Outside my window...cloudy and cold, cold, cold! Ice on the cars this morning and right now about 50 degrees!
I am thinking...about our 40th Anniversary trip to Hilton Head Island later this week and all the things to do to get ready!
I am thankful for...Joschua and his parents here for 3 days visiting! Made my Mother's Day extra special!
From the learning rooms...going easy on Hannah with school as we have family visiting!
From the kitchen...made Bekah's favorite dinner last night in honor of her BIRTHDAY tomorrow! She will be 19 years old! My sweet girl is 19!!!
I am wearing...PJ's and no slippers! A big smile too ~ I am happy!
I am creating...good memories to enjoy! Pictures of Joschua in my garden by Matthew Scott ~ watering with Joschua. Looking at worms!
I am going...thrift shopping today! Went to GoodWill yesterday and we found some cute 'new' toys and a few serving dishes for TEA!
I am reading...not too much with company here...other than devos.
I am hoping...God answers my prayers for those I am praying are converted. Praying for LightShine today too!
I am hearing...sweet sounds from Joschua and humming sounds as he plays with his new truck and car!
Around the house...last load of laundry to fold from yesterdays laundry day and lots of ironing to do, but not today!
One of my favorite things...kisses from Joschua and all my munchkins...miss them!
A few plans for the rest of the week: work at Church tomorrow, Bible Study tomorrow night, pack on Thursday morning and head out Thursday after lunch! Hope we are heading to sun and warm weather!
Mention my blog and offer a link back to the main page of my blog. http://thesimplewomansdaybook.blogspot.com/
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