine today!

Signing off for now, hugs, Lynette

1 comment:

  1. Yes, Sherry I struggle with the same thing!! So many good books keep a place on my nightstand or my end table....it is so easy to grab them especially when I just want to "finish that chapter!" But that is not choosing the BEST part....it's only by His grace that I can do that...still learning day by day!
