"Thinkings~ Musings~ and Pithy words!"

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Thursday, April 22, 2010

Growing in Gratitude~

I want to be a thankful person. God wants me to be a thankful person. How far I have to go in this goal. I am becoming more and more alert to the many reasons I have to be 'thankful' and 'grateful'. In Ephesians 5:20 we are told to be thankful in everything! I am thankful inside so many times, yet I do not express it. Then there are all those little things I forget quickly. "Everything". Yes, I have a long long way to go!

Since 'everything' is a gift from God (James 1:17), 'everything' is something to be thankful for. "IF tomorrow's supply depended on today's thanksgiving, how much would I have tomorrow?" Kinda makes you think, doesn't it?

I have a number of 'gratitude lists' in my journals. What 'little things' can I add to those lists today? How about clean water, toothpaste and my teeth. I don't think I have ever thanked my heavenly Father for my teeth (and all the money my parents spend on braces for them, many years ago) ! So much taken for granted! How abundant the blessings are and so little my gratitude.

So for today, I will 'think' about the little things. I will stop and thank my wonderful GOD for everything ~ even the little blessings! And in the process I will thank those around me too, for I realize as I think about 'everything' I have taken certain people in my life for granted.

So let's all say 'thank you' in some way today! Let's grow in gratitude!

Delighting in Jesus, hugs, Lynette

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