What a wonderful day to putter around. We are in the midst of end of year school goings on around here. Planning for Mexico too. Lots to do everyday. So it was nice to have a day at home to putter!
After spending some delightful devo time in the morning ~ I went to find my early rising hubby! He was in the yard! It was a perfect 'working in the yard' day! So we did! Together! At least in the same yard....ha. At times we were in different parts of the yard but still together! We both love to garden but me a little more--ha.
After working hard (meaning we both were 'sweaty') he said 'we are done' and inside we came to read the mail and take a break and eat some lunch. After a quick lunch we parted ways and I headed to the school room, to my sewing machine. I did some mending and then did a project I haven't been able to get to.
I had bought some pretty colored sheets at the Thrift Store weeks ago and took the time today to sew them into outside deck tablecloths for our two tables. I love bargains! So for 2 dollars (half price stickers) I made 3 very pretty tablecloths. They will look so nice when we eat out on the deck for Father's Day Celebration! I even did button-hole stitch in the middle for a hole for the umbrellas to fit through....very nice!
Dinner was what we call 'breakfast dinner' at our house and was requested by Rebekah to her Dad (he is the WAFFLE KING maker at our house) a couple days ago. So we ate on our deck (with our new just sewn table cloth...smile) after loading our plates with waffles, sausage, hash brown potatoes, juice and blackberry jam. Shady deck with slight breeze and the most delightful company I could ask for. Fun!
It was a profitable day of 'puttering around' with a purpose ~ don't you just love days like this?
God is good all the time and all the time God is good! This was one of those days that's just so refreshing and soothing to the soul! Thank you Lord!
Delighting in Jesus today, love and a hug, Lynette
Saturday, May 29, 2010
Friday, May 28, 2010
When a 'Challenge' meets a 'Tiff' ~
I am a very happily married woman of 40 years! My hubby is one very terrific person, and one very very wonderful husband. I not only am madly in love with him, more and more each day, but I truly LIKE him and would want him as a friend even if I wasn't married to him. He is one of the most balanced, well rounded individuals I have ever met. He has so many interests and reads, reads, reads all the time! He is so interesting to me still after all these years.
One of our 40 year habits has been reading good books on marriage together! Sometimes we read separately or sometimes together ~ just depends on what is going on here on the home front. I especially like reading the ones on sex together---and discuss, smile! He finds them. I find them. We find them. I want to never stop growing in my marriage! I am not perfect and he says he isn't either. We both realize we are sinners but greater is the grace God gives to us, than our sin. Dave is one very easy person to ask forgiveness of. It still amazes me after all these years how he gives me such grace when I deserve it not.
Believe it or not on our 2nd honeymoon at Hilton Head Island ~ we had what I call a 'tiff'. A disagreement, a challenge (what he would call it--smile), a fight (we never call it that--ha) or 'words' some would say. All married people have disagreements. ALL. It is part of life. Just know that all couples have a 'tiff' once in awhile! We are not perfect. We have expectations some days (it is best to give all expectations to the Lord---I've learned this the hard way!) and we hurt each other from not paying attention, selfishness, irritability, tiredness, loneliness and a host of other sins.
Anyway, it was painful to both of us. But by God's grace. we resolved it quickly thanks to James 3 and 4. What causes quarrels? OUR CRAVINGS! We want what we want! Maybe good things. Maybe not. But we want it ---so we quarrel.
Check out this book......your marriage will thank you!
~Seeing with New Eyes ~
Quote from David Powlison's book:
"I have yet to meet a couple locked in hostility (and the accompanying fear, self-pity, hurt, self-righteousness) who really understood and reckoned with their motives. James 4:1–3 teaches that cravings underlie conflicts. Why do you fight? It’s not “because of my wife/husband…”—it’s because of something about you. Couples who see what rules them—cravings for affection, attention, power, vindication, control, comfort, a hassle-free life—can repent and find God’s grace made real to them, and then learn how to make peace."
—Seeing with New Eyes (P&R, 2003), p. 151.
PS. Our 2nd honeymoon was better than the first one ~ with the LORD it only gets better and better! His mercies are new every day!
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Bird Bath
I just had to post this picture! Need to get a better ' zoom' camera soon though! Can you see the two little birds sitting on the right side of the birdbath?
In five minutes there were 9 birds visiting our 'bird bath' in our front yard this morning! I love watching the birds take baths or visit for a sip of water as I eat my breakfast!
Just think ---if our heavenly Father cares for these little birds, how much more does HE care for us?? Just a little reminder to cheer us each day! How GOOD GOD is every minute of everyday!
Go out or stay in and make a difference today!
Everyday I preach the gospel to myself. Why??? Here is what Martin Luther had to say about it.
“The gospel cannot be preached and heard enough, for it cannot be grasped well enough,” wrote Martin Luther.
I love the Gospel for it is my only HOPE! Yet, I find I don't "grasp it well enough".
I cannot 'earn' God's favor....even if I read my Bible everyday and memorized scripture all day long. NO ~ it is a free gift, given to me by a most grace giving GOD! He accepts me when I error. He accepts me when I fail. He accepts me when I'm ugly to others. He accepts me when I don't accept myself. He is FOR me because Jesus paid the penalty.
My heart and brain learn it over and over again and I still don't 'grasp' it well enough. It doesn't matter what others think of me, only what GOD knows! He knows the whole lot and loves me for Jesus' sake.
Now that is something to 'yell' from the housetops! It frees me to walk in HIS delight. Our world is waiting for this good news. Your kids are waiting for this good news. Your family is waiting for this good news.
It really does affect the way in which I accept and love others...you cannot give to others (especially our children) what you yourself do not have. Stop trying to 'do it' and allow God to use you as HIS vessel ~ HIS life flowing through you!
Preach the gospel to yourself today too....you'll be glad!
“The gospel cannot be preached and heard enough, for it cannot be grasped well enough,” wrote Martin Luther.
I love the Gospel for it is my only HOPE! Yet, I find I don't "grasp it well enough".
I cannot 'earn' God's favor....even if I read my Bible everyday and memorized scripture all day long. NO ~ it is a free gift, given to me by a most grace giving GOD! He accepts me when I error. He accepts me when I fail. He accepts me when I'm ugly to others. He accepts me when I don't accept myself. He is FOR me because Jesus paid the penalty.
My heart and brain learn it over and over again and I still don't 'grasp' it well enough. It doesn't matter what others think of me, only what GOD knows! He knows the whole lot and loves me for Jesus' sake.
Now that is something to 'yell' from the housetops! It frees me to walk in HIS delight. Our world is waiting for this good news. Your kids are waiting for this good news. Your family is waiting for this good news.
It really does affect the way in which I accept and love others...you cannot give to others (especially our children) what you yourself do not have. Stop trying to 'do it' and allow God to use you as HIS vessel ~ HIS life flowing through you!
Preach the gospel to yourself today too....you'll be glad!
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
A Quote that speaks to me!
I collect quotes that really speak to me and say something of eternal value or that are encouraging to my own soul ~ some very godly men and women have a real way with words!!! Here is a recent 'jewel' I found written centuries ago!
“Those who lack friends to open themselves unto are cannibals of their own hearts….This communicating of a man’s self to his friends works two contrary effects; for it redoubles joys and cuts griefs in half.” (Francis Bacon, “Of Friendship,” 1625)
I have found this so true and am immeasurably blessed to have such friends. There is nothing like a godly friend to tell you the truth, even when it hurts ~ that is true love! What about YOU? Do you have a friend who loves you enough to disagree or gently remind you that you are a sinner saved by Grace? And love you still! I do and I hope you do too!
“Those who lack friends to open themselves unto are cannibals of their own hearts….This communicating of a man’s self to his friends works two contrary effects; for it redoubles joys and cuts griefs in half.” (Francis Bacon, “Of Friendship,” 1625)
I have found this so true and am immeasurably blessed to have such friends. There is nothing like a godly friend to tell you the truth, even when it hurts ~ that is true love! What about YOU? Do you have a friend who loves you enough to disagree or gently remind you that you are a sinner saved by Grace? And love you still! I do and I hope you do too!
Monday, May 24, 2010
~My DayBook~
Outside my window...a wet deck, a new umbrella for one of our deck tables, high grass in the field behind our yard waiting to be "cut and bailed" by the farmer and beautiful green grass although very wet!
I am thinking...how blessed I am to be married to a wonderful godly man for 40 exciting years....he is the love of my life ~ a true treasure.
I am thankful for...God's enduring promises and HIS amazing GRACE ~ sending HIS SON to die on the cruel Cross for me ~ utmost of sinners! Not only forgiving me, the sinner, but turning around and blessing me for Jesus' sake ~ truly amazing love ~ how can it be?
From the learning rooms...Hannah plugging away to finish up soon...Mexico Missions Trip is just around the corner....schools done soon! Hello Summer at the McCurley House!
From the kitchen...Beef tips and onions in the crock pot for dinner. Salad made already. Lunch is light....today. I missed cooking believe it or not.
I am wearing...my PJ's still. Lazy girl today ~ feels good!
I am creating...music with my humming ---again! Can Hannah hear me?
I am going...to enjoy this busy week. My heart is happy and joyous!
I am reading...Alexander McCall Smith's newest book "The Double Comfort Safari Club" ~ great summer reading about everyday things. If you have not read his books you should ~ they are what I call happy reading ~ laugh out loud! (#1 Ladies Detective Agency" series--not sure about other series by him) The Library has them all.
I am hoping...I get opportunities to witness this week to others of God's amazing love and the Gospel.
I am hearing...Taffy snoring sitting here next to me as she sleeps....our two dogs make me smile ~ they are so loyal and always happy to see us come in the door!
Around the house...Bekah made sure we came home after 10 days away to a very neat and tidy house ~ she knows me so well! Only have two loads of laundry left to finish up today. Dave and my bedroom looks like a bomb hit it though....I better get going ~ smile! Lots to do to get ready for our Mexico Missions trip in two weeks ~ Okay....where did my lists go?
One of my favorite things...was being with the love of my life for 10 days....7 of which were just he and me! It was romantic, fun, relaxing, profitable to our souls and filled with good memories and lots and lots and lots of love, talking, beach sitting and talking about all God has done the last 40 years in and through us, in spite of our very humble state! I am a blessed woman beyond words~
A few plans for the rest of the week: getting ready for our Mexico Missions Trip, the 8th Grade Banquet, finishing up Hannah's schooling and lots of errands!
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
~My DayBook~

Outside my window...cloudy and cold, cold, cold! Ice on the cars this morning and right now about 50 degrees!
I am thinking...about our 40th Anniversary trip to Hilton Head Island later this week and all the things to do to get ready!
I am thankful for...Joschua and his parents here for 3 days visiting! Made my Mother's Day extra special!
From the learning rooms...going easy on Hannah with school as we have family visiting!
From the kitchen...made Bekah's favorite dinner last night in honor of her BIRTHDAY tomorrow! She will be 19 years old! My sweet girl is 19!!!
I am wearing...PJ's and no slippers! A big smile too ~ I am happy!
I am creating...good memories to enjoy! Pictures of Joschua in my garden by Matthew Scott ~ watering with Joschua. Looking at worms!
I am going...thrift shopping today! Went to GoodWill yesterday and we found some cute 'new' toys and a few serving dishes for TEA!
I am reading...not too much with company here...other than devos.
I am hoping...God answers my prayers for those I am praying are converted. Praying for LightShine today too!
I am hearing...sweet sounds from Joschua and humming sounds as he plays with his new truck and car!
Around the house...last load of laundry to fold from yesterdays laundry day and lots of ironing to do, but not today!
One of my favorite things...kisses from Joschua and all my munchkins...miss them!
A few plans for the rest of the week: work at Church tomorrow, Bible Study tomorrow night, pack on Thursday morning and head out Thursday after lunch! Hope we are heading to sun and warm weather!
Mention my blog and offer a link back to the main page of my blog. http://thesimplewomansdaybook.blogspot.com/
Saturday, May 8, 2010
Saturday pretties~
Our pretty pink flowers by our front door entrance! They say WELCOME!
Mississippi lilies from Dave's aunt's in Mississippi ~ gorgeous!
My lovely tea roses in my favorite color....coral~
Mr. Gus DeVos gave us this pretty red rose plant years ago to demonstrate roses are easy to grow ~ thanks Gus!!!!
My pretty petunia basket for Secretaries Day at Open Bible ~ thank you all!
Hanging on our Dogwood tree in our front yard !I just love working in the garden and watching things bloom. I picked a large bouquet of Iris for our kitchen table today.....so pretty but no smell! I do pick my own flowers but not every week, I hate to see them die in the house!!!! I am grateful, so grateful for God's creation!
Happy gardening....start small and keep at it ~ my first garden was all marigolds!!!!
Delighting in Jesus today, hugs, Lynette
Friday, May 7, 2010
Random Thought Friday ~
~ This weather is just glorious! Sunny, cool and blue skies and the greenest grass you have ever seen!
~ Our Hannah is in the MCAL Soccer Championship tonight in Bel Air! Go TEAM!
~ Our supper six met here last night. I made Savory Chicken Squares (always always a big hit!) , my sister Robyn's recipe for Rice Pilaf, Broccoli salad, homemade biscuits, and a pretty green salad. Dump cake for dessert along with a new recipe of Coconut bars and I added in fruit salad too. The most important though were the guests!!!!
~ Next month our supper six is at Lois and Bernie's!!!!
~ I hate bathing suit shopping ~ but gotta do it anyway.
~ My gardens are looking so pretty. I have been sharing my perennials this week. Gave away bleeding hearts, primroses and my Peggy Mums......just a few!
~ Mulching is finished for the year at our house! Whew! What a job ~ glad it is finished.
~ Matthew, Natascha and Joschua are coming....YEAH!!!
~ My Mother in love may be able to come out to CHURCH on Sunday....Woo Hoo. Then coming here for Mother's Day dinner, which is always a cook-out and eating outside ~ my favorite.
~ I miss my Mom so much....she lives with Jesus in heaven now.
~ I have so much to be thankful for. I remind myself often of HIS Amazing Grace ~ wonderful and beyond expression. What a Glorious God! How can I thank HIM enough?
~ Well, I am happy to admit ~ we found my glasses ~ an hour after WalMart called to say my new pair was waiting to be picked up. What a riot! We had searched and searched and searched, actually my whole family searched, to no avail. Then my hubby opened a drawer in the table in our school room and bingo...there they lay. I was amazed, happy and embarrassed all at the same time. An hour later WalMart called and said my new glasses were in!!!! Ouch!
~ I ordered new glasses because we are going to MEXICO.....and I am blind without them!
~ Our bird bath in our front yard continues to be the favorite bathing spot for all birds. I am now refilling it twice a day! Love those birds! Fun to watch and I am trying to get some pics of the bath time fun!
~ Happy Mother's DAY to all you wonderful, loving Mothers and Grandmothers!!!! What JOY!
Delighting in Jesus, hugs, Lynette
~ Our Hannah is in the MCAL Soccer Championship tonight in Bel Air! Go TEAM!
~ Our supper six met here last night. I made Savory Chicken Squares (always always a big hit!) , my sister Robyn's recipe for Rice Pilaf, Broccoli salad, homemade biscuits, and a pretty green salad. Dump cake for dessert along with a new recipe of Coconut bars and I added in fruit salad too. The most important though were the guests!!!!
~ Next month our supper six is at Lois and Bernie's!!!!
~ I hate bathing suit shopping ~ but gotta do it anyway.
~ My gardens are looking so pretty. I have been sharing my perennials this week. Gave away bleeding hearts, primroses and my Peggy Mums......just a few!
~ Mulching is finished for the year at our house! Whew! What a job ~ glad it is finished.
~ Matthew, Natascha and Joschua are coming....YEAH!!!
~ My Mother in love may be able to come out to CHURCH on Sunday....Woo Hoo. Then coming here for Mother's Day dinner, which is always a cook-out and eating outside ~ my favorite.
~ I miss my Mom so much....she lives with Jesus in heaven now.
~ I have so much to be thankful for. I remind myself often of HIS Amazing Grace ~ wonderful and beyond expression. What a Glorious God! How can I thank HIM enough?
~ Well, I am happy to admit ~ we found my glasses ~ an hour after WalMart called to say my new pair was waiting to be picked up. What a riot! We had searched and searched and searched, actually my whole family searched, to no avail. Then my hubby opened a drawer in the table in our school room and bingo...there they lay. I was amazed, happy and embarrassed all at the same time. An hour later WalMart called and said my new glasses were in!!!! Ouch!
~ I ordered new glasses because we are going to MEXICO.....and I am blind without them!
~ Our bird bath in our front yard continues to be the favorite bathing spot for all birds. I am now refilling it twice a day! Love those birds! Fun to watch and I am trying to get some pics of the bath time fun!
~ Happy Mother's DAY to all you wonderful, loving Mothers and Grandmothers!!!! What JOY!
Delighting in Jesus, hugs, Lynette
Random Thought Fridays~
Thursday, May 6, 2010
The secret !
Yesterday was "First Wednesday Fast" here in Baltimore. Not a fast to win God's favor, but a fast so we have more time to pray.
Dave and I spent our lunch time praying outside together. It was rather warm and breezy. What I would call an average day for us. I am not often given to 'fasting', although this was not my first time doing it.
I must say though that the time spent praying was just wonderful. Time spent with the Lord bringing praises to Him, telling HIM how wonderful HE really really is. Then praying for others. Heart work.
This morning during devotions, I was praying for my husband. I have a book entitled "Prayers of an Excellent Wife" by Andrew Case, that I am praying through over my favorite person, Dave. On page 124 ~ there it was! A very powerful quote ~ "Prayer--secret, fervent, believing prayer--lies at the root of all personal godliness." ~ William Carey
So many times we think 'doing' things for the Lord is at the root ~ but NO ~ it is prayer, so I go into my 'closet' and I pray, no fanfare, no announcement, no telling....just praying! Not to win favor but because "I love the lover of my soul" ~ Just me and my Lord!
Delighting in Jesus today, hugs, Lynette
Dave and I spent our lunch time praying outside together. It was rather warm and breezy. What I would call an average day for us. I am not often given to 'fasting', although this was not my first time doing it.
I must say though that the time spent praying was just wonderful. Time spent with the Lord bringing praises to Him, telling HIM how wonderful HE really really is. Then praying for others. Heart work.
This morning during devotions, I was praying for my husband. I have a book entitled "Prayers of an Excellent Wife" by Andrew Case, that I am praying through over my favorite person, Dave. On page 124 ~ there it was! A very powerful quote ~ "Prayer--secret, fervent, believing prayer--lies at the root of all personal godliness." ~ William Carey
So many times we think 'doing' things for the Lord is at the root ~ but NO ~ it is prayer, so I go into my 'closet' and I pray, no fanfare, no announcement, no telling....just praying! Not to win favor but because "I love the lover of my soul" ~ Just me and my Lord!
Delighting in Jesus today, hugs, Lynette
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Little Things
Some days I feel so little. The mundane things I do, seem so small. I repeat, repeat the same tasks over and over, seemingly noticed by none but me. The little things mount up and fill my days it seems.
I have an assortment of devotional books I have been given as gifts or purchased myself. One of my favorites is "Streams in the Desert" by Mrs. Charles E. Cowman (volume two) My thoughtful hubby gave it to me years ago. So on my 'dry' days I can turn to this little volume , after reading my Bible. I was amazed recently to read these words:
She hath done what she could. Mark 14:8
Lord, let me do the little things
Which may fall to my lot;
Those little inconspicuous ones
By other oft forgot.
If, like the Master, I can give
Myself for those I love,
Rich joy and peace shall come to me,
Sweet rest in heaven above.
I know not when the day shall close;
But when life's curfew rings,
I want my Lord to find me then
Still doing little things. ~ Unknown.
I am sure that those persons who are faithful in that which is least must wear very radiant crowns. They are the ones who tower above as when they are called upon to do the little tasks ~ never murmuring. They are the ones who win victories amid trivial irritations. Great are they who are faithful in little things.
Isn't that just like the Lord to give me the words for just where I am!! Thank you Lord for the little things. Make me faithful today in all I do. Even the little things.
Delighting in Jesus, hugs, Lynette
I have an assortment of devotional books I have been given as gifts or purchased myself. One of my favorites is "Streams in the Desert" by Mrs. Charles E. Cowman (volume two) My thoughtful hubby gave it to me years ago. So on my 'dry' days I can turn to this little volume , after reading my Bible. I was amazed recently to read these words:
She hath done what she could. Mark 14:8
Lord, let me do the little things
Which may fall to my lot;
Those little inconspicuous ones
By other oft forgot.
If, like the Master, I can give
Myself for those I love,
Rich joy and peace shall come to me,
Sweet rest in heaven above.
I know not when the day shall close;
But when life's curfew rings,
I want my Lord to find me then
Still doing little things. ~ Unknown.
I am sure that those persons who are faithful in that which is least must wear very radiant crowns. They are the ones who tower above as when they are called upon to do the little tasks ~ never murmuring. They are the ones who win victories amid trivial irritations. Great are they who are faithful in little things.
Isn't that just like the Lord to give me the words for just where I am!! Thank you Lord for the little things. Make me faithful today in all I do. Even the little things.
Delighting in Jesus, hugs, Lynette
Monday, May 3, 2010
~My DayBook~
Outside my window...Sprinkles on the deck, a rabbit eating grass, and beautiful dark and light purple iris blooming in our big flower bed!
I am thinking...what a wonderful Sabbath day yesterday. Worship in the morning and then 10 people over for a mid day dinner ~ wonderful fellowship and Bible Study!
I am thankful for...being the King's daughter ~ God's grace to me! I have so much to be thankful for, to shout HIS praises out loud, to tell of HIS wonderful mercies and love, to speak words of encouragement to others. He cares for even the little sparrows, how much more for me!
From the learning rooms...Hannah practiced the piano already and is working hard on school work ~ she is a delight to my heart and life.
From the kitchen...oatmeal and coffee and grapefruit early. Leftovers for lunch and my own recipe of spaghetti pie for dinner. Green bean casserole too (Hannah's very favorite!)
I am wearing...Black flip flops, light blue denim Capri's, red tee shirt and my new glasses! (2nd pair in one month--story to follow later)
I am creating...cards today....a favorite rainy day task, in between laundry and school with Hannah!
I am going...to Wal-Mart today---contrary to a lot of people, I love Wal-Mart! Looking for 5 more resin chairs with high backs for the deck ....our old ones bit the dust last year! (dinner on the deck for Mother's Day ~ I am hoping!)
I am reading...a Maisie Dodds book ~ for fun!
I am hoping...to get more of 1 Corinthians 13 memorized today, I am slow at this...to my own chagrin! I think Dave has half the Bible memorized!
I am hearing...a fan run in Hannah's room ~ she's like her Mom, loves the fan!
Around the house...doing laundry today and our house is really neat and clean today as I spent Saturday cooking and cleaning! Is it wrong to like a neat and tidy house? (Doesn't happen often ~ smile!)
One of my favorite things...is watching the birds take a bath in our bird bath. We have two but one is too close to the house, they like to bath in the open area, to see predators coming.(Wisdom from hubby)
A few plans for the rest of the week: Getting ready for our 40th Anniversary week long trip away, just my honey and me. Also getting things together for our Mexico Missions Trip with our team from Church. Dave and I and our Caleb, Rebekah and Hannah have the privilege of all going this year! Excited!
To get your own DayBook go to Peggy's Blog at:
Saturday, May 1, 2010
Sounds of Saturdays ~
Today is Saturday!
I heard the birds chirping loudly this morning. Then I heard the coffee pot chirping along. The vacuum cleaner humming a bit later. The lawn mowers on our street singing busily. Dave was weed wacking diligently. The breeze was ruffling the new tree leaves of spring. Our girls coming home laughing and excited because they were on the radio (WLIF 101.9) and won the last season CDs of J.A.G. for talking for 10 seconds without saying 'um' or a pause, or ' and'.
Proverbs 31 talks about all the 'slaves' of a household. Well, I like my maids and slaves a lot. I have music to hear as I work. I have a washer/drier that works tirelessly. The dishwasher is so efficient and never complains. Our servants that mow the grass and easily cut the trim are kind and work very hard. Our horse and cart get us where we need to go quickly! We are blessed! How I take my servants for granted!
Thank you Lord for all the 'helpers' you have given me! I am grateful, so grateful and yes ~ they make it easier for me in so many ways~
With a grateful heart, hugs, Lynette
I heard the birds chirping loudly this morning. Then I heard the coffee pot chirping along. The vacuum cleaner humming a bit later. The lawn mowers on our street singing busily. Dave was weed wacking diligently. The breeze was ruffling the new tree leaves of spring. Our girls coming home laughing and excited because they were on the radio (WLIF 101.9) and won the last season CDs of J.A.G. for talking for 10 seconds without saying 'um' or a pause, or ' and'.
Proverbs 31 talks about all the 'slaves' of a household. Well, I like my maids and slaves a lot. I have music to hear as I work. I have a washer/drier that works tirelessly. The dishwasher is so efficient and never complains. Our servants that mow the grass and easily cut the trim are kind and work very hard. Our horse and cart get us where we need to go quickly! We are blessed! How I take my servants for granted!
Thank you Lord for all the 'helpers' you have given me! I am grateful, so grateful and yes ~ they make it easier for me in so many ways~
With a grateful heart, hugs, Lynette
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