"Thinkings~ Musings~ and Pithy words!"

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Monday, October 4, 2010

Marriage Monday~

Today is Marriage Monday ~

"Now as the Church submits to Christ, so also wives should submit in everything to their husbands. Husbands love your wives as Christ loves the Church and gave himself up for her." Ephesians 5:24 -25

Scripture tells us that we, as wives, are to submit in EVERYTHING to our own husband. RESPECT is what our husband appreciates. Husbands are told to LOVE their wife. God knows that is what speaks to a wife...love. (More about this another day) So many women love their husbands yet do not respect them, which is what their husband wants most. Love and respect are two different aspects of marriage. Go look them up in the dictionary...I'm sure you will be surprised!

As we think about marriage and how we are with our husbands it should cause us to ponder why we do what we do. Do I show respect? Do I esteem my husband? Do I lift him up in the eyes of my kids? Do I show proper attention? A man longs to be respected. God has made him this way and God has given me to him as a means of grace in this area. I must confess at times I fail to do these things and it makes me sad. What if the Church didn't listen to Jesus? What if Jesus was shown no respect by believers? It would be a broken and sad church wouldn't it?

We are wives who need to take GOD at his WORD! We often don't have the witness in our world that we desire because we don't respect our husbands the way God calls us to. As a believing wife, I need to run to the CROSS and confess my failings, knowing God in his grace and mercy forgives me. He also helps me exhibit Christ-likeness in my respect for my husband.

May we all commit to live as God asks and enables us to live. Yes, I will forget, but that isn't the point. The point is I 'want' to live for HIM! Isn't it great to know I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me!
Respecting my husband because God asks me to!

I'm committed....I hope you are too.

Faithfully His, Lynette

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