"Thinkings~ Musings~ and Pithy words!"

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Friday, April 8, 2011

Random Thought Friday

Spring Flowers are Blooming!

~ Do you 'dream' at night? I do, and some of mine have been not so nice lately. It was upsetting to me, I wake asking "what does this mean"? Are you trying to tell me something Lord? Etc, etc, etc. I did realize though that dreams are not reality. If fact, when I woke up this morning after a not so nice dream, I prayed. I gave it to the LORD and proclaimed the 'truth' to my own heart. GOD knows. HE cares. HE is for me. The Bible tells me so! Don't let a bad dream ruin your thoughts or torment you!

~ I am a journalizer. I love to journal. I not only journal, I like writing down lists. I have lists of lists. Pretty funny. I have prayer lists, books read lists (wish I had started this one a great deal earlier!), quotes I like, letters sent to people or desire to send to people, Bible verses I am memorizing, answers to prayer, character list (ones I am praying for myself), places to visit (near and far), friends to encourage, Sabbath list, word studies and the list goes on.Keeping a little book in your purse helps remember quotes etc. Do you journal? Tell me about it!

~ Did you know you can go into the Library and talk to one of your librarians about books? (some are more 'willing' to chat than others) Now that is a novel idea! Really, we are in our library so often that I have come to know 2 very well. If you like a certain author (say Francine Rivers--my favorite!) she can print out a list of authors of the same genre for you to try. It really works. I have found many many authors I didn't know about by this method. Try it out with your children. You will be amazed!

~ Our whole family opts out of TV for books. Not that we don't watch TV (ESPN---what can I say?) just that books take you places!!! I grew up in a family that didn't read much. Boy, what I missed out on!!! I have my awesome husband to thank for turning me into a 'book woman'! He bought me my first real 'book' back in 1971. We lived in Bad Aibling, Germany with no TV, no friends yet, and he worked 12 hours a day, six days a week. The name of the paper back book? It was "EXODUS" by Leon Uris. I loved that book. I may go back and read it again this summer just to see. We were overseas with no library, so it was a challenge. He was up to it though. He joined me in a Mystery Book Club in the USA and they sent me 4 books a month for a very cheap price (cheap paper too). The bug bit and I have been reading ever since!!! How grateful I am for a really great Library-- FREE! FREE! What books do you like to read? The options are endless!

~ Speaking of books ~ THE BEST BOOK ever is the Bible! I read through the whole Bible every year now. I used to use 'McCheyne's' but now I use 'Discipleship's program' (they have 3 different ones). When my children were little, I read my Bible but not systematically. I usually read one Proverb a day and then just hit or miss as I was led. Now, I see the wisdom of having a 'system'..... reading it is the important thing. God loves us. He wants to reveal himself to us. He does that through reading the Bible and praying. I have the habit of not reading anything else until I have met with HIM! I am glad! I have had my struggles in this as I think every believer has at one time or another. Pursue it....it is so worth it!

~ Rainy here yet the grass is looking sooo green and spring really has arrived. Our lovlies are popping up all over the yards here in Maryland! Thank YOU Lord for flowers and bushes! YOU are good and give us good things!

~ I am so happy to have my hubby and son back form Mexico. It was wonderful in Mexico and they have shared so many wonderful stories and pictures of our dear ones in Mexico. What a privilege to be apart of all God is doing in Chihuahua.

~ My closets are looking good. I am very proud of our 'coat closet' ~ the only closet on the main floor. It has margin now. It is organized and looks very nice! I de-cluttered it and got rid of stuff~ taking things to 'Tabitha's House', our local thrift store that ministers to abused women. Nice! Makes me smile! It is funny how getting rid of stuff makes one feel 'lighter'---true for you too? My mission continues.......

Ending with a question. What song do you sing, hum or rattle around in your head as you work?

I love to sing although not very well. I am a very good 'hummer' though. I hum all the time!

Five of my (work) favorites are :
"Love Lifted Me"
"You are my Sunshine" (I learned this one from Dave many moons ago)
"Count your Blessings"
"At the Cross" (I don't sing it slow....I speed it up--that is okay you know)
"If You're Happy and You know it" (Kids song)

Humming right now, Lynette


  1. Good job on the closets!! I can't say I get a song in my head too often- I am usually talking to someone or another!! Or we just play music loudly :)

  2. Davesgirl....I still like music LOUD while I clean if the girls are helping me. I did hum alot though when my kiddies were little, in between all the talking (me doing dishes etc). I think it was a way of 'reminding myself' to stay calm...haha. Love you girly! You are one terrific Momma~
