"Thinkings~ Musings~ and Pithy words!"

Welcome to my Blog ~ grab a cup of coffee or tea and join me for a 'chat' ~

Thursday, October 21, 2010

~Marriage Monday on Thursday~

Since I missed Monday to blog on marriage, I thought today I would! Flexible is good!

I answered the phones at work today. I was in the outer office enjoying the comings and goings all day long as I typed or answered the ringing phones. One of my friends came in and said "Hi" as she was going about her business, not as 'peppy' as usual. So I asked "things okay?". She alluded to the fact that things go haywire once in awhile in marriage. This was one of those days. We chatted for just a minute or two about marriage and I reminded her we don't always have to agree with each other to have a fabulous marriage.....differences are good and that is okay.

I just have to say it!
Life is messy. We don't live 'perfect' lives, or live in a 'perfect' world.

Cars break.
Kids vomit,
Water heaters leak,
Friends forget.
Spaghetti sauce splashes all over the new wallpaper,
Kids break lamps,
Dogs pee where they are not supposed to,
Children color on newly painted walls,
Hubbies get tied up at work,
Moms get loud,
We get tired and cranky,
Teenagers don't call,
Homework gets eaten by the dog,
Cookies for a surprise get burned,
A friend doesn't show up,
Broken bones happen,
People over sleep,
Rain ruins the hair-do for the date,
Sickness hits at an inopportune time,
Repairs take the money we planned for a surprise,
Spills leave stains.
Clothes rip.
Sweaters get lost.
We miss the bus.
Arguments erupt.
We lose our way.
Friends die.
We get disappointed.
We forget a bill.
Someone misunderstands us.
.......Lots and lots of things HAPPEN!
To all of us!

Life happens.

Messy at times--I remember so many times one of our babies filling a diaper to overflowing just as we got them strapped into the car seat~ dripping 'stuff' all over the car seat and our clean outfit ~ already running late for Church and my hubby is the Pastor! Whoa.....what can I say? Life happens.

I said to my friend, "Dave and I don't always agree on everything. If we did, one of us is un-necessary. Hey---I don't even agree with myself all the time.....ask my kids. I have been known to change my own opinion more than once!!"

Agreement is not what makes a fabulous marriage.
Commitment is.
Love is.
Respect is.
Forgiveness is.
A willingness to work through the things that really matter and let the 'little things' life is made of 'go'.

We are not perfect yet we know 'the Perfect One'. He gave HIS life for us. As a wife and Mom I am investing my life in those I love as I come to know HIM better and better each day. Center on HIM and the things that have eternal value.

Allow yourself to laugh at yourself and the funny things that happen around you. Love people and not 'things'. Tell them you love them, even when you don't agree!

Life is short. What do you want to be remembered for? Grouchy and impatient? Or loving and fun to be with? Short-tempered or long suffering? Sweet or bitter? Frowning or smiling (ugh!)..".did my kids really ask me why I had my mad face on?" (yes...to my shame..)

Life happens.

How will you respond? How will I respond?

I am glad 'chatting' with my friend reminded me of something today. My day does not have to go well for me; or my hubby and I to fully agree about everything to be happy! I already am happy because of WHO lives in me! How delightful!

Happy to be a daughter of the KING ~ Lynette

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