"Thinkings~ Musings~ and Pithy words!"

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Monday, April 11, 2011

Marriage Monday

Today is Marriage Monday ~

How often do you really really 'look' at your husband? Not the causal glance but really look at him, deeply into his eyes?

I had a friend in Kingston who was very frustrated. She was a little older than me but married for just a few years. She said he hubby never looked at her. He did talk to her but never looked at her. She was pretty, stylish and slim. I talked with her about men, marriage and relationships. I asked her if she 'smiled' at him? Did she speak softly, drawing him in? We spoke at length about what femininity is. One day she called me up and asked me out to lunch, (a major planning for a Mom with 5 kids at home, homeschooling) which I accepted.

She told me a story. She had spoken to her hubby of her frustration. He didn't agree. He thought he looked at her all the time. She wanted eye contact. She wanted smiles AT her. So she got up one morning, washed her face and drew a big black 'dot' on the end of her nose. She used an eyebrow pencil to do it. She also put on some make-up, did her hair and dressed as usual.

She made his breakfast and sat down to eat with him, the newspaper spread out before him as he ate. No reaction. They had a wood working design studio and he went to work on that in the garage. Still no reaction. She made him lunch. She worked around the house, running into him many times during the day. Dinner over she settled in for the evening with her hubby. At bedtime she took the bull by the horns.

She took him by the face and looked straight into his eyes. He said "you have dirt on your face"! She said " all day I have had this dot on the end of my nose and you never noticed!" He didn't notice and he knew it.

I remember this story often. We look, but we don't see. At our kids, at our friends, and yes, even at our spouses. Take time today to really see ~ with the eyes of love!

Lord, teach me to SEE! Lynette

PS. Yes, they are still married. He's learned to 'see' better and she learned to give her expectations to the LORD ~ HE always 'sees'!

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