"Thinkings~ Musings~ and Pithy words!"

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Friday, January 29, 2010

~Reading again~

I just finished reading the book "Tortured for Christ" by Richard Wurmbrand. He is the founder of The Voice of the Martyrs.

This book was compelling to me. I dreamed about it. I talked about it for two weeks to anyone who would listen. I cried reading it. I prayed reading it. I am different for having read it. It showed me things I never knew. It had things in it that hurt me to read. It had 'bad' parts in it, terrible things cruel people do to those who are persecuted for Christ. People today still die for the cause of Christ! They give their lives for the ONE who gave them LIFE! Real LIFE! This book is still used today as a 'guide book' for those in the underground Church. These are our brothers and sisters in Christ!!! Paul tells us to NOT forget them in prison. This book is not going onto my bookshelf but will sit out to remind me to pray and support VOM!

To learn more or to receive maps of peoples to pray over, go online at:


I have already begun reading my next book. It is one recently written by John Piper. "A Sweet & Bitter Providence" is the title. It is the Book of Ruth. Here is the first paragraph of the Introduction. ~

"RUTH IS A VERY OLD BOOK. The events took place over three thousand years ago. Could it be relevant and helpful for your life? I think so. The sovereignty of God, the sexual nature of man, and the gospel never change. And Since God is still sovereign, and you are male or female, and Christ is alive and powerful, the book has a message for you."

Money spent on good books is money well spent! Much better spent than on Starbucks (although I like Starbucks just like you do), movies or at the dollar store--smile!

So 'happy reading' to all my friends! (BTW--is you read just 20 minutes a night before you go to sleep that is almost 2 and a half hours of reading a week, almost 10 reading hours a month!! That is some serious reading time !!!) Let me know what good books you are reading this winter ~ I like good recommendations too!

Signing off for now, hugs, Lynette


  1. That book changed me too, and got me reading books that really minister to my soul and keep me focused that we are in a battle. If there are any Christians in prison or being tortured, I want to use my time wisely as well, and reading those accounts helps me in that.

    He continued in his pain the rest of his life, a constant reminder of the privilege of suffering for Christ- so whenever I find a quote or story of things he said, I pay attention! He doesn't say things you would expect.

    You should make a list on your side bar of books you want to read for the year... and don't forget that you can label your posts, so you can search for them later, like:

    devotional life

    etc... I am so glad I started doing that, because now I can search for "Gwen" and find all my posts on her, etc.

  2. Thanks Mel...I will do that. You are one big reason I started a blog. You are so encouraging to me and said "You can do it!" You were right, it is easier than I thought. Thanks for making a difference! Love you girl!

  3. I have read that book as well... It seems that all of the books I have read from Voice of the Martyr take me forever to read. I end up in tears during parts or simply can't stand to read anymore. What amazed me about his story is that he had such a love for the people that tortured him. He told how he would pray for them after they tortured him. He realized that they had so much evil in their hearts to even be able to do such a thing. I have some other books like his if you want to borrow any :) I have order quite a few of Voice of the Martyr's books. I always find them worth while to read. I hate reading books that, when you come to the end you wish you hadn't wasted your time reading it. Sorry for the long comment :/
