"Thinkings~ Musings~ and Pithy words!"

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Friday, February 5, 2010

Random Thought Fridays~

A Friday interruption due to "Random Thought Fridays" today!

~Snow is heading our way so I am lining up my books for the 'blizzard' of the decade, although it may never make it here. God knows. That makes me happy and comforting to know God is in control and HE has a plan. We rest in knowing HIS plans never fail.

~I did something fun yesterday and "Kidnapped" my hubby and took him to lunch at a place we have never been. Basta Pasta is a local Italian place and the food was great. We sat and chatted with no interruptions or distractions which I like! Actually this wasn't the first time I have kidnapped him. A few years ago I kidnapped him to go to the Gun Powder to see the bluebells and have a picnic lunch with Ann, Dieter and Annie during the Spring. What great memories we have of that day with them! Dave had no idea and was surprised to see me in his office saying " let's go....drop what you are doing and follow me." (I had checked ahead to make sure his calendar was clear of appt. and meetings too) I think every wife should try this at least once....if it won't work during his work week try it on Saturday! If you have 'littles' it will take more forethought and planning but will be soooo worth it!

~ Since this is February and in the middle of winter we should all be 'thinking' of ways to say "I love you" in a fresh way! Love is action. Just saying "I love you" is great but if that is all there is, it is empty. Put action into the words. Give yourself. Demonstrate your love. Make your man his favorite dinner, or dessert, or snack. THINK about what HE LIKES. My hubby likes 'quiet' in the mornings. So I am quiet (if I am up, ha---he rises VERY early). He likes to be greeted at the door with a big smile, so I try to get there! Smile more! Laugh more. Hug more. Talk sweetly more. Whisper in his ear, he will love it! Your husband has likes too, just observe, watch and listen. Become a student of him. Try everyday to make HIS day special in some way, even tiny ways count. Going to bed early is nice too! Smile! Time passes quickly, what we do everyday is way more important than what we do once in awhile!

~So I am off to read, read, read, make cookies with my girls, chat with Caleb about history, play games with the family and enjoy those I love during this coming snow storm. Salsa is available in large amounts and we have lots of pop corn to pop in Hannah's air popper. Who knows, I may even venture outside for a snowball or two knowing I have the hot chocolate & coffee ready and waiting inside. (I'm not fond of snow) We have today! The LORD holds tomorrow in HIS hands! Isn't HE WONDERFUL!!!!

Friday Funny:
When Rebekah was born our four boys were so excited! "A sister!" they kept saying. My children are all spread out in ages. Caleb was 4 years old when Rebekah was born. About a week into her life, they were each saying 'she's MY sister' as a game. From the other room I heard the back and forth, back and forth.....with little Caleb getting more and more irritated. Caleb came running to me with big alligator tears in his eyes and said "Mommy, she's MY baby---right?" He was so cute and so serious I have never forgotten it!


  1. I love the story about baby Rebekah....I remember watching some of your home videos and hearing them say that on there... to cute :)

  2. I am sure Rebekah was VERY much in demand! Great idea to think of hubby... it is easy to get wrapped up in what the kids are "demanding" of me to even have the energy to think otherwise sometimes...

  3. Yes, Caleb she is. So make sure you watch out for your baby sister (she is now 18!). Thanks for sharing the memory Sherry,

  4. I love that last story! What a nice big brother ;)
