"Thinkings~ Musings~ and Pithy words!"

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Friday, February 4, 2011


Today is Friday. End of the week. Beginning of the week-end. Another Friday.

We don't have big plans this week end. I know the Super Bowl is Sunday. Our team didn't make it. We don't care who wins.

As I was reading my Bible this morning, I was struck with how 'ordinary' so many of my days seem to be, lately. Ordinary? Ordinary?

Each and everyday is a gift from the Lord, I remembered. Today is new. Today is potential for praising HIM, loving HIM, learning MORE of HIM. So much of it is what I think about. Where is my heart and where is my mind?

Not ordinary. Fresh. New. A GIFT ~ to be used for HIM. How easily I fall into wrong thinking. No, today is NOT ordinary. I will not take today for granted. I will commit it to HIM; He who is faithful. He who is worthy of today!

I will hum praises to my God. I will kiss my hubby. I will smile at my kids. I will make dinner. I will pet the dogs. I will be a blessing to those around me. Because today is NOT ordinary. It is a day unto HIM who loves and cares for me.

I know whom I have believed! Faithful is HE!

No ordinary day here, Lynette

1 comment:

  1. I really enjoyed reading this. It is encouraging to me as a mom of young ones. I can get in the dumps, thinking of the struggles we are in the midst of right now. Nothing too horrible... just parenting stuff that can be overwhelming. But then I remember what so many moms like you have said about how these days go so quickly, and I try to enjoy them. I try to do as you and others have said, to make each day special, because it is a gift that we have today. And then I also remember that Jada's family (the family that I have posted on FB that has a 5 year old daughter with cancer) is going through so much more right now, and my struggles are nothing compared to theirs. That all helps to make today extra-ordinary! Because it is a blessing, and with Christ's help, I can do it!
