"Thinkings~ Musings~ and Pithy words!"

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Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Meditating during the day---

Someone asked me 'how' I meditate.

There are many different styles. I have two. I will share one today and the other another day!

Well, it is rather easy. We all think about stuff. We let our minds wander the halls of our thoughts. As I put the dishes away, as I load the washer and drier, as I water my plants, as I go up the steps to put away 'stuff' for the hundredth time today, as I dress, wash my face, as I undress and put my PJs on; my mind is thinking! I might be thinking about the kids, I might be thinking what to make for dinner. I may be thinking about my hubby or my college kids, or my Grandkids. Any number of things could fill my mind.

So I 'choose' in those moments to think 'scripture'. I have a little spiral tablet that is full of memory verses that I personally need to remember. We all have them. 1Peter 5:7 ~ "Casting all your cares on Jesus, for He cares for you!" (One of the very first I had my kids memorize years ago) Psalm 42:5 when I'm 'blue'. My girls and I have memorized Psalm 131, Psalm 100 etc. together.

Then when I am going about my work, I think, I turn over in my thoughts those verses.
When I first was learning to do this, I taped up the verses over my kitchen sink to memorize them, to help me. I carried verses in my pockets. Over time I have gotten a bit better at memorization, yet I still at times revert back to this method (taped over the kitchen sink) to really nail down the verses I am learning or reviewing.

I can give a very recent example. Mark 9:23-24 "And Jesus said to him, "If you can! All things are possible for one who believes." Immediately the father of the child cried out and said, "I believe; help my unbelief!" ESV

So for the day I mulled these two verses over and over and over.
Do I believe?
What is "crying out" about?
What pockets of unbelief do I have?
Do I know what they are?
Does Jesus hear me?
Help! I need help!
What was Jesus thinking?
What does that mean?
How desperate was the father?
and on and on and on........
How does this apply to me Lord?

All day long, thinking about this father and his encounter with Jesus. Asking the Lord,
talking to the Lord.
Talking to myself.
Looking, really looking at each word and what it means to my life.

In the beginning as I was learning to meditate it took effort. Now it just comes. I wish I had written all the verses down that I had done this with but alas, I did not. I have enjoyed my hours with the Lord doing this. I especially enjoy doing this as I work outside in the open air. I even can then talk out loud.

At home around others, in my free minutes I do it silently. It is not a "leave me alone, I meditating" kind of thing. It is more a back and forth, back and forth. Minutes at a time. After telling Hannah to move onto the next subject, or in between tests, I am meditating. Others may not even know I am doing this!
My children are growing up, so my minutes to meditate during the day and at night when I can't sleep or wake up at night are more plentiful. When they were little it was more challenging.

Just do it! Driving, walking, standing, alone, with others, even in crowds. Don't just wander all over with your thoughts, have a verse to meditate on. If you can't remember, stick a verse in your purse to look at while waiting in line at the grocery store. Pull it out! Bring every thought captive to the obedience of Jesus Christ.

I can not tell you the delight of it all. It really isn't all that complicated, just pick one verse, memorize it and then go to town. Pick another one if you want. I sometimes jump from one and then it leads to another and I am having a blast!

Then stop and listen to what the Lord tells you. HE wants you to do this and HE will give you answers to your questions or discussion with HIM!

I am HIS sheep and I hear HIS voice. I know the Shepherd's voice. I hear HIM call me. I hear HIM speak. You can too.

Happy Meditating ~ delighting in Jesus today, hugs, Lynette

PS. If you try this method, let me know how it went ~ share the blessing! Keep at it ~ you too will find delight!

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