"Thinkings~ Musings~ and Pithy words!"

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Saturday, May 29, 2010

Saturday Labors~

What a wonderful day to putter around. We are in the midst of end of year school goings on around here. Planning for Mexico too. Lots to do everyday. So it was nice to have a day at home to putter!

After spending some delightful devo time in the morning ~ I went to find my early rising hubby! He was in the yard! It was a perfect 'working in the yard' day! So we did! Together! At least in the same yard....ha. At times we were in different parts of the yard but still together! We both love to garden but me a little more--ha.

After working hard (meaning we both were 'sweaty') he said 'we are done' and inside we came to read the mail and take a break and eat some lunch. After a quick lunch we parted ways and I headed to the school room, to my sewing machine. I did some mending and then did a project I haven't been able to get to.

I had bought some pretty colored sheets at the Thrift Store weeks ago and took the time today to sew them into outside deck tablecloths for our two tables. I love bargains! So for 2 dollars (half price stickers) I made 3 very pretty tablecloths. They will look so nice when we eat out on the deck for Father's Day Celebration! I even did button-hole stitch in the middle for a hole for the umbrellas to fit through....very nice!

Dinner was what we call 'breakfast dinner' at our house and was requested by Rebekah to her Dad (he is the WAFFLE KING maker at our house) a couple days ago. So we ate on our deck (with our new just sewn table cloth...smile) after loading our plates with waffles, sausage, hash brown potatoes, juice and blackberry jam. Shady deck with slight breeze and the most delightful company I could ask for. Fun!

It was a profitable day of 'puttering around' with a purpose ~ don't you just love days like this?

God is good all the time and all the time God is good! This was one of those days that's just so refreshing and soothing to the soul! Thank you Lord!

Delighting in Jesus today, love and a hug, Lynette

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