"Thinkings~ Musings~ and Pithy words!"

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Thursday, February 4, 2010

What is Love?

Since it is February, I am going to BLOG all month about LOVE!

Being a girl, I love all things about love. I love' love' stories. I love 'love' songs. I enjoy 'love' movies. I like quotes about love. I enjoy love poems. I love being in 'love'. My hubby many times has written me love poems for special occasions. (Wow! the one about the 'Blue Bird of Happiness' was something to read!) The world has stolen the word 'love' and given it a different meaning these days. It is NOT just a feeling, although feelings are involved. It is not about me getting something. It isn't about the tingly 'feeling' the world tells us it is. Love isn't something I can 'get'. It is giving. Love is actually an ACTION word!

God is love. The Bible tells me what love is. Scripture tells me that God loves me. In Romans 5:8 we are told God demonstrated His love for us while we were enemies. ENEMIES! Not best friends, but enemies! That is the atmosphere that God chooses to love us in---ememies! Jesus came to help us 'see' the love of God. One definition of love "totally giving of oneself to meet the needs of others without expecting anything in return." Not exactly the 'modern' definition of love, is it?

We get confused, don't we? Let's look at what GOD says love is! How do we 'show' love?
Pursue love (1Corinthians 14:1). Put on love (Col. 3:14). Increase and abound in love (1 Thess. 3:12; Phil. 1:9). Be fervent in love (1Peter 4:8).

How can I 'show' love in these ways? I must first know this love. I can love because I am first loved by God. We love because HE first loved us. 1 Corinthians 13 is the answer! For the rest of February I will look into the LOVE chapter more closely! Come with me and let's find out what REAL LOVE looks like!

Read each verse and 'think' about it during your day. I will ask myself some questions and you can too.

Love suffers long. 1 Cor. 13:4
  1. How do I respond when people mistreat me?
  2. Is there anyone I am trying to pay back for how they hurt me?
  3. Am I patient when someone bothers me or inconveniences me? At home & work am I patient?
  4. Am I long suffering when others take advantage of me? Do I express irritation or anger?
  5. Do I genuinely demonstrate concern for those who have wronged me?
You can add your own list! During the day, take 1 minute and ask yourself how you are doing! Lord willing, I will do this. Are you going to God and 'asking' for HIS grace to up your 'love quotient'? If you fail, seek forgiveness and START OVER again!

"So now faith, hope, and love abide, these three; but the greatest of these is love."
1 Corinthians 13:13(ESV)

Isn't LOVE great? Yes!

Signing off for now, hugs, Lynette


  1. "Love" your blog Sherry ! Love~God's way makes all the difference doesn't it ? It is so much deeper and richer and fuller ! We do all need to learn to become more like Him and His love... I know I need to come along this month myself and work on adopting more of GOD's love as mine!

  2. Thank you for this wise teaching- I will be reading 1 Cor. tonight :)

    I love the questions...
