"Thinkings~ Musings~ and Pithy words!"

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Tuesday, April 13, 2010


It was a rainy day today. It rained off and on all day. Big sprinkles and small mists ~ variety!

Rain is a funny thing. I grew up in California where it does not rain much. Californians love the rain and wish it would come down more often. I don't ever remember as a child or teenager having something planned, and not being able to do it, due to rain. No canceled picnics. No canceled camping trips. Not even rain 'during' a camping trip. No event ever being changed due to rain. I had no idea of what a 'rain date' meant. Yes, it rains, mostly in December or January....once in awhile in February. The rest of the year we had 'heavy dew' in the early mornings, but not rain. Rain there is an 'occasion'.

Then I moved with my Army husband to Germany. They have lots of rain, snow and ice. Fog so thick you could cut it with a knife. You always planned ahead for what you would do if it rained.

When we moved to Baltimore from New York years later, I thought we had moved to Florida. The winter is short here and we have long Autumn and usually long Spring.
And rain.
Damp rain.
Fast rain.
Cold rain.
Short rain.

You name it , we have it! I like that! Someone has said, "if you don't like the weather in Maryland, wait 10 minutes, and it will change." It is so green here and rain is the reason. Having grown up in Southern California and the golden hills of that area, I am thankful for the green landscapes of Maryland. It is so pretty here, all the time. Winter, Summer and Fall but especially Springtime!!!

So today it rained, I was happy. I know the May flowers will be prettier for it. I know the grass is so pretty because of it. Of course I didn't have a picnic planned or an outside party to go to. I just rejoiced in the rain because the Lord sent it to us for a reason. Rain for His thirsty earth. His love is like rain to my thirsty heart! How about you? Are you thankful for the rain showers too?

Delighting in Jesus, hugs, Lynette

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