"Thinkings~ Musings~ and Pithy words!"

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Thursday, March 24, 2011

Surprised again......

It has been awhile since I have been on here. I am not one to just blog for the sake of blogging. If I have nothing to say, I think it better to be quiet. Smile!

The Lord did something remarkable for me today. He met me where I was.

I usually sleep like a log. Last night, I woke up three or four times. As is my habit when I awake in the middle of the night, I prayed for those I love and for friends who need prayer. I prayed each time I awoke. In my sleep I think I was praying too....

I awoke and something wasn't right. My heavenly Father felt so far away. I am not one who lives by her feelings. Yet, this was strong. What? I kept praying and asking the LORD what is wrong? This heaviness, a distance in my soul, this bad feeling. Today was a day I work. As I got up and started to prepare for the day, I kept praying. The Lord reminded me of James 4:8 "Draw near to God and HE will draw near to you." Even though I was running late, (sometimes it's worth it to be late) I stopped and grabbed my Bible off my desk in my bedroom.

I noticed I was a couple days behind in my Bible reading plan. I like to keep it in order...ha....so I don't just 'skip' days. I read what I 'would have' read two days before. One of the readings was Psalm 66. WOW.....and WOW. Verse 20 says, "Blessed be God, because he has not rejected my prayer, or removed his steadfast love from me!" ESV

I immediately started to cry. God's words for me for today! How precious. I would have read those verses two days before, but in HIS care for me, they came to me today! Amazing and thrilling how God meets us exactly where we are! My heart is so full and I went off to face the day with joy, gratefulness and a song in my heart. His love to me abounding and full!

Just thought you should know!

Isn't HE wonderful! Lynette

1 comment:

  1. What a blessing. I love it when He does that. Just so you know, I am doing wonderfully after the retreat. I was so looking forward to getting to talk (that was on my "agenda") and He allowed you and I to be partners. He loves and cares for each of us so tenderly- nothing is too small for Him. I am so thankful for you!
