"Thinkings~ Musings~ and Pithy words!"

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Friday, February 26, 2010

Random Thought Friday ~

~ Today is Friday! I usually 'clean' on Fridays and today is no different! Put on the music and hit the gas on the vacuum! The girls and I have it down to a science these days. If we all pitch in we can get it done in a couple hours or less! I like to do it every week so we stay on top of it, but we have at times been so busy and running that we didn't get to it for a few weeks. I must say, just so you know, the bathrooms and kitchen always get cleaned.....no matter what!

~ We speak the body language of 'hugs' at our house, we use it often. I've learned when words aren't enough, holding my kids in a hug says volumes. Kids outgrow laps but never hugs. I hug my kids everyday! Even the big ones!

~I have learned to put things near their use. For some reason this took a long time for me to learn this. We hunted and hunted the tape for years. Now I have 3 tape dispensers. One in the school room, one in the kitchen and one in my desk. Same with scissors, string, note paper, comet, dust rags, duct tape, any books and keys (by the door), they all go near their use. With some things I am a slow learner.

~My kids don't need me to be a buddy, sidekick or a maid. They need me to be their mom. Kids need a mom to set limits and set an example. Anyone can be a friend. Only a mom can be a mom. That is the highest calling!

~ I am excited when my kids 'get it'. That happened this week. I didn't need to say anything...one of my kids saw and heard a situation and quickly discerned (AND mentioned to me openly--nice!) the wrong and right of it! Amazing! YES! God is at work!

~ Games we played during the Blizzard of 2010! (I found your list Natascha!)
-- Scrabble
-- Mexican Train
-- Apples to Apples
-- Who Nu
-- ETC
-- Stocks and Bonds
-- Compatibility
-- Scattergories
(Natascha had more on the list, but we didn't complete the list!)

~ Friends are wonderful! They make life sweeter still! I ask myself often "what kind of friend am I ?" My Dad told me long ago "better to be a true friend ~ then you will always have one. Don't look for friends, just be a 'real one' and God will take care of the rest." That being said, I fail much of the time! Jesus is my example and HE really IS the bestest friend of all. Yet, we were made for relationships. It's the old porcupine analogy. Draw close....stick....pull away.....draw close....stick...pull away! We learn what GRACE is. We love because HE first loved us! The earlier my kids learn this HUGE lesson the better equipped they will be to make a difference in their relationships with people. I need huge amounts of grace, I give huge amounts of grace. It is NOT about me.

~ I have come to accept the blessing of SNOW! God has his reasons for it...smile! Being 'snowed in' is rather lovely ~ especially when it is with people you love and enjoy being with!

Delighting in Jesus, Hugs, Lynette


  1. Thank you so much, Mrs. Sherry. I really needed this today. I am thankful for your example! Right now I am in the stage of cleaning when it looks like it needs it, but it is nice that Gwen and Andrew are older and the tasks aren't as overwhelming any more. There were a couple years where they were all too young to really help, but I see the light at the end of the tunnel :)

  2. I love your Friday funnies -- they certainly make me laugh.
