"Thinkings~ Musings~ and Pithy words!"

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Sunday, January 17, 2010

I love Sunday School !

I love Sunday School. I always have. I have been going to Sunday School since I was 5 years old. I have always gone, except for our time Dave was stationed in Germany---where there was no Sunday School. I missed it then. Now I only miss if someone is sick or I am not able to go for 'real' reasons. I don't miss it to cook dinner, or entertain visitors, or do my own thing! See, Sunday School is one major means of GRACE God has used to 'grow me' in my relationship with the Lord. I am different because I go to Sunday School. I listen, I read, I do the homework. Why? Because I want to grow. By God's grace I want to know Jesus better, I want to be challenged in my thinking. So I go to Sunday School.

When our boys were growing up, every once in awhile one of them would say.... "I don't want to go to Sunday School this week. I don't want to go......" My very wise hubby would sit down with them and say 'ok, tell me why?' He would go through his complaints, reasons, and objections. Dave would listen very patiently and humbly. He wouldn't get mad. He wouldn't yell. He listened. Then he would say " you are a very important part of this family----we ALL go to Sunday School. You may be having a hard time but trust me, God knows all about it and HE is using this for your 'good' and HIS glory. We will pray the LORD shows you what HE wants you to learn." No arguing, no condemning...just the facts. WE go to Sunday School and as long as you live with us you will go too. For us to do less is wrong.

I have a friend in New York that asked me about all this long ago. She thought it would turn her kids against the Lord to make them go ... it seemed too strict to her. She didn't 'like' the teacher's approach. She was very bright. I asked her if her kids ever complained about going to school. "Mom, this one day can I stay home?" "Oh yes, all the time", she said. AND you let them stay home right? "NO--never!" "Why", I asked? "They need it even if they don't know they do." BINGO!!!!! She smiled and I laughed and she understood. You would never let your children dictate whether they ate veggies, or drank their milk, took their vitamins, took a bath or went to school. How much MORE important is Sunday School???? VERY!!!!! When my kids were little I taught them in Sunday School, at different times. They learn sooooo much. Bible truths. Much more than Bible Truths too. They learn how to love someone who is different from them, working together, how to cooperate, how to feel safe with other Christians, sharing, what it means to be apart of community. They grow, they mature, they learn ---Sunday School is wonderful!

I think of Timothy and his mother Eunice and his Grandma, Lois. If they had Sunday School back then I am sure Lois and Eunice went with Timothy in tow. 2 Timothy 1:5 Sooo...... do YOU love Sunday School? If not, ask the LORD to give you the courage, wisdom and strength to help make your Sunday School better. Pray- ask- seek- and GO to Sunday School, taking your children with you ~ you just might be surprised!

Signing off for now, hugs, Lynette


  1. I love it too- baby and all :)

    I like learning new and old truths every week- cementing what I believe and why I believe it.

    And Gwen came out of Sunday school today saying that it "was the best SS class ever"!

  2. Joy unspeakable when they say 'things' like that! I wish everyone could have the blessing of attending Sunday School ~ it has been such a great influence in my life ! Thanks for your comment!
