"Thinkings~ Musings~ and Pithy words!"

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Monday, September 26, 2011

Fall is here...

We all have seasons in life. Yes, spring, summer, fall and winter. If you are like me, maybe you have certain seasons you like better than others. I prefer spring and summer having grown up in the southwest, we didn't have snowy winters. We didn't have the gorgeous changes of fall either. We had green and brown, that was it. I have come to love fall and all the 'changes' and yes, I am finding things about winter that I enjoy too.

Yet, there are other kinds of 'seasons' also. I am talking about seasons of life. Life is a process. We go through many changes and seasons. How easily we enjoyed 'childhood'. I loved my dolls. I loved my friends. I loved to play 'house' with anyone who would play...even my brother. Hours spent playing house and having tea parties and making mud pies and of 'pretending'.

Then came adolescence. Something inside 'woke up' and the reality that I was no longer a child. Life was no longer about dressing my babies and finding someone to play with. Junior high was not my best school years. I did not fit in. I had to wear corrective shoes when all the other girls wore flats. In fact I remember very little of those years except for a few 'bad' memories. One very bright memory though, probably the 'BRIGHTEST' of my life, was becoming a child of God. Oh how happy I am that God saw fit to shed HIS love abroad in my heart as a 12 year old.

Seasons......of growing in the Lord too. We never stand still in our relationship with our God. We are either growing.....or wilting.

I love to garden. I see so many analogies in the world of gardening. I have two pots on my walkway by the front door. They are pretty, I think so anyway. They have to be watered 'everyday' in the summer. Everyday!!! Our house faces south and the sun beats on them. If I skip a day or forget to give them water, they wilt. They revive and are pretty once again when I pour water on them. No, they do not die, even if I miss two days. But they sure wilt .......waiting for me to give them water.

Over the summer God revealed to me that I am just like those plants. If I spend time with Jesus everyday, reading His word, praying and talking with him, I am not wilted. But when I neglect or forget to spend that time, I wilt. I do not die, but I wilt. The more days I forget to 'water' my inner life, I wilt more and more. As God pours on His life giving words to me, I revive.

I woke so many days in the summer with the first thought, I am thirsty for you God. His mercies to me. I spend much time reading and rejoicing in who he is.....I loved it, cherished those moments.

Do you ever feel 'thirsty' for hearing God's words to you?? Start with five minutes and read one Proverb for the day. Today is Sept. 26th. So read Provberbs 26. Or read Psalms 26 and add 30 to that number all the way through Psalms. (26, 56, 86 etc.) I have a Bible Reading Plan I follow for the year and I love it. I have tried many different ones through the years and right now I am using The Discipleship Journal Bible Reading Plan. If you want a copy, leave a message and I will mail you one. (more about this later)

For the summer I did not blog. It was a season of rest from writing! I love to write and write often in my journal. (How fun starting a new one too) I felt the Lord asking me to 'let it go' for a bit. What a great summer HE gave me. So much fullness of HIS love in my heart.

So here I am towards the end of September and I begin blogging again. I am excited to see all God will do in me this fall ~ for HE is faithful! 2Thessalonians 3:3


  1. Been feeling wilty lately- it is the most needful thing!

  2. Know it....thanks for reading my blog!!! I had such a precious 'chat' with Gwen Thursday night. She is growing up...quite a conversation!!! Love you! God is so good!
