"Thinkings~ Musings~ and Pithy words!"

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Sunday, October 24, 2010


We ask ourselves 'why'. Why are things all turned upside down? Why is my life not going according to plan? What is going on in me? What is going on at work, school, church, our neighborhood, with our friends? You name it. There is a mystery to LIFE. Mystery. Why? What is happening to my life? What is happening to those around me, those I love?

My plan was to graduate and marry a Californian and live my years out in sunny California. God had other plans. He loves me. He wants my good as well as His glory. I spent almost 5 years in Germany with snowy hard winters, far away from family and friends. God was at work. He had a plan. He knew what HE was doing. I didn't. I cried. I wanted to be back in California. I was miserable at first. Then God got my attention. He had a plan. He was using 'Germany' for my good. I came to find that I can be 'home' where ever Christ is. My HOPE is really in HIM. Home is not a place but a PERSON! Yes, I have a home here. I enjoy it, yet it is temporary. My real HOME is not here on earth. It is in Heaven.

God taught me so many lessons in Germany. He has taught me so many lessons since then too. He is up to something in my life. The two questions really are "What is God doing?" and "What is my response to it?". Those are the questions!

Here is a quote from Paul Tripp that I love~

"Are there places where you’re crying for the grace of God and you’re not realizing that you’re getting it? But it’s not the grace of relief and it’s not the grace of release; it’s the boiling grace of personal transformation. Again, God will take you where you do not want to go in order to produce in you what you could not achieve on your own. In those unexpected moments, don’t run away from your Lord, run to him. You are not being forsaken you are being loved.

What does all this really mean? Well here it is! You can look mystery in the face and have hope. You can live in the middle of a life that you don’t really understand, that you can’t really figure out and you can rest. You can deal with the unexpected with joy. You can accept mystery; and you can do it because you can look through the clouds of mystery and see a God of love who is actually near when he seems far. He’s actually active when he seems passive; who is doing something very good right in the middle of when things seem that they’re going very badly.

Are there places when you just can’t figure out what God is doing? Are there places where it feels that he’s not near? Where right now in your everyday experience are you dealing with the unexpected? God is at work in your life. He hasn’t turned His back on you. You see, you can accept mystery because in the middle of the unexpected there is love and grace and help to be found. God is right smack dab in the middle of your unexpected moment and he is up to something very, very good."

Good words for a day when my heart cries 'why ?' Good words for you too when that day is your day! Run to the Cross....it is our HOPE !

Trusting He who is Faithful, Sherry Lynette


  1. Thank you for the wonderful reminder, Mrs. Sherry! I really like that quote. I think I'll print it out so I can read it and be reminded often. :)

  2. Thanks for sharing that quote! I have a tendency to ask and wonder why, what is the Lord doing in my life, and surely I could be glorifying so much more somewhere else, doing something different....but He does know best. This was a good reminder for me.

  3. I get it, I accept it, I know it intellectually. I don't know what to do in the middle of it. My joy seems so circumstantially driven-- I find it hard to keep preaching to myself, when sometimes my mind is going in so many different directions that it is hard to even remember what to say other than the simple Gospel. Beautiful yes, but practically putting it to work is so hard!

  4. Tara ~ I put it on here so I can 'go to it' and read over and over in those moments I too struggle. Love you lots!

    Stefanie~ We all wonder 'why' at times. Usually when it's hard, not when all is great! It is good to remind ourselves HE knows best way better than we do. Hugs...keep packing!

    Daves Girl ~ Tht is why it is called 'walking in faith, not by sight'. We are sight oriented. HE wants us to simply trust...not fret but trust ~ especially when we cannot see! Easy? No way ~ but it is the path that is full of joy and rest!!! Love you~
