"Thinkings~ Musings~ and Pithy words!"

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Friday, January 22, 2010

More about reading.....

As I was saying yesterday, I was not a quick reader in my early years. But the LORD led me...even though I was in the way! So for those of you who have 'little ones' who 'don't get it' right away....there is HOPE! God sees, God knows, God has a plan! Seek HIM---HE CARES!

Reading is a skill everyone not only needs but can come to love. I often hear people say "I don't enjoy reading for pleasure, I am a 'doer'." Did you know reading can make you a more efficient doer? It can open whole new worlds to you that you are very unaware of. It wasn't until I was out of High School that I learned to 'love' reading. I read school books, novels, curriculum, all because I had to. Required reading. Test reading. Boring reading.

Then the Army sent my wonderful Army husband to Germany. No TV (in English) was to be had. Long hours of solitude, how many cups of coffee or glasses of soda can one drink with 'the girls' in ones stairwell??? I had no children running around. Jobs were few and hard to come by. I did enjoy writing long letters but by 10am or so I was finished with study and letters.

I learned to 'climb' into a good book. It was new to me. I enjoyed learning to read fast. Someone gave me a book on 'speed reading', which was quite interesting. I read 'Mommy books". I read 'Marriage' books. I still enjoy reading 'Cook books'. Yes, I read my Bible a lot!

So all this to say---READ!
My habit is to read 3 books all the time. AFTER my BIBLE!
~ A Biography ('Tortured for Christ'--having just finished 'Going Rogue' by Sarah Palin)
~ Devotional or Sunday School Class ('TULIP' by John Piper--excellent)
~ FUN book (The Lacemaker by Janine Montupet--translated from French)

I keep a journal and in my journal are lists of books I've read. Fun info just for me.
This past summer I read 29 books. All kinds. Not so during the school year, I admit!

Many of you read more than I do. As encouragement I must add, when my six 'munchkins' were growing up I read in spurts. Off and on. I had long periods where all I read was curriculum. I read more to them and less by myself. I now know "Reading is caught...more than taught"! If you read a lot, your children will read a lot!

Signing off for now, Lynette


  1. There is always 'more about reading' -- can't get enough. Keep up the good work.

  2. Yes, I love to read! I often fall asleep while doing so now, though! I always have about 6-10 books on my nightstand, and numerous books lying about... our house is full of bookshelves!!
