Outside my window~ Bright white snow! Sunshine and shadows!
I am thinking ~How much God loves me. Not because I'm perfect, but because I'm his daughter, redeemed by the blood of the Lamb! My heart is full of praise and thanksgiving to the King of Kings. Every hair on my head is counted and the tally changes every day, sometimes by the hour. He cares for me. 1Peter 5:7
I am wearing~ Red plaid flannel cozy pants, long sleeve soft white cotton shirt. Black cotton socks and black slippers my girls gave me a year and half ago. A grin on my face as I squint at the bright snow. Messy hair today~ it's okay~ I am at peace with it and everyone says it looks fine....ha ha
I am thankful for~ a warm bed at night. Our faithful furnace which keeps our house cozy during these winter days. The man of my dreams who shares these with me. Kids who love Jesus Christ. My 8 munchkins of love. God's presence with me always. Friends to love and who love me.
From the learning rooms ~ snow, snow forts, snow ball fun, snow shovels in full gear.
From the kitchen ~ Panera Bread blessings here. I ate my warmed 'bear claw' with my coffee this morning. Am now sipping my 3rd mug of delicious, fragrant coffee made by my man. He was up at 5:30am to take Rebekah to work at Chik fil-A today. Snow or not, Chik fil-A is serving chicken!
I am creating ~ room in our school room today. This room is the 'bain' of my life. It always looks messy. Always has piles. Always is in a state of flux. Always bothers me. It is the catch ALL of every piece of mail, papers, things to leave, things to deliver, things no one knows what to do with. It is the last room we leave when going out and the first room we enter when arriving. So it catches everything from purses, book bags, papers, mail, keys, junk and recycle stuff that needs to be put in the recyle bins. Ugh. Not like. Today I tackle it.
I am going ~ to stay home all day. No work. No school. No meetings. No shopping. No going out. Period. Maybe a walk through the snow would be nice though!
I am reading ~ 1.The Knowledge of the Holy(re-reading) ~A.W. Tozer 2.Laura Bush, Spoken from the Heart ~ Laura Bush 3. The Judas Strain ~ James Rollins 4. Sewing for Dummies ~ hey, always learning new stuff! Stayed up til 1am, reading #3, almost done. Good ending! (All this goes without saying I read my Bible everyday ~ most days~ best BOOK of ALL) I have been slack in writing in my journal for a week or so. Need to write in it more than 2 or 3 days.......a week.
I am hoping ~ spring comes soon....love spring. Winter, not so much.
I am hearing ~ the furnace fan running, Dave is working downstairs, after he diligently shoveled the 'whole' drive and walks (not a quick job). Hannah is in her room reading. Taffy and Emma are napping beside me as I type. Caleb and Rebekah working.
Around our home ~ Since yesterday was off, all the laundry is done and put away. The house was straightened up before we all went to bed last night. Kitchen is clean and dishwasher emptied. (I don't love that job) We are in good shape around here. Need to get the crock pot going for dinner.
One of my favorite things ~ a day off to read and putter around. Give hugs. Hand out kisses. Make fresh brewed iced tea. Healthy food. I love love love pears. Do you love pears? I could eat a pear everyday. Only the good ripe ones though. Not the ones that taste like nothing. The bag of pears from Aldi's last week went in the trash. I have 3 from Giant, waiting for me in the bin right now. Maybe I will eat all 3 today. No, I will save one for lunch tomorrow. Self control is good.
I am thinking ~How much God loves me. Not because I'm perfect, but because I'm his daughter, redeemed by the blood of the Lamb! My heart is full of praise and thanksgiving to the King of Kings. Every hair on my head is counted and the tally changes every day, sometimes by the hour. He cares for me. 1Peter 5:7
I am wearing~ Red plaid flannel cozy pants, long sleeve soft white cotton shirt. Black cotton socks and black slippers my girls gave me a year and half ago. A grin on my face as I squint at the bright snow. Messy hair today~ it's okay~ I am at peace with it and everyone says it looks fine....ha ha
I am thankful for~ a warm bed at night. Our faithful furnace which keeps our house cozy during these winter days. The man of my dreams who shares these with me. Kids who love Jesus Christ. My 8 munchkins of love. God's presence with me always. Friends to love and who love me.
From the learning rooms ~ snow, snow forts, snow ball fun, snow shovels in full gear.
From the kitchen ~ Panera Bread blessings here. I ate my warmed 'bear claw' with my coffee this morning. Am now sipping my 3rd mug of delicious, fragrant coffee made by my man. He was up at 5:30am to take Rebekah to work at Chik fil-A today. Snow or not, Chik fil-A is serving chicken!
I am creating ~ room in our school room today. This room is the 'bain' of my life. It always looks messy. Always has piles. Always is in a state of flux. Always bothers me. It is the catch ALL of every piece of mail, papers, things to leave, things to deliver, things no one knows what to do with. It is the last room we leave when going out and the first room we enter when arriving. So it catches everything from purses, book bags, papers, mail, keys, junk and recycle stuff that needs to be put in the recyle bins. Ugh. Not like. Today I tackle it.
I am going ~ to stay home all day. No work. No school. No meetings. No shopping. No going out. Period. Maybe a walk through the snow would be nice though!
I am reading ~ 1.The Knowledge of the Holy(re-reading) ~A.W. Tozer 2.Laura Bush, Spoken from the Heart ~ Laura Bush 3. The Judas Strain ~ James Rollins 4. Sewing for Dummies ~ hey, always learning new stuff! Stayed up til 1am, reading #3, almost done. Good ending! (All this goes without saying I read my Bible everyday ~ most days~ best BOOK of ALL) I have been slack in writing in my journal for a week or so. Need to write in it more than 2 or 3 days.......a week.
I am hoping ~ spring comes soon....love spring. Winter, not so much.
I am hearing ~ the furnace fan running, Dave is working downstairs, after he diligently shoveled the 'whole' drive and walks (not a quick job). Hannah is in her room reading. Taffy and Emma are napping beside me as I type. Caleb and Rebekah working.
Around our home ~ Since yesterday was off, all the laundry is done and put away. The house was straightened up before we all went to bed last night. Kitchen is clean and dishwasher emptied. (I don't love that job) We are in good shape around here. Need to get the crock pot going for dinner.
One of my favorite things ~ a day off to read and putter around. Give hugs. Hand out kisses. Make fresh brewed iced tea. Healthy food. I love love love pears. Do you love pears? I could eat a pear everyday. Only the good ripe ones though. Not the ones that taste like nothing. The bag of pears from Aldi's last week went in the trash. I have 3 from Giant, waiting for me in the bin right now. Maybe I will eat all 3 today. No, I will save one for lunch tomorrow. Self control is good.
- A few plans for the rest of the week~
- Play offs in Basketball. Tomorrow games. Bible Study at 7:15pm
- If we win those, then we have one more on Thursday too.
- Week end plans shaping up too. Breakfast Sat. with a friend.
- March Madness is right around the corner and we enjoy that!
Off to tackle our 'school room' messes. Can I get it done in one day? Yes-I can. I think I can, I think I can, I think I can (wooden wall plaque in the room...smile)
"What comes into our minds when we think about God is the most important thing about us." A.W. Tozer
Thinking clearly ~
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