"Thinkings~ Musings~ and Pithy words!"

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Sunday, April 25, 2010

Want some cheese with that 'whine'?

When I began my blog, I said I would would keep it short and sweet. Last night I was looking at my 'posts' and was surprised at how 'not short' many of them are! What happened? Did I forget, or am I long winded? I will try to do better!

Here are some thoughts from my friend, Nancy Leigh DeMoss. They convicted and encouraged me to run to Jesus!

"Gratitude is the overflow of a humble heart, just as surely as an ungrateful, complaining spirit flows out of a proud heart. Proud people are wrapped up in themselves. If people or circumstances don't please or suit them, they are prone to whine or become resentful.

A humble person thinks much of God and others and little of himself. He recognizes that anything he has is better than he deserves. He doesn't feel anyone owes him anything. He doesn't feel entitled to have more, or for life to be easy, or for everyone to love him and treat him well. He's grateful for the least little kindness that's extended to him, knowing it's more than he deserves.

Make a list of anything you can recall "whining" about recently. How does your complaining manifest a spirit of pride, entitlement, and expectations?" (Taken from Nancy Leigh DeMoss)

Take a few minutes and sit quietly before God and confess any pride that manifests itself in complaining, irritability, anger, or resentment rather than giving of thanks! I did and I am glad! With a grateful heart, hugs, Lynette

1 comment:

  1. I will do this for my prayer time tomorrow morning- thanks for the idea! I get dry a lot of days...
