"Thinkings~ Musings~ and Pithy words!"

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Friday, January 29, 2010

~Random Thought Friday~

Today is Friday! My girls and I usually CLEAN on Fridays. So I am making Friday short and quick on my BLOG!

Imitation is the highest form of a compliment, so I will end with a "funny", having adopted the idea from one of my very favorite BLOGS -- "Girl Talk" by the Mahaney ladies (Cynthia's 3 girls are all married so their names have changed) , a Mom and 3 daughters. Thanks GirlTalk!!!

Check out Girl Talk---

Elizabeth Elliot is a favorite author of mine. I started reading her books way back when! Dave and I even had the privilege to go hear her speak at a conference one time. She has so many 'quotes' I enjoy. "Do the next thing" is one that has helped me countless times. As a busy homemaker, having so much to accomplish, places to go and people to see, lessons to teach, life can at times seem overwhelming. We get 'stuck'-- what to do, what to do? "Do the next thing"...don't think about all you have to do, just do the next thing, and the next thing after that. I have been 'unstuck' many times by those very wise words from a godly woman of faith! I hope the next time you are in that place you will remember Elizabeth's words too--- 'Do the next thing' .

Friday Funny~
When our son, Matthew Scott was four years old, we sat at the dining room table eating dinner. "Eat your broccoli, buddy." his Daddy said. Time went by and the broccoli danced around his big plate. "It tastes better when it is warm", he was told. Around the plate his broccoli danced. It got cold, and danced some more! With his big brown puppy dog eyes he looked at me and said "Mommy, my stomach has a really really bad headache !" We still laugh about that one! Out of the mouths of babes!

Signing off for now, hugs, Sherry


  1. What a great idea since sometimes Fridays aren't all that funny. Great story and I will look forward to Fridays and a little humor. Keep them coming.
