"Thinkings~ Musings~ and Pithy words!"

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Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Happy Birthday Robert Davis!

Today is my oldest son's Birthday! 39 years ago today (just 13 minutes ago) I gave birth to a little bouncing baby boy in Augsburg, Germany!

How thrilled his Dad and I were to be through with labor and see his sweet face. My hubby was in the Army Security Agency with the Army and had taken two weeks leave to be there for the delivery. The day leave was over, I went into labor. Dave reported back and said "I have to leave as Sherry is in labor!!"

It was worth all the pain to receive the blessing of our new baby boy. Robert Davis McCurley. My father's first name, Dave's and his Dad's middle and last name. He was named after his daddy, and both Grandfathers. Back then one did not go home right away. He was delivered in a Field Hospital with no luxuries. I was in a ward with 11 other new Moms who thought nursing was not the way to go. I alone chose to nurse my new baby!

I was to go to a 'meal room' and get my own food, take the baby back and forth to the nursery and care for my own needs. As I look back I am so reminded of God's presence and grace to this very naive new Mommy. I thank God for the very large nurse who took pity on me and helped me sooo very much. She came to my bed, whipped the curtain closed (trying to figure it out with 11 non nursing women giving me the evil eye was intimidating) undid my gown and showed me the art of nursing a new baby in 5 minutes. He caught on and the rest is history.

Our new baby had jaundice and was to stay in the hospital with me being sent home after 3 days. I began to cry......really cry. My Doctor came to discharge me as I continued to cry. "What is wrong??" I don't want to leave my new son!!!!! They won't let me nurse him! (Back then, they gave water to jaundice babies and formula. No nursing.) He quickly said, "You do NOT have to go home, I say you can stay until the baby is ready--and that is that." Wow, was I thrilled! So Rob and I stayed a full week in the Field Hospital and went home together!

How marvelous are God's ways. Higher, much higher than our ways. I thank HIM so much for being with me those many years ago. He provided just what I needed, what my new baby needed and more blessings than we could of ever imagined! As I think back, I see the hand of God moving through the years and always, always giving grace to this very undeserving Mother.

Thank you Lord for Robert Davis and all the tremendous ways you have worked. I am one very blessed Mom and I know it......so grateful you bestow such love and grace on this undeserved girl!

Delighting in Jesus today, Sherry Lynette

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