"Thinkings~ Musings~ and Pithy words!"

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Monday, March 28, 2011

Marriage Monday

It's the little things in life that make life sweet or bitter.

My hubby is in Mexico ministering to Tamahara Indians with 13 other men from here. How I miss him yet how happy I am that he was able to GO! My heart is in this with him.

He is there, and I am here. I am praying often for him and for all God is doing there in Mexico.

I was hit this morning of all the little things Dave does that I have often taken for granted. And it makes me wonder about myself. I 'thought' I was a pretty 'thankful' wife. Since he has been gone, I now know I am not as much as I should be. (There is hope!)

~waking up to no coffee smells (he is the coffee master here)
~realizing the dogs are sitting in his chair for a lonngggg time waiting for him (he throws the ball in the mornings to them as he reads)
~packing the car myself for Sunday
~warming up the vehicle on a cold morning
~someone to laugh with as we make the bed together in the mornings.....
~Rebekah and I realizing late last night that no one fed Taffy and Emma this morning ~ yikes!
~Someone asking when dinner will be ready......
~The oohs and ahhs over something I threw together and called it dinner
~Mailman here....is two days of mail really still sitting in our mailbox?
~his smile
~his presence

It really is amazing to me how much effort it takes to 'focus' and get things done around here when my honey is not here. I find myself not motivated. I am a lost case. I seem to wander around and look at things....hahaha. Monday is laundry day and I have not done one load. I feel like loose ends here.

Yes, Rebekah fed Taffy and Emma this morning!
I made my own coffee, though doesn't taste the same.
Silence as I made the bed this morning.
Only 5 days to go.......

My life is sweet not bitter,
Grateful in a new way, Lynette

1 comment:

  1. This encouraged my heart so much. With Jason home all day every day, I *know* that I take him for granted - he does so much to encourage me and love me, even though he's working so hard.

    I want to be grateful in a new way, too. Thank you for helping me to do that, Sherry.
