~ Marriage Monday ~
Our Sunday School Class for this quarter is studying about Marriage. We finished up our study with Ted Tripp called "What did you Expect" and had a time of discussion.
Somehow the question came up, "Why is 'public display of affection' between a husband and wife often times seen as 'not appropriate' around Church (before or after the services) ? Kissing and hugs. Read Song of Solomon. We read the first 5 verses. Some amazing things came out! The very first topic is KISSING. She initiates the kissing too.
Our Sunday School teacher (my husband) mentioned the fact that God's Word is truth. Kissing is a clear indicator of the health of a marriage. If you have a healthy marriage, you probably kiss a lot. A LOT is good. Very GOOD! If you hardly ever kiss, if you don't ever kiss better check things out concerning your marriage. God likes married people to kiss. He has given us marriage as a picture of Christ and His Church (His bride).
Kiss him in the morning, kiss him in the evening, kiss him at noon-time, kiss him when you go out, kiss him when you come in, kiss him always and ever! There is no such thing as kissing too much.
One of the things my husband said is 'your children should see you kissing all the time. When they say...ohhhh stop....then you are just where you should be.' Kids need to see parents kissing!
I so enjoy this Sunday School Class. It makes me think. It is timely. So many marriages are in trouble, all around us. Christian marriages too. It should make us all sad. Don't wait until you have trouble. Do as God tells us in HIS Word. Kiss your husband. Love him. Be loyal. Respect Him because God tells you too. What man doesn't love being desired by his own wife. Just do it! Go kiss your husband, really really kiss him!
A new slant on kissing here, Lynette
Great post!