Friday, April 30, 2010
A well ordered life~
Drop thy still dews of of quietness
Till all our strivings cease.
Take from our souls the strain and stress,
And let our ordered lives confess
The beauty of Thy peace. ~ John Greenleaf Whittier
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He that hears my Word and does it, he it is that loves me. If you love me, keep my commandments. His commandments are not grievous.
As I watched a pretty cardinal bathing in our bird bath today, I was amazed. How precious to see that little bird washing and then shaking his wings, then washing again, putting his whole little body in the water. Shaking again, he flapped his wings and then flew off. What a sweet picture of diligence in an everyday task.
No fretting. No worries. Just trust. I want to be like that pretty little cardinal. Trusting, going about my daily tasks and rejoicing in my maker and guide. What a great God to send me this sweet reminder!
Delighting in Jesus, hugs, Lynette
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Meditating during the day---
Someone asked me 'how' I meditate.
There are many different styles. I have two. I will share one today and the other another day!
Well, it is rather easy. We all think about stuff. We let our minds wander the halls of our thoughts. As I put the dishes away, as I load the washer and drier, as I water my plants, as I go up the steps to put away 'stuff' for the hundredth time today, as I dress, wash my face, as I undress and put my PJs on; my mind is thinking! I might be thinking about the kids, I might be thinking what to make for dinner. I may be thinking about my hubby or my college kids, or my Grandkids. Any number of things could fill my mind.
So I 'choose' in those moments to think 'scripture'. I have a little spiral tablet that is full of memory verses that I personally need to remember. We all have them. 1Peter 5:7 ~ "Casting all your cares on Jesus, for He cares for you!" (One of the very first I had my kids memorize years ago) Psalm 42:5 when I'm 'blue'. My girls and I have memorized Psalm 131, Psalm 100 etc. together.
Then when I am going about my work, I think, I turn over in my thoughts those verses. When I first was learning to do this, I taped up the verses over my kitchen sink to memorize them, to help me. I carried verses in my pockets. Over time I have gotten a bit better at memorization, yet I still at times revert back to this method (taped over the kitchen sink) to really nail down the verses I am learning or reviewing.
I can give a very recent example. Mark 9:23-24 "And Jesus said to him, "If you can! All things are possible for one who believes." Immediately the father of the child cried out and said, "I believe; help my unbelief!" ESV
So for the day I mulled these two verses over and over and over.
Do I believe?
What is "crying out" about?
What pockets of unbelief do I have?
Do I know what they are?
Does Jesus hear me?
Help! I need help!
What was Jesus thinking?
What does that mean?
How desperate was the father?
and on and on and on........
How does this apply to me Lord?
All day long, thinking about this father and his encounter with Jesus. Asking the Lord,
talking to the Lord.
Talking to myself.
Looking, really looking at each word and what it means to my life.
In the beginning as I was learning to meditate it took effort. Now it just comes. I wish I had written all the verses down that I had done this with but alas, I did not. I have enjoyed my hours with the Lord doing this. I especially enjoy doing this as I work outside in the open air. I even can then talk out loud.
At home around others, in my free minutes I do it silently. It is not a "leave me alone, I meditating" kind of thing. It is more a back and forth, back and forth. Minutes at a time. After telling Hannah to move onto the next subject, or in between tests, I am meditating. Others may not even know I am doing this! My children are growing up, so my minutes to meditate during the day and at night when I can't sleep or wake up at night are more plentiful. When they were little it was more challenging.
Just do it! Driving, walking, standing, alone, with others, even in crowds. Don't just wander all over with your thoughts, have a verse to meditate on. If you can't remember, stick a verse in your purse to look at while waiting in line at the grocery store. Pull it out! Bring every thought captive to the obedience of Jesus Christ.
I can not tell you the delight of it all. It really isn't all that complicated, just pick one verse, memorize it and then go to town. Pick another one if you want. I sometimes jump from one and then it leads to another and I am having a blast!
Then stop and listen to what the Lord tells you. HE wants you to do this and HE will give you answers to your questions or discussion with HIM!
I am HIS sheep and I hear HIS voice. I know the Shepherd's voice. I hear HIM call me. I hear HIM speak. You can too.
Happy Meditating ~ delighting in Jesus today, hugs, Lynette
PS. If you try this method, let me know how it went ~ share the blessing! Keep at it ~ you too will find delight!
There are many different styles. I have two. I will share one today and the other another day!
Well, it is rather easy. We all think about stuff. We let our minds wander the halls of our thoughts. As I put the dishes away, as I load the washer and drier, as I water my plants, as I go up the steps to put away 'stuff' for the hundredth time today, as I dress, wash my face, as I undress and put my PJs on; my mind is thinking! I might be thinking about the kids, I might be thinking what to make for dinner. I may be thinking about my hubby or my college kids, or my Grandkids. Any number of things could fill my mind.
So I 'choose' in those moments to think 'scripture'. I have a little spiral tablet that is full of memory verses that I personally need to remember. We all have them. 1Peter 5:7 ~ "Casting all your cares on Jesus, for He cares for you!" (One of the very first I had my kids memorize years ago) Psalm 42:5 when I'm 'blue'. My girls and I have memorized Psalm 131, Psalm 100 etc. together.
Then when I am going about my work, I think, I turn over in my thoughts those verses. When I first was learning to do this, I taped up the verses over my kitchen sink to memorize them, to help me. I carried verses in my pockets. Over time I have gotten a bit better at memorization, yet I still at times revert back to this method (taped over the kitchen sink) to really nail down the verses I am learning or reviewing.
I can give a very recent example. Mark 9:23-24 "And Jesus said to him, "If you can! All things are possible for one who believes." Immediately the father of the child cried out and said, "I believe; help my unbelief!" ESV
So for the day I mulled these two verses over and over and over.
Do I believe?
What is "crying out" about?
What pockets of unbelief do I have?
Do I know what they are?
Does Jesus hear me?
Help! I need help!
What was Jesus thinking?
What does that mean?
How desperate was the father?
and on and on and on........
How does this apply to me Lord?
All day long, thinking about this father and his encounter with Jesus. Asking the Lord,
talking to the Lord.
Talking to myself.
Looking, really looking at each word and what it means to my life.
In the beginning as I was learning to meditate it took effort. Now it just comes. I wish I had written all the verses down that I had done this with but alas, I did not. I have enjoyed my hours with the Lord doing this. I especially enjoy doing this as I work outside in the open air. I even can then talk out loud.
At home around others, in my free minutes I do it silently. It is not a "leave me alone, I meditating" kind of thing. It is more a back and forth, back and forth. Minutes at a time. After telling Hannah to move onto the next subject, or in between tests, I am meditating. Others may not even know I am doing this! My children are growing up, so my minutes to meditate during the day and at night when I can't sleep or wake up at night are more plentiful. When they were little it was more challenging.
Just do it! Driving, walking, standing, alone, with others, even in crowds. Don't just wander all over with your thoughts, have a verse to meditate on. If you can't remember, stick a verse in your purse to look at while waiting in line at the grocery store. Pull it out! Bring every thought captive to the obedience of Jesus Christ.
I can not tell you the delight of it all. It really isn't all that complicated, just pick one verse, memorize it and then go to town. Pick another one if you want. I sometimes jump from one and then it leads to another and I am having a blast!
Then stop and listen to what the Lord tells you. HE wants you to do this and HE will give you answers to your questions or discussion with HIM!
I am HIS sheep and I hear HIS voice. I know the Shepherd's voice. I hear HIM call me. I hear HIM speak. You can too.
Happy Meditating ~ delighting in Jesus today, hugs, Lynette
PS. If you try this method, let me know how it went ~ share the blessing! Keep at it ~ you too will find delight!
Quiet Time
Sunday, April 25, 2010
--My DayBook--

Outside my window... clouds, wet deck and green grass
I am thinking... about 1 Corinthians 13 ~ I am starting to memorize it!
I am thankful for... good coffee and my kind hubby who made it this morning and brought it to me in bed early this morning
From the learning rooms... Hannah will go with me and Dave this morning and do school work in her Dad's office this morning at Church.
From the kitchen... Cheerios for breakfast and leftover chicken sandwiches for lunch. Mexican bowls for dinner tonight with rice, taco meat, cheese etc.
I am wearing... a khaki skirt, white tee and coral blouse and sandals
I am creating... happy music as I hum this morning
I am going... to work on making more cards this evening as my hubby will be away at a meeting.
I am reading... a new Daniel Silva book (about an Israeli spy named Gabriel Allon) and 2 other non-fiction books.
I am hoping... those I am praying for will be converted soon ~ by God's grace and mercies.
I am hearing... myself hum
Around the house... did 8 loads of laundry yesterday and put it all away except for the stack sitting on my dresser to be put away in my!
One of my favorite things... coming home to a house that is straightened
A few plans for the rest of the week: Bible Study tomorrow night, "Meet Me in St. Louis" at School Thursday night. Date night with my hubby Friday night. Small Group at our house on Sunday after Church.
To get your own DayBook go to Peggy's site:
Marriage Monday~
In Marriage ~
" Let all bitterness and wrath and anger and clamor and slander be put away from you, along with all malice. Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you." Ephesians 4: 31-32 ESVWe are told to keep 'short accounts' over and over again. Especially in marriage. When was the last time your spouse hurt you, disappointed you, or didn't remember something you thought they should? Is your answer quickly on your tongue? Do you and I keep short accounts everyday? Little irritations and small bitternesses over time will build up and do tremendous damage to your marriage. Forgive, and then forgive more!
I have been blessed with a lousy memory when it comes to 'grievances' done to me. There are only a hand full of things I can 'remember' being done to me that hurt. God in HIS great mercy has wiped the slate clean~ and I ask HIM to help me do the same! Actually, if I searched my mind there are way more than a hand full, but I have chosen to forget them.
Are you hard to live with? Is your husband hard to live with?
I asked my hubby this week if I am hard to live with. His answer, I didn't really appreciate until I thought about it for a few minutes. "Everyone is hard to live with at times, he said to me. I am. You are. Everyone is. I always pray it doesn't happen to us both on the same day!" He added that those who never ask themselves that question are probably very hard to live with most of the time. I must add I am married to one very honest, yet loving man!
These verses are good to put into 'action' in my marriage. We all at times are 'ornery'. I have had days when my 'blood itches' as I used to call it. Yet, I don't like that about myself. I am reminded that God loves me on the good days and on the not so good days, even on my bad days. That gives me hope ~ even when I fail!
As I run to Jesus and seek HIM first, my day goes better. On the days I spend time with HIM first, and the day goes haywire, I am quickly reminded how much more haywire it would of been, without that time spent with him!
So ask yourself today.....
"Am I easy to live with?"
What looks do I give? (I honestly have been 'working' on this one for years-----my kids used to ask me, "Mommy, why do you have your mad face on?")
What words come out of my mouth and heart?
Do I laugh often?
Am I too serious?
Am I grateful for small kindnesses?
Do I notice people?
Do I smile?
Do I have a 'good word' on my lips to share?
How many times a day do I kiss my husband? (I counted one day and was surprised how 'few' times!---working on this too.)
Look at your heart and be honest.
Lord, keep me tenderhearted today ~ especially to my husband!
With a Grateful Heart, hugs, Lynette
P.S. I will kiss him lots today!
I have been blessed with a lousy memory when it comes to 'grievances' done to me. There are only a hand full of things I can 'remember' being done to me that hurt. God in HIS great mercy has wiped the slate clean~ and I ask HIM to help me do the same! Actually, if I searched my mind there are way more than a hand full, but I have chosen to forget them.
Are you hard to live with? Is your husband hard to live with?
I asked my hubby this week if I am hard to live with. His answer, I didn't really appreciate until I thought about it for a few minutes. "Everyone is hard to live with at times, he said to me. I am. You are. Everyone is. I always pray it doesn't happen to us both on the same day!" He added that those who never ask themselves that question are probably very hard to live with most of the time. I must add I am married to one very honest, yet loving man!
These verses are good to put into 'action' in my marriage. We all at times are 'ornery'. I have had days when my 'blood itches' as I used to call it. Yet, I don't like that about myself. I am reminded that God loves me on the good days and on the not so good days, even on my bad days. That gives me hope ~ even when I fail!
As I run to Jesus and seek HIM first, my day goes better. On the days I spend time with HIM first, and the day goes haywire, I am quickly reminded how much more haywire it would of been, without that time spent with him!
So ask yourself today.....
"Am I easy to live with?"
What looks do I give? (I honestly have been 'working' on this one for years-----my kids used to ask me, "Mommy, why do you have your mad face on?")
What words come out of my mouth and heart?
Do I laugh often?
Am I too serious?
Am I grateful for small kindnesses?
Do I notice people?
Do I smile?
Do I have a 'good word' on my lips to share?
How many times a day do I kiss my husband? (I counted one day and was surprised how 'few' times!---working on this too.)
Look at your heart and be honest.
Lord, keep me tenderhearted today ~ especially to my husband!
With a Grateful Heart, hugs, Lynette
P.S. I will kiss him lots today!
Want some cheese with that 'whine'?
When I began my blog, I said I would would keep it short and sweet. Last night I was looking at my 'posts' and was surprised at how 'not short' many of them are! What happened? Did I forget, or am I long winded? I will try to do better!
Here are some thoughts from my friend, Nancy Leigh DeMoss. They convicted and encouraged me to run to Jesus!
"Gratitude is the overflow of a humble heart, just as surely as an ungrateful, complaining spirit flows out of a proud heart. Proud people are wrapped up in themselves. If people or circumstances don't please or suit them, they are prone to whine or become resentful.
A humble person thinks much of God and others and little of himself. He recognizes that anything he has is better than he deserves. He doesn't feel anyone owes him anything. He doesn't feel entitled to have more, or for life to be easy, or for everyone to love him and treat him well. He's grateful for the least little kindness that's extended to him, knowing it's more than he deserves.
Make a list of anything you can recall "whining" about recently. How does your complaining manifest a spirit of pride, entitlement, and expectations?" (Taken from Nancy Leigh DeMoss)
Take a few minutes and sit quietly before God and confess any pride that manifests itself in complaining, irritability, anger, or resentment rather than giving of thanks! I did and I am glad! With a grateful heart, hugs, Lynette
Here are some thoughts from my friend, Nancy Leigh DeMoss. They convicted and encouraged me to run to Jesus!
"Gratitude is the overflow of a humble heart, just as surely as an ungrateful, complaining spirit flows out of a proud heart. Proud people are wrapped up in themselves. If people or circumstances don't please or suit them, they are prone to whine or become resentful.
A humble person thinks much of God and others and little of himself. He recognizes that anything he has is better than he deserves. He doesn't feel anyone owes him anything. He doesn't feel entitled to have more, or for life to be easy, or for everyone to love him and treat him well. He's grateful for the least little kindness that's extended to him, knowing it's more than he deserves.
Make a list of anything you can recall "whining" about recently. How does your complaining manifest a spirit of pride, entitlement, and expectations?" (Taken from Nancy Leigh DeMoss)
Take a few minutes and sit quietly before God and confess any pride that manifests itself in complaining, irritability, anger, or resentment rather than giving of thanks! I did and I am glad! With a grateful heart, hugs, Lynette
Friday, April 23, 2010
Random Thought Friday ~
~ Mulching week here at our abode! It is lots of work, but very worth it. One year we did not mulch and we came home after a week of vacation and we had weed beds rather than garden beds. I did not have the time or inclination to spend hours and hours weeding. A lesson learned!
~ Phantom of the Opera was such a sweet delight and a joy to hear and see. Rebekah and Hannah were thrilled to be there too. What a great guy for Dave to treat us four to such a remarkable day. He even took us out to eat afterward to Basta Pasta ~ the girls first time there. What a guy!
~ I am seeking to grow in gratitude right now. The LORD has opened my eyes to the 'ungratefulness' of our generation. How entitled everyone feels......and I stop and ask myself ~ why are you joining in? NO! Everything I am, have, do, and see is a gift from the FATHER!
Thank HIM Sherry!
Say it.
Get it out of your brain and into audible words. I am trying by God's GRACE!
~ We are making lots of plans for our Mexico Mission Trip in June!
~ In the mail yesterday was my passport! Rebekah's passport! Hannah's passport! All five of us now have our passports! Woo hoo!
~ I haven't seen much of Caleb this week ~ he is finishing up school papers and work. I miss him and look forward to his not having any evening classes soon!
~ I have misplaced or lost my new glasses. I am not happy with myself right can I lose my glasses??? I am thankful God knows where they are even though I do not at the moment. Could they get up and walk away? For pete's sake, there isn't any 'piles' for them to hide in!
~ I received a very pretty hanging basket of petunia's for Secretaries Day at Open Bible. Also a gift card for lunch and a very meaningful card from ALL! Thank you, Thank you ~ love you each!
With a grateful heart, hugs, Lynette
~ Phantom of the Opera was such a sweet delight and a joy to hear and see. Rebekah and Hannah were thrilled to be there too. What a great guy for Dave to treat us four to such a remarkable day. He even took us out to eat afterward to Basta Pasta ~ the girls first time there. What a guy!
~ I am seeking to grow in gratitude right now. The LORD has opened my eyes to the 'ungratefulness' of our generation. How entitled everyone feels......and I stop and ask myself ~ why are you joining in? NO! Everything I am, have, do, and see is a gift from the FATHER!
Thank HIM Sherry!
Say it.
Get it out of your brain and into audible words. I am trying by God's GRACE!
~ We are making lots of plans for our Mexico Mission Trip in June!
~ In the mail yesterday was my passport! Rebekah's passport! Hannah's passport! All five of us now have our passports! Woo hoo!
~ I haven't seen much of Caleb this week ~ he is finishing up school papers and work. I miss him and look forward to his not having any evening classes soon!
~ I have misplaced or lost my new glasses. I am not happy with myself right can I lose my glasses??? I am thankful God knows where they are even though I do not at the moment. Could they get up and walk away? For pete's sake, there isn't any 'piles' for them to hide in!
~ I received a very pretty hanging basket of petunia's for Secretaries Day at Open Bible. Also a gift card for lunch and a very meaningful card from ALL! Thank you, Thank you ~ love you each!
With a grateful heart, hugs, Lynette
Random Thought Fridays~
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Growing in Gratitude~
I want to be a thankful person. God wants me to be a thankful person. How far I have to go in this goal. I am becoming more and more alert to the many reasons I have to be 'thankful' and 'grateful'. In Ephesians 5:20 we are told to be thankful in everything! I am thankful inside so many times, yet I do not express it. Then there are all those little things I forget quickly. "Everything". Yes, I have a long long way to go!
Since 'everything' is a gift from God (James 1:17), 'everything' is something to be thankful for. "IF tomorrow's supply depended on today's thanksgiving, how much would I have tomorrow?" Kinda makes you think, doesn't it?
I have a number of 'gratitude lists' in my journals. What 'little things' can I add to those lists today? How about clean water, toothpaste and my teeth. I don't think I have ever thanked my heavenly Father for my teeth (and all the money my parents spend on braces for them, many years ago) ! So much taken for granted! How abundant the blessings are and so little my gratitude.
So for today, I will 'think' about the little things. I will stop and thank my wonderful GOD for everything ~ even the little blessings! And in the process I will thank those around me too, for I realize as I think about 'everything' I have taken certain people in my life for granted.
So let's all say 'thank you' in some way today! Let's grow in gratitude!
Delighting in Jesus, hugs, Lynette
Since 'everything' is a gift from God (James 1:17), 'everything' is something to be thankful for. "IF tomorrow's supply depended on today's thanksgiving, how much would I have tomorrow?" Kinda makes you think, doesn't it?
I have a number of 'gratitude lists' in my journals. What 'little things' can I add to those lists today? How about clean water, toothpaste and my teeth. I don't think I have ever thanked my heavenly Father for my teeth (and all the money my parents spend on braces for them, many years ago) ! So much taken for granted! How abundant the blessings are and so little my gratitude.
So for today, I will 'think' about the little things. I will stop and thank my wonderful GOD for everything ~ even the little blessings! And in the process I will thank those around me too, for I realize as I think about 'everything' I have taken certain people in my life for granted.
So let's all say 'thank you' in some way today! Let's grow in gratitude!
Delighting in Jesus, hugs, Lynette
Monday, April 19, 2010
Outside my window...Blue skies, slight breezy wind, green trees and sunny deck.
I am thinking...about marriage ~ the joys ~ of being married almost 40 years! What joy to be a homeschooling Mom, and supported by my godly husband in the process of it!
I am thankful for...God's redeeming love ~ everyday for me.
From the learning rooms...hearing Hannah saying her German lessons with the CD.
From the kitchen...beef cubes in the crock pot with onions for dinner. Lunch is sandwiches today.
I am flip flops, gray sweat pants, long sleeve red shirt, contacts and not so messy hair. Faint smile and melody in my heart.
I am creating...a beautiful bouquet of lilacs from our back yard bushes (more like a tree) to put in our bedroom ~ oh, they smell divine!
I am a Wedding Shower at 3:30 for our friend at Open Bible!
I am reading...still the same 3 books ~ not much extra time ~ fell asleep last night quickly!
I am get the 4 yards of mulch delivered today spread in our gardens quickly this week ~ before the rains come!
I am hearing...Hannah speaking German sweetly.
Around the house...laundry day, 4 loads done, 3 to go~ won't make it before I leave for the wedding shower!
One of my favorite things...smelling of lilacs in our yard.
A few plans for the rest of the week: Lunch out for Secretary's Day tomorrow, Soccer Game in the afternoon with Hannah, Bible Study Wed. night. Haven't thought beyond Wed.!
Get your own DAY BOOK here :
Marriage Monday~
I have been thinking and pondering a great deal lately about marriage. All sorts of aspects of marriage have been moving through my brain like waves on the ocean. Affections, responsibilities, companionship, sex, joys, irritations, helps, " honey do" lists for me and he, loves, dislikes, thoughts, cares and hopes. Like great heaving waves ~ flowing in and out like the tides of blue ocean waters.
How I love being married. I too like to read, caught that habit from my hubby. He got me started in loving to read good books about marriage, godly books, when we were in our early years. How many many books down through the years I have read. Some he read to me, after a long day with our littles. Many we have read to each other or together separately. Dave has always said one of the reasons we have such a close, deep relationship is because we 'work' at it~He has always had a 'marriage book' on his night table, either starting it, in the middle of it or just finished reading it. Some were fun ones, talking about sex. Some were deep theological ones.
I know we are blessed by God's grace in our relationship. It isn't us ~ it really really is the Lord. I am not just saying this, it is true. We often at night 'say it' to each other. I am a real sinner. He is a real sinner. We manufacture 'idols' so easily. So constantly. So without thought, we sin. But for the grace of God we each could be sour, bitter, angry, and hateful partners. Yet, because HE died for me and my honey, we have a sweet, yielding, deep, abiding, loving and forgiving relationship. One the Lord smiles on. It is amazing to consider, HE gives us the the GRACE and then HE blesses us for having it!
5 years into marriage I realized it was me, the one who the Lord was interested in changing. I was selfish and self centered. The LORD woke me up! It isn't about what I want, need, hope for or even see. It is about being what the Lord wants me to be. I am so thankful HE did wake me up! Marriage brings out the good and the bad in all of us. It is a sanctifying tool the Lord uses to show us our own black hearts. I cringe when I hear someone 'complaining' about their husband. When I dare think to complain the LORD says "Sherry, it is you". Take that huge log out of your own eye and then you can see the splinter in your honeys eye~ it is all perspective!
I guess the reason I am thinking so much about marriage is, our 40th is next month. If I could do it all over again ~ a thousand times ~ YES....I would marry the love of my life. Hard at times, but fruit gained through it all.
But oh the JOY!
~ through the years,
~ in love,
~ in struggles,
~ in funny moments,
~through the losses,
~ in cares,
~ in sorrows,
~ in victories,
~ through separations,
~ always together in hearts,
~through the hard times
~ in our gains,
~ in our tears,
~ in our delights
God has made us knit together like a beautiful tapestry. How we thank HIM ~ How we praise HIM ~ How GREAT the Fathers Love!
If you are married ~ stop today ~ and tell the one God has given you ~ how grateful, how thankful, how delighted you are that GOD has given this one to you. Remember you are a sinner and so is he. God has made a way! Do as we do ~ let your sweet voices ring together thanking our Father for HIS GREAT love to YOU as husband and wife! Make that be the last words you say ~ as you go to sleep at night ~ we do!
Delighting in Jesus today, hugs, Lynette
How I love being married. I too like to read, caught that habit from my hubby. He got me started in loving to read good books about marriage, godly books, when we were in our early years. How many many books down through the years I have read. Some he read to me, after a long day with our littles. Many we have read to each other or together separately. Dave has always said one of the reasons we have such a close, deep relationship is because we 'work' at it~He has always had a 'marriage book' on his night table, either starting it, in the middle of it or just finished reading it. Some were fun ones, talking about sex. Some were deep theological ones.
I know we are blessed by God's grace in our relationship. It isn't us ~ it really really is the Lord. I am not just saying this, it is true. We often at night 'say it' to each other. I am a real sinner. He is a real sinner. We manufacture 'idols' so easily. So constantly. So without thought, we sin. But for the grace of God we each could be sour, bitter, angry, and hateful partners. Yet, because HE died for me and my honey, we have a sweet, yielding, deep, abiding, loving and forgiving relationship. One the Lord smiles on. It is amazing to consider, HE gives us the the GRACE and then HE blesses us for having it!
5 years into marriage I realized it was me, the one who the Lord was interested in changing. I was selfish and self centered. The LORD woke me up! It isn't about what I want, need, hope for or even see. It is about being what the Lord wants me to be. I am so thankful HE did wake me up! Marriage brings out the good and the bad in all of us. It is a sanctifying tool the Lord uses to show us our own black hearts. I cringe when I hear someone 'complaining' about their husband. When I dare think to complain the LORD says "Sherry, it is you". Take that huge log out of your own eye and then you can see the splinter in your honeys eye~ it is all perspective!
I guess the reason I am thinking so much about marriage is, our 40th is next month. If I could do it all over again ~ a thousand times ~ YES....I would marry the love of my life. Hard at times, but fruit gained through it all.
But oh the JOY!
~ through the years,
~ in love,
~ in struggles,
~ in funny moments,
~through the losses,
~ in cares,
~ in sorrows,
~ in victories,
~ through separations,
~ always together in hearts,
~through the hard times
~ in our gains,
~ in our tears,
~ in our delights
God has made us knit together like a beautiful tapestry. How we thank HIM ~ How we praise HIM ~ How GREAT the Fathers Love!
If you are married ~ stop today ~ and tell the one God has given you ~ how grateful, how thankful, how delighted you are that GOD has given this one to you. Remember you are a sinner and so is he. God has made a way! Do as we do ~ let your sweet voices ring together thanking our Father for HIS GREAT love to YOU as husband and wife! Make that be the last words you say ~ as you go to sleep at night ~ we do!
Delighting in Jesus today, hugs, Lynette
Thursday, April 15, 2010
A picture for my Day Book ~
Rebekah and I on our walk to see the BlueBells along the Gunpowder Falls which are blooming in all their glory right now! Here we are watching the fish in the water ~ my lovey is taking the picture ~ he went too! (10 minutes from home by vehicle)
Outside my window...Blue skies, birds chirping sweetly, very damp green grass, squirrel sitting on the back deck ledge eating a nut.
I am GOOD God is, how HE loves me, how blessed I am to know & be known by Him.
I am thankful Guy! A more faithful man one could not find ~ loves Christ abundantly and is my example in what that looks like!
From the learning rooms...going to the OPERA today to see 'Phantom of the Opera' with Rebekah, Hannah and my honey ~ bought tickets back in December! Going with the Clarks and Hohmans. Will see Kim and Chip there too.
From the, coffee & more coffee...with a banana and cheerios!
I am socks, cozy house shoes, black athletic pants, long sleeve red t-shirt, heavy black hoodie sweatshirt and a smile and a song in my heart! Messy hair again...but soon NOT!
I am to send to those who need encouragements.....part of my mission!
I am the OPERA today ~ a day long awaited and planned for ~ a 'desire' of my Bekah and Hannah for years!
I am reading...currently 3 books....all different and inspiring to my heart!
I am hoping...those I am praying for will be converted soon!
I am hearing...birds sweetly chirping....a friend is going to bring me a 'bird' book to learn more about the birds in our back yard and field! Gotta look for a CD of bird sounds, so I can learn to 'hear' which are which!
Around the house...things are picked up and put away. Still have some spring cleaning to do, but not today. It WILL get done soon. I try to do one extra thing a day...clean a drawer out, wipe the floor boards, wash 2 helps and is easy peasy!
One of my favorite things...laughing ~ doing it, hearing it, seeing it, encouraging it with my family and friends. None of us laugh enough....good for the heart ~ "it doeth good like a medicine"!
A few plans for the rest of the week: Opera today, dinner out tonight after the Opera with our friends. Soccer game for Hannah tomorrow and Saturday I am going to a CROP from 10 to 5pm with my girlfriends. I hope to work on Hannah's Scrapbook and catch up on mine and my honeys! (small) Sunday is Worship and Sunday School! Sabbath Day!
Make your own DayBook at Peggy's site:
A picture for my Day Book ~
Outside my window...Blue skies, birds chirping sweetly, very damp green grass, squirrel sitting on the back deck ledge eating a nut.
I am GOOD God is, how HE loves me, how blessed I am to know & be known by Him.
I am thankful Guy! A more faithful man one could not find ~ loves Christ abundantly and is my example in what that looks like!
From the learning rooms...going to the OPERA today to see 'Phantom of the Opera' with Rebekah, Hannah and my honey ~ bought tickets back in December! Going with the Clarks and Hohmans. Will see Kim and Chip there too.
From the, coffee & more coffee...with a banana and cheerios!
I am socks, cozy house shoes, black athletic pants, long sleeve red t-shirt, heavy black hoodie sweatshirt and a smile and a song in my heart! Messy hair again...but soon NOT!
I am to send to those who need encouragements.....part of my mission!
I am the OPERA today ~ a day long awaited and planned for ~ a 'desire' of my Bekah and Hannah for years!
I am reading...currently 3 books....all different and inspiring to my heart!
I am hoping...those I am praying for will be converted soon!
I am hearing...birds sweetly chirping....a friend is going to bring me a 'bird' book to learn more about the birds in our back yard and field! Gotta look for a CD of bird sounds, so I can learn to 'hear' which are which!
Around the house...things are picked up and put away. Still have some spring cleaning to do, but not today. It WILL get done soon. I try to do one extra thing a day...clean a drawer out, wipe the floor boards, wash 2 helps and is easy peasy!
One of my favorite things...laughing ~ doing it, hearing it, seeing it, encouraging it with my family and friends. None of us laugh enough....good for the heart ~ "it doeth good like a medicine"!
A few plans for the rest of the week: Opera today, dinner out tonight after the Opera with our friends. Soccer game for Hannah tomorrow and Saturday I am going to a CROP from 10 to 5pm with my girlfriends. I hope to work on Hannah's Scrapbook and catch up on mine and my honeys! (small) Sunday is Worship and Sunday School! Sabbath Day!
Make your own DayBook at Peggy's site:
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
It was a rainy day today. It rained off and on all day. Big sprinkles and small mists ~ variety!
Rain is a funny thing. I grew up in California where it does not rain much. Californians love the rain and wish it would come down more often. I don't ever remember as a child or teenager having something planned, and not being able to do it, due to rain. No canceled picnics. No canceled camping trips. Not even rain 'during' a camping trip. No event ever being changed due to rain. I had no idea of what a 'rain date' meant. Yes, it rains, mostly in December or January....once in awhile in February. The rest of the year we had 'heavy dew' in the early mornings, but not rain. Rain there is an 'occasion'.
Then I moved with my Army husband to Germany. They have lots of rain, snow and ice. Fog so thick you could cut it with a knife. You always planned ahead for what you would do if it rained.
When we moved to Baltimore from New York years later, I thought we had moved to Florida. The winter is short here and we have long Autumn and usually long Spring.
And rain.
Damp rain.
Fast rain.
Cold rain.
Short rain.
You name it , we have it! I like that! Someone has said, "if you don't like the weather in Maryland, wait 10 minutes, and it will change." It is so green here and rain is the reason. Having grown up in Southern California and the golden hills of that area, I am thankful for the green landscapes of Maryland. It is so pretty here, all the time. Winter, Summer and Fall but especially Springtime!!!
So today it rained, I was happy. I know the May flowers will be prettier for it. I know the grass is so pretty because of it. Of course I didn't have a picnic planned or an outside party to go to. I just rejoiced in the rain because the Lord sent it to us for a reason. Rain for His thirsty earth. His love is like rain to my thirsty heart! How about you? Are you thankful for the rain showers too?
Delighting in Jesus, hugs, Lynette
Rain is a funny thing. I grew up in California where it does not rain much. Californians love the rain and wish it would come down more often. I don't ever remember as a child or teenager having something planned, and not being able to do it, due to rain. No canceled picnics. No canceled camping trips. Not even rain 'during' a camping trip. No event ever being changed due to rain. I had no idea of what a 'rain date' meant. Yes, it rains, mostly in December or January....once in awhile in February. The rest of the year we had 'heavy dew' in the early mornings, but not rain. Rain there is an 'occasion'.
Then I moved with my Army husband to Germany. They have lots of rain, snow and ice. Fog so thick you could cut it with a knife. You always planned ahead for what you would do if it rained.
When we moved to Baltimore from New York years later, I thought we had moved to Florida. The winter is short here and we have long Autumn and usually long Spring.
And rain.
Damp rain.
Fast rain.
Cold rain.
Short rain.
You name it , we have it! I like that! Someone has said, "if you don't like the weather in Maryland, wait 10 minutes, and it will change." It is so green here and rain is the reason. Having grown up in Southern California and the golden hills of that area, I am thankful for the green landscapes of Maryland. It is so pretty here, all the time. Winter, Summer and Fall but especially Springtime!!!
So today it rained, I was happy. I know the May flowers will be prettier for it. I know the grass is so pretty because of it. Of course I didn't have a picnic planned or an outside party to go to. I just rejoiced in the rain because the Lord sent it to us for a reason. Rain for His thirsty earth. His love is like rain to my thirsty heart! How about you? Are you thankful for the rain showers too?
Delighting in Jesus, hugs, Lynette
Monday, April 12, 2010
Marriage Monday~
I was thinking Monday would be a good day to 'journal' about Marriage!
What girl doesn't like to think, talk, or read about marriage? I know I do. My Mom did not tell me much about marriage before I got married. I don't know why. She was a quiet person and was rather private ~ even with me and my sister Robyn. She told me later after I had been married awhile that her Mom never said one word about marriage or being a wife.
After turning to my Bible to see what God said, I needed application ideas. I was blessed to be living at a time in history when books on marriage were plenty at the book store and in the library. So I read all I could find the first year of marriage. I read lots and lots. I think back and am amazed at how naive I was as I walked down the aisle to get married. I must add some of the authors were very good and godly, some were worldly and nasty. I tried to stay away from the nasty ones.
A very very very good book I would recommend to every older girl to read is "Let Me Be a Woman" by Elisabeth Elliot. My girls will each be given their own copy soon. It is a book written from Elisabeth to her daughter, Valerie the year before she marries. It is packed full of wisdom, insight and things girls should know about men. I found it a delightful read.
One thing I have been thinking a lot about is love and respect. The Bible tells husbands to 'love' their wives. God knows that is what we NEED. It also tells us as wives to 'respect' our husbands. Go back and look up the passage, it doesn't say for the wife to 'love' her husband. Respect is to men what love is to women. I love my own husband so much. YET---he NEEDS my respect. Showing respect is different than showing him love.
How so, you ask! Well, respect is what HE as a wife I should be studying how to show my husband respect. I could make a list a page and half long. You see, I have learned the hard way! I have many times blundered in this area.
Let's give our husbands what they NEED, what they desire. Remember respect to your man is like love ...only different! HE will love you for it! This is a lifelong process....keep at it!
Enjoy your marriage today ~ God's gift to YOU!
Delighting in Jesus today, hugs, Lynette
What girl doesn't like to think, talk, or read about marriage? I know I do. My Mom did not tell me much about marriage before I got married. I don't know why. She was a quiet person and was rather private ~ even with me and my sister Robyn. She told me later after I had been married awhile that her Mom never said one word about marriage or being a wife.
After turning to my Bible to see what God said, I needed application ideas. I was blessed to be living at a time in history when books on marriage were plenty at the book store and in the library. So I read all I could find the first year of marriage. I read lots and lots. I think back and am amazed at how naive I was as I walked down the aisle to get married. I must add some of the authors were very good and godly, some were worldly and nasty. I tried to stay away from the nasty ones.
A very very very good book I would recommend to every older girl to read is "Let Me Be a Woman" by Elisabeth Elliot. My girls will each be given their own copy soon. It is a book written from Elisabeth to her daughter, Valerie the year before she marries. It is packed full of wisdom, insight and things girls should know about men. I found it a delightful read.
One thing I have been thinking a lot about is love and respect. The Bible tells husbands to 'love' their wives. God knows that is what we NEED. It also tells us as wives to 'respect' our husbands. Go back and look up the passage, it doesn't say for the wife to 'love' her husband. Respect is to men what love is to women. I love my own husband so much. YET---he NEEDS my respect. Showing respect is different than showing him love.
How so, you ask! Well, respect is what HE as a wife I should be studying how to show my husband respect. I could make a list a page and half long. You see, I have learned the hard way! I have many times blundered in this area.
- Do I interrupt him as he speaks?
- Do I interject as he explains?
- Do I say 'turn here' as he drives?
- Do I frown at him when I should be smiling at him?
- Do I say 'don't forget.....' ---I am not his mother!
- Do I say 'yes, sir--please--thank you and you are right often!
- If I need help do I 'tell' him to do such and such or do I ask sweetly?
- How many times have I contradicted something....even little things? Very disrespectful!
- How easily do I defer to his choice.
- Do I build him up in front of the kids?
- How often do I compliment him, esteem him, tell him how great he is?
- What do I do to show him I appreciate his manhood?
- Look for manly things to compliment...not feminine~
- Did you know being 'unhappy' in public is a public rebuke to your husband?
Let's give our husbands what they NEED, what they desire. Remember respect to your man is like love ...only different! HE will love you for it! This is a lifelong process....keep at it!
Enjoy your marriage today ~ God's gift to YOU!
Delighting in Jesus today, hugs, Lynette
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Pretty Week End
What a gorgeous week end the Lord gave us this week! Both Saturday and Sunday were absolutely gorgeous ~ blue skies, cool temperatures and sunny days.
My honey and I loved being outside and working in our front and back yards on Saturday. Rebekah and Hannah joined us for awhile too. It was fun burning fallen branches and leaves from the 2010 two Blizzards. Our lilacs were smelling soooo good in the breezes. We are now ready for the mulch truck to come and deliver our yearly mulch. Mulch holds back the weeds, amends the soil and keeps the beds from drying out so much. Worth every penny!
Sunday is the Sabbath Day! Sabbath is the 'day of rest' put aside what pleasures YOU, those things, places and things that you find 'fun' to do or go to, or visit. Not as a 'have to' but because you love your heavenly Father and Jesus Christ ~ desiring to honor and glorify HIM! We set aside our 'wants' for a higher magnify and enjoy HIM ---to think about HIM, to talk with HIM, to spend time with HIM and center on HIM. It is a delight, it is a joy and we love HIM!
It is funny, once I looked up the verses many years ago about the Sabbath and realized it isn't just a 'free' day. How my delight in Jesus was transformed. How HE showed me true truth about HIS day. I was a christian a long time before I knew Sunday wasn't just a perfect 'family' day, or a 'free' day to do laundry and house work. Makes me sad to say it took me so long to learn and see the truth of the matter. We are to call the Sabbath a delight! ( I challenge you to get your concordance and look up Sabbath and SEE for just might be surprised!)
So has been one glorious week end. Thank you Lord. YOU are my delight and my joy!
Delighting in Jesus, hugs, Lynette
My honey and I loved being outside and working in our front and back yards on Saturday. Rebekah and Hannah joined us for awhile too. It was fun burning fallen branches and leaves from the 2010 two Blizzards. Our lilacs were smelling soooo good in the breezes. We are now ready for the mulch truck to come and deliver our yearly mulch. Mulch holds back the weeds, amends the soil and keeps the beds from drying out so much. Worth every penny!
Sunday is the Sabbath Day! Sabbath is the 'day of rest' put aside what pleasures YOU, those things, places and things that you find 'fun' to do or go to, or visit. Not as a 'have to' but because you love your heavenly Father and Jesus Christ ~ desiring to honor and glorify HIM! We set aside our 'wants' for a higher magnify and enjoy HIM ---to think about HIM, to talk with HIM, to spend time with HIM and center on HIM. It is a delight, it is a joy and we love HIM!
It is funny, once I looked up the verses many years ago about the Sabbath and realized it isn't just a 'free' day. How my delight in Jesus was transformed. How HE showed me true truth about HIS day. I was a christian a long time before I knew Sunday wasn't just a perfect 'family' day, or a 'free' day to do laundry and house work. Makes me sad to say it took me so long to learn and see the truth of the matter. We are to call the Sabbath a delight! ( I challenge you to get your concordance and look up Sabbath and SEE for just might be surprised!)
So has been one glorious week end. Thank you Lord. YOU are my delight and my joy!
Delighting in Jesus, hugs, Lynette
Friday, April 9, 2010
Random Thought Friday ~
- This has been a week of 'sorrows' in my heart ~ so many hurting friends ~ Isn't HE comforting to us in our sorrows. We CAN trust HIM in the midst of sorrow because HE is good and HE is with us. We may not know the "whys" but we know the 'WHO' ~ and HE is with us in our infirmities. That gives me sweet comfort in ways nothing or no one else can!
- We had a lovely day on Monday in Washington, DC. It was a field trip for Hannah. We were able to go during the 'Cherry Tree Festival' held every year there. It was gorgeous sights. In spite all the ugly goings on in our country, we do have much to be thankful for. We are a blessed people, beyond measure. Yet, we are losing what our founding fathers established this country on. I found myself praying as I walked, asking for forgiveness of our sins as Americans. My HOPE is in Jesus Christ and HE holds all things together ~ I will stop rambling ~
- Since the big project of my pantry was finished, I took on my own closet. I am happy to say it is cleaned out (I even wet mopped the floor) sorted and looks so good! Makes me happy to see it ~ now onto other spaces that need 'spring cleaning' !
- As I sit here all alone and type, I am watching the cool wind blow in the slider and hearing the pretty birds singing. I am reminded that life is a vapor and how quickly my littles have grown up. I want to 'count my days' as the Lord says and remind myself that all this is quickly passing away. What will last? How precious Jesus is to cause me to even ask the questions!
- I was thinking last night how blessed I am to be even more in LOVE with my hubby today than I was the day we were married! Truly ~ The Lord is in this PLACE! It is all HIS GRACE ~ We are such sinners and yet HE paid the price for me and for him~ walking together in the GRACE of GOD ! How I love Dave ~ the one God gave me!
- Caleb bought tickets for Hannah and Nadia to go to Opening Day for Christmas. What a brother Hannah has. Loving. Caring. Generous beyond his ability! Nadia has never been to an American Ball Park or Baseball game (she is from Russia). Today is her first! What a simple blessing to Nadia and Hannah and to me because I see it! Our Sunday Sermon a number of weeks ago was in Luke. Application: Do you want for others what you want for yourself? Food for thought, don't you agree? Hmmmm.... I am thinking........
- Our 1st visit to Blooms Bloom is in my near future ~ It is a farmers dairy ice cream joint here in Harford County that has the best, best, best ice cream one has ever put in their mouth. My time is limited there this spring though because I am losing weight BEFORE we head to MEXICO in June!
- Day upon Day ~ my HOPE is in Jesus Christ, the lover of my soul. He is perfect, loving and all wise! To HIM may my life be a sacrifice.
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Tuesday Thinkings
It is so pretty here in Maryland right now. Blue skies, green grass and lovely flowers, nice temps.
I had to go to work on such a pretty day and be inside! Oh my, I thought! I want to work in the dirt (yes---I love garden dirt!) and rake and water and move things around. But I have responsibilities, I told myself. I am needed at the office too. So I went! With a smile! A good attitude too!
I get there at 7:30, so I have a few minutes to get set for the onslaught! I really really do love my job, just not as much as a pretty day in spring, playing in our dirt! I checked my e-mail. Nancy Leigh DeMoss is one lady I pray for and enjoy reading and gleaning from.
The following bullets were in her e-mail ~ delivered straight to my heart. Perfect timing is the LORD! I thought about these three things all day in my 'free time' in my mind between all the busy voices.
He CARES...HE CARES! He gives, and gives, and gives and gives again....HIS mercies are new everyday!
So thank you Lord for a pretty warm day to go to work inside and BE a blessing. To point to YOU and praise YOU!
What a Savior....what a tremendous thing to know and love YOU oh GOD!
Delighting in Jesus, hugs, Sherry Lynette
I had to go to work on such a pretty day and be inside! Oh my, I thought! I want to work in the dirt (yes---I love garden dirt!) and rake and water and move things around. But I have responsibilities, I told myself. I am needed at the office too. So I went! With a smile! A good attitude too!
I get there at 7:30, so I have a few minutes to get set for the onslaught! I really really do love my job, just not as much as a pretty day in spring, playing in our dirt! I checked my e-mail. Nancy Leigh DeMoss is one lady I pray for and enjoy reading and gleaning from.
The following bullets were in her e-mail ~ delivered straight to my heart. Perfect timing is the LORD! I thought about these three things all day in my 'free time' in my mind between all the busy voices.
- When you live out what it means to be a true woman of God, you shine a spotlight on the character, the heart, and the redeeming work of God.
- True blessing is not the absence of hard things, but it’s Christ’s presence in the midst of the hard places, and it’s all the grace that you need to dwell with those things.
- Anything that makes me need God is a blessing. It has a purpose; it’s not in vain.
He CARES...HE CARES! He gives, and gives, and gives and gives again....HIS mercies are new everyday!
So thank you Lord for a pretty warm day to go to work inside and BE a blessing. To point to YOU and praise YOU!
What a Savior....what a tremendous thing to know and love YOU oh GOD!
Delighting in Jesus, hugs, Sherry Lynette
Monday, April 5, 2010
Washington D.C. Field Trip
April 5, 2010
World War II Memorial in Washington, DC
~Hannah, Sherry and Dave~
World War II Memorial in Washington, DC
~Hannah, Sherry and Dave~
~ Cherry Blossom Festival in Washington, D.C. Our Field Trip with our sweet Hannah ~
April 5, 2010
April 5, 2010
Hannah took this pretty picture with the Washington Monument in the background.
Walking, walking, walking and loving being together!
I must journal something the LORD did for us today! We got a late start and didn't get to D.C. until 11a.m. We drove around for 10 minutes looking for a spot to park. No go. So we prayed and asked the Lord to guide us and please give us a parking place soon. No go. So I prayed, "Lord, there is no way we will ever get a parking place unless YOU give us one, please have mercy on us, help us find a spot soon."
Dave pulled up to the red light (we were the second in line at the light) and a family got in their car and pulled out right beside us (Dave backed up a little) next to our van. FREE parking in D.C. too. Woo Hoo! YES!
We are so grateful for HIS mercies! The marvelous thing is it was in the shade and right next to the grass of the Washington Monument!!!!! Only our GOD could do this for us! What compassion and goodness HE gives us! Thank you LORD for answering our prayers!
It was a great day seeing Washington, D.C. and the Cherry Blossom Festival ~ Together. AND we are glad to be home too!
I must journal something the LORD did for us today! We got a late start and didn't get to D.C. until 11a.m. We drove around for 10 minutes looking for a spot to park. No go. So we prayed and asked the Lord to guide us and please give us a parking place soon. No go. So I prayed, "Lord, there is no way we will ever get a parking place unless YOU give us one, please have mercy on us, help us find a spot soon."
Dave pulled up to the red light (we were the second in line at the light) and a family got in their car and pulled out right beside us (Dave backed up a little) next to our van. FREE parking in D.C. too. Woo Hoo! YES!
We are so grateful for HIS mercies! The marvelous thing is it was in the shade and right next to the grass of the Washington Monument!!!!! Only our GOD could do this for us! What compassion and goodness HE gives us! Thank you LORD for answering our prayers!
It was a great day seeing Washington, D.C. and the Cherry Blossom Festival ~ Together. AND we are glad to be home too!
Delighting in Jesus today, hugs, Sherry Lynette
PS ~ I wish I had taken a picture of our parking spot!
PS ~ I wish I had taken a picture of our parking spot!
Sabbath Day!
Saturday, April 3, 2010
The Cross~
May thy cross be to me
as the tree that sweetens my bitter Marahs,
as the rod that blossoms with life and beauty,
as the brazen serpent that calls forth the look of faith.
By thy cross crucify my every sin;
Use it to increase my intimacy with thyself;
Make it the ground of all my comfort,
the liveliness of all my duties,
the sum of all thy gospel promises,
the comfort of all my afflictions,
the vigor of my love, thankfulness, graces,
the very essence of my religion;
And by it give me that rest without rest,
the rest of ceaseless praise.
--The Valley of Vision
Friday, April 2, 2010
Random Thought Friday ~
~ Blue skies are so pretty! How good God is to delight our sight with HIS creation!
~ Great fun having Matthew Scott, Natascha and Joschua here for two nights! Hate to see them go home ~ but that is life! They took our sweet Hannah with them for the week!
~ I am so glad I was able to get the OFFICE cleaned this week. I scrubbed the office bathroom floor with a scrub brush on my knees....came pretty clean. Washed the walls in there too. Defrosted the office frig, cleaned the microwave inside and out. Dusted and dusted and dusted more. Washed all the windows inside and out and scrapped lots of tape off too. Washed the base boards and wiped all the chairs down, plus cleaned the cart and the tables. Looks good and Heather said "it smells so good in here!" Thanks Heather!
~ Spring has truly sprung in our yards. Daffodils are blooming everywhere. Hyacinths too. Our bleeding heart plants are up and forming. Grecian wild flowers are bright purple. Unfortunately the rabbits ate all our tender crocus. I planted our front white stone pot with pansies. All the mums are looking green and plentiful. I even found a small garden flag that says "Bee Happy" to hang in the garden.
~ Our grill is good to go. Dave exchanged the gas tank and hooked it up! We will be grilling lots and lots this spring and summer.
~ Turns out our favorite big umbrella is broken, only four years old too. We will be heading to Lowes to get another one according to my favorite guy.
~ I finished Francine River's book 3 days ago. I am reading a new Novel about an Israeli undercover is a page turner and filled with spy action, which is intriguing. Of course I am still reading my other books!
~ I have been thinking a lot about things lately. My life is quickly changing as our arrows are flying from the nest. I have no littles around any more! I miss that. Yet, I realized this time would! I have more time for things I always wanted to have time for. Like long quiet times, time to pray specific prayers for the unconverted. To sit and 'think' or read for more than 10 minute intervals. To learn new things. To do spontaneous things, like kidnap my hubby or run to the library just because I can. This is my new normal. I will thank my God and praise HIM for HE is my HOPE. He is with me and YES, HE has plans for me!
~ I could of never written a BLOG when my six littles were running around...unless I did it late at night...hahaha I would of been to tired to 'think'!
~ I watched a movie this week I should of never watched. I kinda knew it at the beginning, when she said. she was engineered from her dad's sperm and an egg from her mother, for spare parts for her sister. Hint, Hint! It was the saddest movie I had ever seen. In so many ways. All I kept thinking and saying out loud was "someone share the gospel with these people!" No hope. Especially the Mom and Dad had NO hope. They all had No hope. I wish I had not seen it. Next time I will take the hint.
~ I just read chapter one in "The Bruised Reed" by Richard Sibbes ~ 1577-1635 ~ one of the most influential figures it the Puritan movement . Written in the foreward--- ' Of this blest man, let this just praise be given: heaven was in him, before he was in heaven.' I like that quote! Just a glimpse of the richness of this book : "After conversion we need bruising so that reeds may know themselves to be reeds, and not oaks." (Due to our pride.) I am gaining by reading this small book.
~ I will finish up "Jesus, Keep Me Near the Cross" by Nancy Guthrie on Sunday. But I will not be finished. This little book is a keeper and I will again next year gain much by reading it once more.
~ My pantry looks so neat and orderly. Thanks Natascha for your help girl! No, I did not get to my windows or spring cleaning at home. Yet, I did get some done at Church. Thank you Lord for enabling me and helping me do it, it was my joy! My stuff will get done in your time.
~ I got a great surprise in the mail this week from Idaho. My Dad sent me a gigantic, huge, stainless steel pot. You laugh maybe. I was thrilled. When he was here last May, he commented that I needed a BIG pot....instead of two little big pots! So he sent me one! I am happy! How thoughtful! Bring on the soups, sauces, corn cooking and pasta boiling!
Delighting in Jesus, King of Kings and Lord of Lords, Lynette
~ Great fun having Matthew Scott, Natascha and Joschua here for two nights! Hate to see them go home ~ but that is life! They took our sweet Hannah with them for the week!
~ I am so glad I was able to get the OFFICE cleaned this week. I scrubbed the office bathroom floor with a scrub brush on my knees....came pretty clean. Washed the walls in there too. Defrosted the office frig, cleaned the microwave inside and out. Dusted and dusted and dusted more. Washed all the windows inside and out and scrapped lots of tape off too. Washed the base boards and wiped all the chairs down, plus cleaned the cart and the tables. Looks good and Heather said "it smells so good in here!" Thanks Heather!
~ Spring has truly sprung in our yards. Daffodils are blooming everywhere. Hyacinths too. Our bleeding heart plants are up and forming. Grecian wild flowers are bright purple. Unfortunately the rabbits ate all our tender crocus. I planted our front white stone pot with pansies. All the mums are looking green and plentiful. I even found a small garden flag that says "Bee Happy" to hang in the garden.
~ Our grill is good to go. Dave exchanged the gas tank and hooked it up! We will be grilling lots and lots this spring and summer.
~ Turns out our favorite big umbrella is broken, only four years old too. We will be heading to Lowes to get another one according to my favorite guy.
~ I finished Francine River's book 3 days ago. I am reading a new Novel about an Israeli undercover is a page turner and filled with spy action, which is intriguing. Of course I am still reading my other books!
~ I have been thinking a lot about things lately. My life is quickly changing as our arrows are flying from the nest. I have no littles around any more! I miss that. Yet, I realized this time would! I have more time for things I always wanted to have time for. Like long quiet times, time to pray specific prayers for the unconverted. To sit and 'think' or read for more than 10 minute intervals. To learn new things. To do spontaneous things, like kidnap my hubby or run to the library just because I can. This is my new normal. I will thank my God and praise HIM for HE is my HOPE. He is with me and YES, HE has plans for me!
~ I could of never written a BLOG when my six littles were running around...unless I did it late at night...hahaha I would of been to tired to 'think'!
~ I watched a movie this week I should of never watched. I kinda knew it at the beginning, when she said. she was engineered from her dad's sperm and an egg from her mother, for spare parts for her sister. Hint, Hint! It was the saddest movie I had ever seen. In so many ways. All I kept thinking and saying out loud was "someone share the gospel with these people!" No hope. Especially the Mom and Dad had NO hope. They all had No hope. I wish I had not seen it. Next time I will take the hint.
~ I just read chapter one in "The Bruised Reed" by Richard Sibbes ~ 1577-1635 ~ one of the most influential figures it the Puritan movement . Written in the foreward--- ' Of this blest man, let this just praise be given: heaven was in him, before he was in heaven.' I like that quote! Just a glimpse of the richness of this book : "After conversion we need bruising so that reeds may know themselves to be reeds, and not oaks." (Due to our pride.) I am gaining by reading this small book.
~ I will finish up "Jesus, Keep Me Near the Cross" by Nancy Guthrie on Sunday. But I will not be finished. This little book is a keeper and I will again next year gain much by reading it once more.
~ My pantry looks so neat and orderly. Thanks Natascha for your help girl! No, I did not get to my windows or spring cleaning at home. Yet, I did get some done at Church. Thank you Lord for enabling me and helping me do it, it was my joy! My stuff will get done in your time.
~ I got a great surprise in the mail this week from Idaho. My Dad sent me a gigantic, huge, stainless steel pot. You laugh maybe. I was thrilled. When he was here last May, he commented that I needed a BIG pot....instead of two little big pots! So he sent me one! I am happy! How thoughtful! Bring on the soups, sauces, corn cooking and pasta boiling!
Delighting in Jesus, King of Kings and Lord of Lords, Lynette
Random Thought Fridays~
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