Outside my window...Sprinkles on the deck, a rabbit eating grass, and beautiful dark and light purple iris blooming in our big flower bed!
I am thinking...what a wonderful Sabbath day yesterday. Worship in the morning and then 10 people over for a mid day dinner ~ wonderful fellowship and Bible Study!
I am thankful for...being the King's daughter ~ God's grace to me! I have so much to be thankful for, to shout HIS praises out loud, to tell of HIS wonderful mercies and love, to speak words of encouragement to others. He cares for even the little sparrows, how much more for me!
From the learning rooms...Hannah practiced the piano already and is working hard on school work ~ she is a delight to my heart and life.
From the kitchen...oatmeal and coffee and grapefruit early. Leftovers for lunch and my own recipe of spaghetti pie for dinner. Green bean casserole too (Hannah's very favorite!)
I am wearing...Black flip flops, light blue denim Capri's, red tee shirt and my new glasses! (2nd pair in one month--story to follow later)
I am creating...cards today....a favorite rainy day task, in between laundry and school with Hannah!
I am going...to Wal-Mart today---contrary to a lot of people, I love Wal-Mart! Looking for 5 more resin chairs with high backs for the deck ....our old ones bit the dust last year! (dinner on the deck for Mother's Day ~ I am hoping!)
I am reading...a Maisie Dodds book ~ for fun!
I am hoping...to get more of 1 Corinthians 13 memorized today, I am slow at this...to my own chagrin! I think Dave has half the Bible memorized!
I am hearing...a fan run in Hannah's room ~ she's like her Mom, loves the fan!
Around the house...doing laundry today and our house is really neat and clean today as I spent Saturday cooking and cleaning! Is it wrong to like a neat and tidy house? (Doesn't happen often ~ smile!)
One of my favorite things...is watching the birds take a bath in our bird bath. We have two but one is too close to the house, they like to bath in the open area, to see predators coming.(Wisdom from hubby)
A few plans for the rest of the week: Getting ready for our 40th Anniversary week long trip away, just my honey and me. Also getting things together for our Mexico Missions Trip with our team from Church. Dave and I and our Caleb, Rebekah and Hannah have the privilege of all going this year! Excited!
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What a wonderful day -- so glad I get to share it with you.