"Thinkings~ Musings~ and Pithy words!"

Welcome to my Blog ~ grab a cup of coffee or tea and join me for a 'chat' ~

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

My Three Youngest~

The Three Amigos.....they are all close to each other!

They like to kid and joke and poke and tease each other! Too funny!

Sweet faces and sweet outside too....love them!

She loves decorating the tree this time of year!

Monday, December 27, 2010

How do we know we love God?

"For you were called to freedom, brothers. Only do not use your freedom as an opportunity for the flesh, but through love serve one another." Galatians 5:13

So many people think being 'called' by God is just for pastors, missionaries, church leaders and Sunday school teachers. Yet the Bible says everyone of HIS true children is called to serve God by serving others. This is true for me and you. This is true for children, teens, all believers!
We are never saved by serving, but we are saved to do good works and serve others. Paul gives us three insights related to to this subject.

1st ~ The basis for serving others is salvation.
"YOU were called to be FREE. You cannot serve God until you have been set free by Jesus ....set free from the darkness of your own sins.

Until you experience the transforming power of God's grace in your life, you're too enslaved by your own hurts, habits, and hang-ups to think much about anyone else.

Without the freedom of forgiveness, you'll end up serving for all the wrong reasons. Like trying to earn approval of others, trying to run away from pain, trying to kill guilt, trying to impress God. Serving motivated by these will leave you burned out and bitter in the end.

2nd ~ The barrier to serving others is selfishness.
"Do not use your freedom to indulge the sinful nature." The biggest reason we don't have energy to serve others is that we are preoccupied with our own agendas, dreams, and pleasures.

I was hit with this again recently. Every year Dale and I work to decorate for Christmas at our Church. It is one of those things that is not much noticed, unless it goes undone. She went to Mexico on a Missions Trip and I oh so much missed her expertise! I was in charge. To my own shame, I started to get irritated. I prayed about it. The Lord graciously asked me....who are you doing this for? OUCH! Then HE sent me 3 sweet angels of mercy ~ and YES, it did get done. After praying, my heart was again in the right place......how easily I can be selfish!

"If you insist on saving your life, you will lose it. Only those who give away their lives for my sake and for the sake of the gospel will ever know what it means to really live." Mark 8:35

3rd ~ The motive for serving is love.
"Serve one another in love."
"No matter what I say, What I believe, and what I do, I'm bankrupt without love."1 Corinthians 13:3 ~The Message.

God is way more interested in why I serve others than in how well I serve them. He is always looking at my heart, serving willingly and eagerly out of love for Jesus and gratitude for all he's done for me.

Why do I do what I do? It is the love of Jesus that compels me. Some are looking only to do what they get paid for, or for applause of others, to 'feel' good. Yet these are empty. It is the love of God for me that makes me want to love HIM by serving others, even if they notice not.

We are most like Jesus when we serve others. After washing the disciples' feet, Jesus said, "I have given you an example to follow. Do as I have done to you." John 13:14-15

So what now?

~ How can I help?-----Consider your response to this Scripture verse: "Each one of us needs to look after the good of the people around us, asking ourselves, 'How can I help?" Romans 15:2

~ Who will I serve this week? Ask God to bring to mind someone you should serve this week, and ask him what you should do for that person. Then do it!

Who will you serve this week? Who will I serve this week? Ask HIM!

We love because HE first loved us! Lynette

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

A Gift~

If one is allowed to have a favorite Bible verse, mine is Romans 8:28-29. I often quote it, write it, say it, pray it, tell it, meditate on it.

Elisabeth Elliot if one of my favorite authors. So I decided to give myself and you a gift today from her. The following is an excerpt from a radio interview with Elisabeth. Hope you receive a blessing...I know I did!

We know, for example, "that all things work together for good to them that love God" (Rom. 8:28). Now the Bible says we know that. The Bible does not say God is going to show us how all things work together for good, here and now. He's not going to show us that, here and now. We have to take His word for it. But that's what it means to take His word. You just read the verse and as my friend Catherine Morgan said, "I don't have faith, I just know how to read."

So if you know how to read, open your Bible, read Romans 8:28 and 29. It says there, "Everything that happens, fits into a pattern for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose." It is all we know, but it is enough. He will prove it in His time.

How silently the wondrous gift is given. Are you drawn, as I am, to hidden things? I've always been fascinated, ever since I was a little girl, with hidden things. I loved playing hide the thimble when I was two or three or four years old. I was always called "the snooper" in our family, because I was always going into closets and drawers and places where it really was not my business to go.

And I remember in our summer place in New Hampshire, which really didn't belong to us, it belonged to my grandparents, I went snooping through all the things in a certain closet and I found what I thought were some empty boxes. And in one of these supposedly empty boxes I found a pair of glasses. Well, it turned out to be a pair that my grandfather had lost and he had been looking for, for years, and he gave me a quarter for finding those. So I triumphantly showed my quarter to my parents and said, "Look, I earned this by snooping."

I always loved little sandy roads in the New Jersey pines. I didn't have a chance to follow them. We would be driving by on a highway and I would always be fascinated to think, I wonder where that road goes? I always loved footpaths in the woods in New Hampshire where we spent our summers. And I loved the games that involved either hiding, like hide-n-seek or kick the can or hide the thimble.

I was always drawn to weak things--babies, little animals, tiny crabs, lowly things. What about painful things, silent things? In the spiritual life the instinct of faith hints that God is there, in hidden things--weak, lowly, painful, silent. God's Book, the Bible, is just loaded with instances of this fact. God is there, the mighty God. The everlasting Father is silently and in hidden ways at work in those very unlikely circumstances and events.

So what difference does this make in our life during this week? Let's meet everything that comes, as people who know, trusting and submitting to the authority of the eternal Word--Who does not reveal the end or the outcome or the meaning, but only Himself. And this has been my prayer lately. I have been really having quite a struggle over certain things in my life and in the life of some people I love. And I've been saying, "Lord, just make Yourself real to me." And I've thought of that poem that I think maybe Hudson Taylor wrote or at least Hudson Taylor was one who quoted it often and Amy Carmichael also quotes it:

Lord Jesus make Thyself to me
A living, bright reality;
More present to faith's vision keen
Than any outward object seen;
More near, more intimately nigh
Than even the sweetest earthly tie.

What is your condition today? Are there things that you don't understand, you don't know the meaning of them, you have no idea what the outcome is going to be? Maybe you are really afraid. Come to Him who came to us. Ask Him to make Himself known to you. He is Emmanuel, which means God with us.

Maybe there is someone, and I'm not sure whether the Lord is just reminding me to say this to you, but I have a feeling that there may be somebody out there who is pregnant and doesn't want to be--somebody who is dying a thousand deaths over the prospect of yet another child. You're afraid. You can't handle it. You know your husband doesn't make enough money for it. You don't have room in the house. You are already exhausted, tired, desperate. Remember that Mary also had an unexpected pregnancy and her response was, "Behold, the handmaid of the Lord. Let it happen as you say."

I too look for 'hidden' things in life. GOD WITH US! May we all, like Elisabeth Elliott quote Romans 8:28-29 often!

Merry Christmas from me to you, Sherry Lynette

Monday, December 20, 2010

Christmas Gifts ~

I have been reading a terrific little book titled "Come Thou Long-Expected JESUS" by numerous authors and edited by Nancy Guthrie.

This little book makes an excellent addition to ones usual Bible reading leading up to Christmas ~ the celebration of Jesus' birth; although Jesus was not born in December.

One of the readings has stayed in my thoughts. Jesus Christ is the ultimate gift we could ever receive. He came, born of the virgin Mary, lived a perfect life, was both very God and very man, died on the cross for me and for you and rose again and is seated at the right hand of GOD the Father, making intercession for the saints. He is faithful, good, holy, eternal, just, full of mercy and perfect in every way, all knowing, all powerful, present everywhere and creator of everything.

I have only skimmed the subject ~ HE is more, so much more!

We love because HE first loved us. Why do we give gifts at Christmas time? My hubby has asked our children that question many many times over the years. We give gifts because we love. GOD loves us and sent us the ultimate gift, His Son. So we follow HIS example. We give gifts because we love others.

What gifts are you giving this year? I asked myself that same question, again this year. I have put some thought into it ~ asked the LORD about it. Here are a few suggestions ~

* Forgive someone who has hurt you.
* Do something kind for someone you don't like.
* Die to self and let someone butt in line.
* Be silent when someone says something hurtful about you.
* Love an enemy in a tangible way.
* Comfort a hurting child.
* Give that $$$ you got to someone who is going without.
* Pray for a hurting friend, and then pray hard for them again and again.
* Accept someone different than you ~ really accept them with the Love of Christ.
* Give that teenager who bothers you a BIG smile and a pat on the back.
* Admit you are wrong...really wrong.
* Stand up for the one everyone else makes fun of.

These are just ideas....but could rock your world. I know. They did mine!

So joyous this Christmas, with the Love given me, Lynette

Monday, December 13, 2010

Marriage Monday

~ Marriage Monday ~

Our Sunday School Class for this quarter is studying about Marriage. We finished up our study with Ted Tripp called "What did you Expect" and had a time of discussion.

Somehow the question came up, "Why is 'public display of affection' between a husband and wife often times seen as 'not appropriate' around Church (before or after the services) ? Kissing and hugs. Read Song of Solomon. We read the first 5 verses. Some amazing things came out! The very first topic is KISSING. She initiates the kissing too.

Our Sunday School teacher (my husband) mentioned the fact that God's Word is truth. Kissing is a clear indicator of the health of a marriage. If you have a healthy marriage, you probably kiss a lot. A LOT is good. Very GOOD! If you hardly ever kiss, if you don't ever kiss better check things out concerning your marriage. God likes married people to kiss. He has given us marriage as a picture of Christ and His Church (His bride).

Kiss him in the morning, kiss him in the evening, kiss him at noon-time, kiss him when you go out, kiss him when you come in, kiss him always and ever! There is no such thing as kissing too much.

One of the things my husband said is 'your children should see you kissing all the time. When they say...ohhhh stop....then you are just where you should be.' Kids need to see parents kissing!

I so enjoy this Sunday School Class. It makes me think. It is timely. So many marriages are in trouble, all around us. Christian marriages too. It should make us all sad. Don't wait until you have trouble. Do as God tells us in HIS Word. Kiss your husband. Love him. Be loyal. Respect Him because God tells you too. What man doesn't love being desired by his own wife. Just do it! Go kiss your husband, really really kiss him!

A new slant on kissing here, Lynette

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Little Red Pail ~

I went to WalMart on Monday with my girl. We have debit cards, which I usually use when I shop. Easy way to keep track with the budget, so that is what we use. So Monday I did as I usually do. When I exited the store, it was cold and windy.

There stood a man ringing a loud bell by the little red bucket on legs. "Put something in" was what I heard in my heart. I had used my debit card ~ "I don't carry cash." I reasoned. I took two more steps. "Put something in the pail, Sherry." "Everyone else will", I told myself. Two more steps.

An amazing thing happened to me. "He who says he loves God and does not love his brother is a liar." ~ jumped right into my head. (I came home and looked it up...1John 4:20) What? Did I hear correctly? Yes! Okay, Lord! I opened my wallet and there were three one dollar bills. I turned and put all three in the little red bucket.

Convicted, I said "YOU are so good LORD, and YES, I do love you and I love my brother too."




I hear HIS voice because I am one of HIS sheep!

What a little blessing to me in a BIG way!

Grateful to BE HIS sheep~ Lynette

PS. It happened again this week and YES....I put something in! It isn't the amount, it is the heart condition ~ a willing heart!

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Sewing is fun!

Grandma and Joschua playing after all the sewing!

Joschua likes it dark to sleep. We came up with the idea
of fleece (and on sale half price...yay) to make it dark and
insulate from the cold in winter and from the heat in summer!

Playing with his train. Two window treatments!

Matthew Scott liked the valances so well, he said "can you
make a bed spread to match?" SURE! Camo on one side,
blue on the other. AND it's warm!

Joschua's new bed, pillows and bed covers! Maybe camo
sheets next!

Lorelei's fleece curtains are yellow. Her room is pink and yellow!
(Paint is distorted in this pic, do not know why.)

Sewing is fun and can be very helpful and allows you to have more choices. Plus saves much-o
dollars! I am glad I like to sew and it is very rewarding too. Are girls still learning to sew in school? I homeschool, therefore Hannah is learning to sew as we make time to sew together!

Delighting in Jesus today, Lynette

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Food for Thought:

As 2010 comes to a close and we begin 2011, we each should stop and consider some things to think about!

Everyday we make important decisions about how we live our Christian lives---decisions that concern our character, conduct, commitment, and contribution. These choices reflect who we are and who, by God's grace, we are becoming. Consider the following with me.

Character ~ who a person really is, even when no one else is watching or sees. God sees.

*(Gal. 5:22-26; 1 Peter 1:13-16) What character issues do I want God to help me work on in my life in the coming months?

Conduct ~ a person's actions that serve as an extension of her character. God sees.

*(Ephesians 4:23-43; 5:15-21) How would you like the Holy Spirit to help your conduct reflect more accurately who you really are in Jesus Christ? Are there specific actions that need to be put off or put on?

Commitment ~ the quality in a person that enables her to do what she said she will do, even if circumstances change or no one sees her actions. God sees.
*(Psalm 15:4; 2Timothy 2:2; Matthew 5:37) Where do I need help in aligning my priorities and commitments with His heart and ways?

Contribution ~ positive results that occur when a person uses her unique gifts to reflect Christ to unbelievers and serve the body of Christ.
*(1 Peter 2:9-12; Ephesians 4:11-16) In what areas do I want God to help me make more significant contributions in the lives of others?

Let's pray and seek the Lord as we close out 2010. If you journal like I do, just make a page for these items. Pray over them and 'dog ear' (I use a sticky tab) and check it once a week. Leave a page or two to write thoughts, things you notice and victories gained. It only takes a few minutes and think of the 'gain' in your walk with Christ!

So grateful to be a daughter of the KING! Sherry Lynette

Friday, December 3, 2010

Aunts and Uncle Baby Love~

Rebekah made the pumpkin Cheese Cake for Thanksgiving...it was so yummy!

Uncle Caleb and Aunt Rebekah with Lorelei Maria~

Auntie Bekah put Lorelei to sleep this time!

I like the skin on the turkey and now my kids do too....NO!

Sweet talking to her new baby neice!

Lorelei's first walk outside....with Aunt Hannah, Mommy and Joschua.

Joschua is so adorable.....he has chocolate on his face, Grandma's chocolate covered raisins!

Auntie Hannah hugs and kisses!

Learning about 'binkies' !

Sweet, sweet, sweet!

Uncle Caleb and Lorelei ~

She's a natural.....has the touch!

Aunt Hannah was able to visit for 10 whole days! Fun!

40th Anniversary ~ Sweet Gift

My side of the bed....she knows I love bubbles!

Dave's side of the bed...he is blowing bubbles that turn into hearts as they flow onto my side of the bed........we love it!

Pillowcases Jeannette embroidered for our 40th Anniversary ~ SO SWEET!
Thank you Jeannette and Rob for thinking of us in such a darling and sweet way~ a daily reminder of our gracious and loving marriage! God is so good, and we are thankful!

Gratitude Check

I did the 30 Days of Gratitude Attitude in November. It was a blessing and I learned a few things in the process. I learned I am not as steeped in gratitude as I thought I was. I thought I was a very grateful person. To my chagrin, I found out I am not as much as I want to be or thought I was. Isn't that true for most of us a lot of the time?

Gratitude does not come naturally for any of us. Especially with children. Yet there is something remarkable about a contented thankful child. Children learn best by example. Even we as adults learn by example, if we have our eyes and ears open. Do my children hear me thank their father when he changes the dead light bulb out? Do they hear me thank him when he opens the door for me, or kindly gets me a glass of water to drink? Do those around me hear me thank the Lord for the sunshine, or beautiful flowers or for his provision of needs?

Do my children hear me grumble when Dad is late for dinner due to work, or grumble when the sun doesn't show up for a week, or someone is slow in my lane as I drive? Why is grumbling so easy?

Gratitude is very much caught rather than taught. How contagious am I at home? How contagious are you at home, at work or at Church? Good things to consider!

Sit down and think about your 'gratitude quotient'. I know I have been doing that for the last couple days too. Think about who God has placed in your sphere of influence. If you have children, they are watching you closer than you know. If you don't have children at home, what about friends at work or at Church? What are you teaching them about gratitude by your lifestyle? I am learning to pray when I am tempted to 'grumble'. It really does help!

Thanksgiving for 2010 is gone. Yet GRATITUDE is not. I learned about myself this year. I hope you did too. Let us grow in our heart gratitude attitude. I know I desire this and I hope you do too! "He is able to do more than we ask or think".

Gratefully HIS, Lynette

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Baby Love~

Joyful Grandpa and Grandma with Lorelei!

Joschua, Grandpa and baby Lorelei ~ precious moments!

Mommy Natascha, Daddy Matt Scott, Joschua and Lorelei visiting at the hospital. She had no pain and was actually laughing during the delivery~ she had an epidural! Amazing!

Proud Papa! Loves his Lorelei!

Mommy time with her little guy, Joschua! Sipping on Mommy's juice.

Our little STAR ~ Lorelei Maria!
She looks a lot like Joschua, when he was born ~ he lost all his dark hair and his eyes turned blue ~ we like brown eyes too!

We thank you oh Lord, for YOU are good. We thank you for a safe delivery. We thank you for precious Lorelei Maria and the gift of life. We thank you for YOU are love and you love us so much to give us such tremendous and awesome blessings. Blessed be YOUR NAME!

Faithfully HIS, Sherry Lynette

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Home again, Home again, jiggity jig!

My hubby came to PA and picked Hannah and I up to bring us home to Maryland after 18 days (Hannah was there 11days ~work and school). We were visiting my third son, Matthew Scott his sweet wifey, Natascha, cute son and new baby daughter. I had a wonderful time helping, laughing, cleaning, shopping, cooking, sewing and most importantly loving them all and giving baby kisses to Lorelei.

We had Thanksgiving together as Dave, Caleb and Rebekah came for the day to be with all of us and celebrate together. We have traditions.....and the traditions must go on. After our delicious turkey dinner with all the fixings, we go around and share two things. We name one person in our family we are most grateful for this past year, and why. Secondly, we share the name of a non family member we are most grateful for this past year and again why. Not a year goes by, without tears flowing. I have a Thanksgiving journal I have written down this info in over the years.

Was it hard to leave? Yes. And No. Yes, because I love them, love talking with them, being with them and being a blessing as they are to me. I am a baby person, always have been, always will be. I love babies. I really love babies. I love talking to them, holding them, rocking them, changing their diapers, changing their clothes, wrapping them up, burbing them, all things baby I love. Even doing their laundry and smelling their tiny clothes as I fold and put away. Like I said I love babies, especially mine, be them, my own babies or my grandchildren. I do love other peoples babies too.....if they 'share'.

So this morning I packed up my stuff. I hugged goodbyes. I kissed and kissed goodbyes. Then I hugged again. My sweet darling Joschua stood on the porch waving bye-bye to Grandma and Grandpa! Sweet! Very Sweet! We drove home. Here I am. YET ~ I have my pictures and my heart is very very warm. I am a happy Grandma!

Did I mention they are coming Friday for a visit? Yay! They will visit Great-Grandma and Great-Grandpa McCurley too. We are so blessed!

Gratefully His, Lynette

Sunday, November 28, 2010


I have been in PA helping my kids with my new baby granddaughter. It has been pure joy for 17days. I will blog about it in coming posts. I just found out today that I could post from this "droid"...my hubby's phone, he lent me while I am here. God knows me! My time was more important in other things. So more blobs to come in days ahead. My time here has been pure abundant joy! I am filling up on baby whiffs. I have logged in miles of rocking. I have watched more Disney movies with little Joschua than I can count. Tuesday my hubby comes to whisk me away back to Maryland. It will be hard to leave. But I must! I will leave thanking God for such blessings. Our late night chats. Our laughing til it hurts. Baby kisses. Joschua running from Grandma kisses. Hearing those sweet voices. I leave knowing they will be fine, adjusted to having two! I leave knowing they want me to stay longer. Yet, home calls. I miss my man. I miss my Caleb and Rebekah. I miss my Open Bible Family. Life marches on. Besides they are only two hours away. Lots of baby kisses ahead! My heart is full and I am so grateful to the Lord of All!
Gratefully His, Lynette

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

10 Ways

I love lists. I am a list maker. I have a book of lists. I make lists in my journal. I often make 'to do' lists. I like lists a lot.

I recently came across this short list of "Ten Ways to Love Your Children".

"How Can You Love Your Children Today?"

1. Leave the dishes in the sink and tuck them in bed with a short prayer.

2. Turn your computer off and look at your children.

3. Turn your phone off and listen to your children.

4. Stop what you are doing and go sit by your children.

5. Walk across the rug and hug your children....more than once!

6. Kiss them at the door when they get home. Kiss them at the door as they leave.

7. Never leave an argument without saying "I love you".

8. When they ask you to play with them, say "yes" , instead of "in a minute".

9. Try to understand them; see the world through their eyes. Remember when you were their age.

10. Don't let a day go by without giving them a kind word. (Or two, or three, or four --added by me)

Food for thought, don't you agree?

With a grateful heart ~ Lynette

Monday, November 8, 2010

Keep Your Heart

"Keep your heart with all diligence." Proverbs 4:23

As we think about marriage today, since it is 'Marriage Monday' this verse comes to my mind. Why? Because in order to cultivate and keep a tender love for my husband I must guard my heart against sin.

When my emotions roar up, as they did this week, and I feel less loving towards my hubby, a blinking red light in my mind should warn me. I can ignore it if I so desire. Yet, I don't want to ignore it because I desire to desire the truth. I have learned to 'fight' the good fight. How easily I can fall into sin and not tell myself the truth!

I keep a copy of one of Jonathan Edwards resolutions in my journal. He wrote: "Resolved, whenever my feelings begin to appear in the least out of order, when I am conscious of the least uneasiness within, or the least irregularity without, I will then subject myself to the strictest examination."

When that alarm goes off, I must examine my heart and repent of any sin. I run to the Cross. This is the way to maintain a tender love for our husband. When we agree with the diagnosis of Scripture as seen in Romans 3:23 , we can also receive the remedy. The forgiveness of Christ becomes ours and the power to change right along with it.

Charles Spurgeon wrote this:
"He who grows in grace remembers that he is but dust, and he therefore does not expect his fellow Christians to be anything more. He overlooks ten thousand of their faults, because he knows his God overlooks twenty thousand in his own case. He does not expect perfection in the creature, and, therefore, he is not disappointed when he does not find it." (Sermon "Ripe Fruit" #945)

I remember my husband is a sinner. BUT I AM TOO ~ my sins are great...who am I to point out the speck in his eye when I have a 'boulder of a log' in my eye? God's truth sets us free. He always tells us the truth ~ that to first take the log out of my eye and then gently attend to the speck in his. Often as I remove the log from my own eye....the speck disappears! Amazing! What great affection I have for the love of my life although I do not always show it. How easily my sin blinds me to my own heart condition.

So my thought today is "Keep watch on your heart ~ for out of the heart flow the issues of life." Proverbs 4:23
Easy? No.
Good? Yes.
Worth it? Always.

Fighting the good fight this week, though not me, but HE...who is faithful...on my behalf ~ Lynette

Friday, November 5, 2010

Marriage Monday Part 2

As promised from last week ~ Here is Marriage Monday Part 2.

40 years together, married and best friends...my hubby and me. He took me to Hilton Head for a week of celebration and memory sharing of our past 42 years of knowing each other. When we came home he announced one more special 'gift'. Extending the celebration into a full year of celebrating!! What? Can this be?

Yes, so for the weeks since May 16th my wonderful, dear, kind, loving husband has written me love notes 5 days a week. He said he wants to do this for 40 weeks....we are in week 24! YES! Notes left on my bed table or on my pillow each night. All kinds....some make me cry. Some make me laugh. Some make me blush. Some make me smile. ALL make me glad I am married to this man!

I asked and received permission to share one today. Not all of it, just partial.....hey.....you can fill in the blanks, I am sure!

On the front of this computer generated card is a small picture of a garden with two small ducks sitting really close together (real) and under that picture is:
Happy 40th Anniversary
Week Twenty Four
Card Three

I open it and read ~

Love' Philosophy
By Percy Bysshe Shelley

The fountains mingle with the river
And the rivers with the ocean,
The winds of heaven mix for ever
With a sweet emotion
Nothing in the world is single,
All things by a law divine
In one spirit meet and mingle-
Why not I with thine?

See the mountains kiss high Heaven
And the waves clasp one another;
No sister-flower would be forgiven
If it disdained its brother;
And the sunlight clasps the earth,
And the moonbeams kiss the sea-
What are all these kissings worth
If thou kiss not me?

"What would life be like without your sweet kisses and if our lives were not mingled together."
~ Dave

Romantic! (He has acquired this trait over the years ~ he wasn't romantic when we were first married......there is HOPE!!!)

He is the kind of husband every woman would ask God for if she was wise enough to ask HIM!
Deserved not am I.....it is only God' precious Grace given to me ~ how I thank HIM!

My heart is so FULL ~ Sherry Lynette

PS. I am writing him notes too....just not as eloquent or as often ~

Question of the day ~
Do you keep a journal?
What do you write in it?

Thursday, November 4, 2010

~Recipes ~

Since Fall is here and the cold weather is right around the corner, I will share some McCurley favorite recipes for winter. In the summer we eat a lot of grilled stuff. But when winter arrives out comes the 'comfort food'....things that help keep us warm and cozy...smile! My hubby and son Caleb both love BISCUITS...so we have homemade BISCUITS twice a week from now til Spring!

Before I share a recipe or two, a couple time wise hints. I always (well, most of the time) double certain recipes, we eat half for dinner and I stick the other half in the freezer for those days I don't want to cook, or we are super duper busy. Saves time and money too. I like that my kids have 'caught on' through the years and just last month Rebekah, Hannah and Caleb made "garlic meatballs" while we were in North Carolina and I came home to a big bag of cooked "garlic meatballs" in my freezer. We had some last night! Very yummy!

~Vegetable Pie ~ One of my favorites
In a 9X13 pan (spray with PAM) layer in order ~ season each layer with McCormicks Season All
5 potatoes (washed and sliced thin)
5 carrots sliced thin (or mini ones)
2 onions cut in thin slices
1/2 cup rice (uncooked)
(any other veggies you like, squash, zucchini, celery, etc.)
1 pound hamburger (raw, uncooked...yes...you read that correctly)
Top with 1 quart tomatoes (add 1/2 cup water)and 2 T. brown sugar.

Cover with aluminum foil tightly. Bake in 300 degree oven for 3 hours.
This is so yummy and veggies are fork tender~ Leftovers are even better.
(Recipe from Mary Pitroff many year ago~)
~ Chicken Divan for 10~
3 10 oz. packages frozen broccoli or big bunch of fresh.
2 cans cream of chicken soup
2 Tablespoons lemon juice
1 cup mayonnaise
5 cups cooked chicken, boned & sliced.
Bread crumbs

Steam broccoli 5 minutes or until barely done. (or do in microwave)
Combine soup, juice, and mayo. Layer broccoli, then chicken in 13X9 inch pan.
Pour soup mixture over chicken. Top with buttered crumbs.

Bake at 350* 20 minutes or til heated through. My family loves this with mashed potatoes and a green salad. This is a great company meal.
(Recipe from Mrs. Bob Ellis many years ago ~)

BTW ~ When I get a new recipe I usually put who it is from and the year I got it! I have a few dated 1970!

Tonight for dinner we had Chili on brown rice (topped with cheddar cheese), Biscuits and Cole Slaw (my own concoction). It was a perfect rainy night dinner too. (Chili came out of the freezer...smile)

That's it from the kitchen for today....

Taste and See that the LORD is good! Sherry

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Tidy Mother

I will admit it...I am a Tidy Mother! Or at least I try to be, wanna be. I like things in their place, easier to find. My time is limited and I hate to waste time 'looking for things'. We live in a middle sized home with no basement. We also have an eat in kitchen (which I love) but little counter space and not many cabinets. Soooo not a lot of room. I have learned to use 'wall spaces' and 'vertical spaces up high'. Our ceilings are almost 10 feet.

Still ~ Tidy means more than just everything in it's place. Here are some tips:

Don’t let it sit for later (Clean ASAP) – a mess is much easier to clean up when it happens. Once food or dirt is allowed to dry or soak in, it’s going to take a lot more time and elbow grease to clean it later. I have learned this the hard way....clean it up when it happens...even dripped milk.

Don’t Put it off – this is probably my BIGGEST household tip! Clean as you go. You’ll be amazed that many things only take a few minutes to do if you clean as you go, rather than hours of cleaning if you put it all off to do at once. If you stay on top of these things daily your house will look nice and you will be more organized and relaxed. Some of the things I do daily are:

  • make my bed
  • wipe down the bathroom after I have gotten ready – I keep Clorox wipes and a cloth diaper under the bathroom sink – and I give the bathroom a quick wipe down daily.
  • clear the dinner table AND do dishes as soon as we finish eating.
  • load the dishwasher any time there’s a dirty dish – it really only take a few seconds, instead of having a sink or counter piled with dirty dishes.
  • wipe off the counters and table. Get kids to help....this is key to large families...it becomes a habit to them too.
  • sort mail, throw out junk.
  • do at least one load of laundry a day if children are small. I do mine all on Monday.
  • fold and put away laundry as it comes out of the dryer ~ you'll be sorry if you don't.
  • We home school. When my children were younger we had 15 minutes after breakfast before school for 'chores'. Different things each day. Trash, clean sinks, put things away, collect laundry etc. It was just automatic once learned. At the end of the day, we did the same thing. 15 minutes of everyone doing 'something' to help keep things running smooth.
By doing these things daily you can reduce stress and have a visually cleaner home.

Set a Timer for Quick Clean Ups-
Many days I will give myself 15 minutes and run thru a few rooms and just pick up stray times, fluff and straighten the room. You’ll be surprised how often this will motivate you to keep going. Get the kids to help – make it a game!

Dust While on the Phone – often if I’m on the phone with someone, instead of sitting on the couch, I will get up and dust a room while we chat! Multi tasking is my friend

Don’t walk to another room empty handed -
there’s almost ALWAYS something in a room that belongs some where else – don’t pass it up, grab it on your way – even if you just open a door and toss it in!

Clean up as you cook - I have a small kitchen, so I really get stressed if I have no room to cook or bake. Like wise, if you’re waiting on dinner in the oven, clean up the mess while it cooks.

I LOVE to come home to a Clean House- I try and pad my “to go time” by 15-30 minutes and do a quick run thru before I leave, put dirty dishes in the dish washer, wipe off counters, pick up stray items, even vacuum if I have time. I especially do this before travels, that way I could walk in to a clean house and start dinner with out the stress of a messy house to pick up as well.

Hope this gives you some ideas.....make it work! Doing a little now, pays big time later!

Thankful Heart Here, Sherry Lynette

Monday, November 1, 2010

Marriage Monday

I know I said part 2 from last week would be today, but I will continue that later in the week. I came across an article about "Bonded Couples" and I liked the reminders because it is so practical and I am a very practical lady.

So here are some very practical ways to build into you husband and invest in being more deeply 'bonded' together ~ which makes the LORD extremely happy!

A couple things I would add. Number one should be PRAY for your husband. Pray for his relationship with Christ. Pray for his integrity. Pray for wisdom. Pray for strength in a day and age when men are torn asunder, especially godly men. Pray for his relationships with other godly brothers. Ask God to make him HIS man. Ask God to keep YOU out of the way as He works. God will answer!

The second thing is never stop showing your husband respect. That is what HE desires. We just naturally 'love' our husband, which is nice.....yet what he really likes is respect. Respect should be something we as women should always, always, always be learning more about and practicing daily, if you love your husband.

I have been married 40 years and am still 'learning' the power of respecting as God asks me to. I shudder to think how disrespectful I had been at times earlier in my marriage, to my own shame. 1 John 1:9 is the remedy. AND asking for forgiveness of my always forgiving husband. Study, look it up, practice it. Godly women have done this down through the ages.....and I want too also!

Here are practical reminders to all of us ~

Have a great day and give your hubby a big 'hug' as he comes home today with sweet words of a grateful heart for WHO he is!!! Tell HIM!!!! I know I will and I hope you do too!

6 Habits of Highly Bonded Couples

Highly bonded couples…

1. Are courteous and kind to each other.

A little kindness goes a long way. Try to treat your husband like he's a good friend. If you're rude and snippy to your husband, why will he want to be nice to you?

2. Talk about issues before they get out of hand.

In marriage, you have to choose your battles, but if you sense that an irritation is becoming a major annoyance, you need to talk about it with your husband.

3. Believe in each other.

If you think your husband is a loser, you're going to treat him that way. Even if he has a track record of business failures or poor decisions, keep your opinion of those outcomes separate from who he is as a person.

4. Assume the best about each other.

Look for the good things about your husband and assume the best in his actions and words. Instead of assuming that he has bad intentions, give him the benefit of the doubt before you jump to conclusions.

5. Live in a "we" world.

Couples who are close use words that show they are set apart. Try to say, "Our bedroom, our house, our children, etc." Think of you and your husband as a team.

6. Touch.

It sounds corny, but hugs are healthy. So, hug your husband when he comes home, instead of just giving him a quick peck on the cheek or lips. Touch his shoulder while he's driving; hold hands while you pray at church, offer to rub his back.