"Thinkings~ Musings~ and Pithy words!"

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Tuesday, February 16, 2010


We are inundated with ladybugs at our house this fall and winter. Everyday we have dozens of them. On the ceiling, in the lights, on the floor, by the windows, flying around. They seem to be only on the south side of our home. Where oh where are they coming from? I have asked my hubby and family members this question a dozen times. No one seems to know. We do know our neighbors have them too. One sunny autumn day we came home and our house was covered in ladybugs. My curious husband walked next door to see, and yes, they had them all over too. He opened the garage door and took a broom to brush off all the lady bugs so we could enter the house. Amazing!

Yesterday as I was 'hunting down' lady bugs (I do this with a passion at least once a day with a 'wet' paper towel & no regret in killing them...squish squish, another one dead!) I was hit with the thought that I do this with regularity and passion. Do I 'hunt down' the bugs (sins) in my heart with such passion? It gave me pause as I pondered the analogy. How easily I let my tongue "flap" in saying things I shouldn't. How easily I 'fly around' in grouchy words. How I neglect the greater good of time spent in prayer. I am impatient when God wants me to have gentleness. How I 'explain' away my shortcomings. Bugs, bugs, bugs and more bugs.

God doesn't squish squish me. He calls my name. He forgives me as I run to him for mercy. He loves me. He gives me grace upon grace upon grace. How GREAT is our GOD!
HIS mercies are new everyday....everyday!

I read in Philippians 2:12 (ESV) ~ "Therefore, my beloved, as you have always obeyed, so now, not only as in my presence but much more in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling, for it is God who works in you, both to will and to work for his good pleasure."

I am to 'hunt down' the little ladybugs in my life. They are not termites that crumble the whole house, they are little ladybugs that irritate and cause distractions. I know HE cares. He enables me to not only 'see' them but HE is the 'cure' for them! I am sooo GRATEFUL!

I don't know when the ladybugs will be gone, yet I am thankful for the reminder they bring. Silly to some, but good for me. I will NOT look at ladybugs the same ever again!

Signing off for now, hugs, Lynette

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