"Thinkings~ Musings~ and Pithy words!"

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Sunday, January 31, 2010

Snow and Ice

Yesterday I went to a Crop. A Crop is a bunch of ladies getting together to organize their pictures of family, friends and events into scrapbooks. It is a 'telling' of ones experiences in pictures and words. Most of us journal about the pictures, but not always. It is creative, it is fun and much fellowship takes place as we work. I think of it as the modern day 'quilting BEE'. It is something I enjoy and do. It's one of those things that is 'me'. I go when I can, not as often as I would like!

The weatherman was calling for a flurry with no accumulation of any amount. I am from California, so I never learned to drive in the snow. I do not drive in snow. I ride in snow all the time, during winter...my hubby loves to drive in the snow. My boys all love to drive in the snow. One of them even took me out and did 'donuts' ...around and around we went in a parking lot to my chagrin! Don't worry sons, I will not tell which one...hahaha I have NO experience driving in snow!

Dave and I talked about it. "I won't go honey, it's going to snow", I said. "Go" he encouraged me. " It is going to be a flurry, you will be fine!" I'll go....I'll stay....I'll go....I'll stay! I thank the LORD for a patient husband. He knows me so well. I went.

I arrived at the Crop on black pavement....no snow. The snow was to come around 3pm. The CROP was from 9 to 5pm. If it began to snow, I would just leave a little early! I was so looking forward to going and 'doing my thing'. Cropping is relaxing to me. I get something for my effort. It is fun! I sat across from my sister in love...Patti. So I took my 'stuff' out and went to work on my album.

My niece came over (she's the one in charge) and said my hubby wanted me to call him. I have a cell phone, but I never hear it (that is another story for another day), so I called him. "It is snowing really hard here at home Sherry." He knows me so well. "Okay darlin', I will pack up and head out."

The roads were snowy and icy. I was scared. I prayed. I trusted the LORD to help me. I did slide some, but the LORD held me on the road. I prayed all the way home. My heart was beating wildly. I kept praying...slow my heart LORD! He did. I took deep breaths. I went slow but not too slow. I made it up Lake Vista fish-tailing all the way...but I made it by God's grace. I was so happy to pull in. I almost cried with relief.

It was the LORD, not me and I know it! I can now say I have experience driving in snow! Yet I could of never done it without the LORD all the way!!!!

And yes...I did keep 'cropping' at home. I did 14 pages. Creative pages, I think. Maybe I will have a page in there about the 'day' my LORD gave me some snow driving experience!
GOD is soooo GOOD!

Signing off for now, hugs, Lynette


  1. Sherry...great minds think alike....or maybe tender hearts hear the Lord's leading together...you will understand when you read my blog. God is good and I am thankful for his Guardian Angels that encamp around us~each and every one !

  2. Oh, I don't like driving in the snow either....actually, I don't like driving much of all, but especially in bad weather. :) Praise the Lord for keeping you safe and a hubby for looking after you.

  3. I had never thought of a crop as a modern day "Quilt Bee"...hehe... I love to sew, and I have always thought that it would be so neat to live during the colonial times when they used to have their quilting times together with neighbors and friends. Maybe I should just take up cropping :)
