I know I said part 2 from last week would be today, but I will continue that later in the week. I came across an article about "Bonded Couples" and I liked the reminders because it is so practical and I am a very practical lady.
So here are some very practical ways to build into you husband and invest in being more deeply 'bonded' together ~ which makes the LORD extremely happy!
A couple things I would add. Number one should be PRAY for your husband. Pray for his relationship with Christ. Pray for his integrity. Pray for wisdom. Pray for strength in a day and age when men are torn asunder, especially godly men. Pray for his relationships with other godly brothers. Ask God to make him HIS man. Ask God to keep YOU out of the way as He works. God will answer!
The second thing is never stop showing your husband respect. That is what HE desires. We just naturally 'love' our husband, which is nice.....yet what he really likes is respect. Respect should be something we as women should always, always, always be learning more about and practicing daily, if you love your husband.
I have been married 40 years and am still 'learning' the power of respecting as God asks me to. I shudder to think how disrespectful I had been at times earlier in my marriage, to my own shame. 1 John 1:9 is the remedy. AND asking for forgiveness of my always forgiving husband. Study, look it up, practice it. Godly women have done this down through the ages.....and I want too also!
Here are practical reminders to all of us ~
Have a great day and give your hubby a big 'hug' as he comes home today with sweet words of a grateful heart for WHO he is!!! Tell HIM!!!! I know I will and I hope you do too!
Highly bonded couples…
1. Are courteous and kind to each other.
A little kindness goes a long way. Try to treat your husband like he's a good friend. If you're rude and snippy to your husband, why will he want to be nice to you?
2. Talk about issues before they get out of hand.
In marriage, you have to choose your battles, but if you sense that an irritation is becoming a major annoyance, you need to talk about it with your husband.
3. Believe in each other.
If you think your husband is a loser, you're going to treat him that way. Even if he has a track record of business failures or poor decisions, keep your opinion of those outcomes separate from who he is as a person.
4. Assume the best about each other.
Look for the good things about your husband and assume the best in his actions and words. Instead of assuming that he has bad intentions, give him the benefit of the doubt before you jump to conclusions.
5. Live in a "we" world.
Couples who are close use words that show they are set apart. Try to say, "Our bedroom, our house, our children, etc." Think of you and your husband as a team.
6. Touch.
It sounds corny, but hugs are healthy. So, hug your husband when he comes home, instead of just giving him a quick peck on the cheek or lips. Touch his shoulder while he's driving; hold hands while you pray at church, offer to rub his back.
I am going to work on #5- using the "we" more often. I don't think of us that way enough.
ReplyDelete#5~It is a mindset....becomes a habit and is like cement ~
#6 I have to work on myself. I have to remind myself to slow down and touch "he" whom I love,instead of rushing through life and let's keep moving ~ ugh! I am doing better though....there is HOPE...smile!