"Thinkings~ Musings~ and Pithy words!"

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Thursday, February 18, 2010

~My Three Sons Club~

We have not always lived here. We have lived in a number of interesting places. We spent 5 years in upstate New York, the city of Utica. BTW---Home of Utica Cutlery---one interesting fact!

When we lived in Utica, New York we were in the 'My Three Sons Club' ! Well really, it wasn't a true 'Club'....it was more like a friends loving friends group! We had 3 sons, Robert, Nathanael and Matthew Scott. All three were very active and busy as beaver little boys. We had friends in our Church with 3 sons also. Actually there were 5 families with 3 sons each. We understood each other. We knew the looks. We understood the need for sleep. We knew what life was like for each other. Trucks everywhere. Dirty faces and hands. Running in the house. Never having enough clean shirts for today. Patches on the knees. Running out of fruit. Messy hair. Dripping strawberry jam all over the 'church' shirt just as we are leaving for church. Missing shoes, one from one pair and one from the 'other' pair. We just knew....no need for words! We laughed A LOT!

I loved those years. I am grateful I had them. I always knew I would be a Mom of boys. I love little boys and big boys too. I think I was made to be the Mom of boys! Boys are fun. Boys forgive easily and sometimes wonder what you are asking forgiveness for. They are very affectionate to Mommy. They help well. They learn well. They are active and noismakers.....brrrrr....
mmmmm.....shr....... all the noises as they play with their cars and trucks, guns and yo-yo. Most aren't quiet like little girls are. They are messy and don't notice dirt. They don't care if YOUR hair is messy. They like adventure! They soon learn they have muscles and want to always carry the 'heavy' stuff for their Mom. My Three Sons Club members all know all these things. We had such fun laughing and laughing together about having boys! Oh the JOY and the fun we had when our group spent time together!

I was just recently thinking about all this. Maybe because we had Joschua here for a week during our blizzard. Oh the delicious noises he makes. Mmmmmmmm...... I love it!!!! Yet, I stop and wonder what delight the Lord takes in HIS children! How HE loves US! How GOOD HE is to us. How HE lavishes HIS LOVE on us. HE is the perfect FATHER! HE gives, and gives, and gives. Do I notice? Do I thank HIM? Do I ENJOY HIM? Yes...I do. Yet not as much as I should or could or might!

"Bless the LORD oh my soul and all that is in me, bless the LORD."

Lord ~ in YOU my soul rejoices! YOU are GOOD, so good...how can I know it!!! The sum is beyond me!

Delighting in Jesus today, hugs, Lynette

PS. More about the joys of girls later...smile!

1 comment:

  1. You told me I was a member also back when I had my 3rd son. :) People in stores give me pitiful looks as they say-"3 BOYS? you poor thing!" I just smile and say, "No, they are just so much fun!" And they are! I think it is also having a number of little fellas to see how they interact with each other. Full of energy and jokes! I am loving life with my girl now too, but so far, I find my boys much lower maintenance (even if the food bill is higher and we go through laundry detergent like crazy!) Looking forward to your thoughts on girls-- I'm finding the transition from being a "boy mom" to a "girl mom" harder than I would have imagined!
