"Thinkings~ Musings~ and Pithy words!"

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Monday, January 11, 2010

Rainy days and Mondays

There is an old song that says " Rainy days and Mondays always get me down....." I never did like that song. I like Mondays. I think Mondays are just fine. It is the second day of the week. A new beginning. A fresh start to the school and work week. I like new beginnings. Monday happens to be my wash day. Yes, I am one of "those". I do all my laundry in ONE day. I also get up on Mondays and have a loooonnnnnngggggg time with my Bible and Jesus. I love that. It is one of the days no one interrupts or runs up and down the steps or plays loud music (we ALL love music at our house). You might think "get up earlier"....at my house that would be in the middle of the night. My hubby's normal rising is 5 or 5:30am, he is a 'morning' person. Caleb often leaves for work at anytime between 4am and 6am. Soooo I get up quietly and sit with my Bible at my desk, with a hot cup of joe and begin my day. What delight, what sweet somethings are whispered to my heart. What JOYOUS moments. What surprises and unexpected moments await me this day....yet I often go back to those special quiet early morning moments in my mind and I smile, I think about it, I remember, I meditate. How delightful!

Off I go....I just heard the buzzer sound. Time to go put the next load in......
Signing off for now, hugs, Lynette


  1. I used to try to do all my laundry in a day- I liked it much better than dragged out all week! I think it is a good idea to get a good long devo in on Monday morning- that would get me off on the right foot- I love Mondays too :)

  2. Ok, apparently, there's a lot I need to work on this year. I would LOVE to start doing my devotions in the morning, but I always wait. However, the putting off of doing my devotions means I almost never get to them. I am exhausted by the end of the day. Big mistake!

  3. You'll have to check out this pastor's wife blog. She also loves Mondays. I thought the similarities were so neat. Both of you have blessed me through your blogs. Thank you!

