"Thinkings~ Musings~ and Pithy words!"

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Monday, January 23, 2012

7 Ways to Practice Imperfect Hospitality

1. Find a style that works for you.

Stick with it and know that it’s okay to use the same dishes every time you have guests into your home, or the same tablecloth, and that potluck is really easy. Learn not to compare yourself with others. Step out today and invite someone for coffee and coffecake, or for cake and ice cream, or for Taco dip and chips. A simmering pot of soup is so inviting. Just do it.

2. Don’t invite more people…

…than you are comfortable seating around your table. Don’t over-commit.

3. Cook and serve the same three recipes over and over.

Practice makes perfect!. You’ll eventually master and memorize the recipe. I used to serve Baked Ziti every time we had guests for dinner. As I built confidence, I expanded my menus. When we were first in ministry we used to have people over on Sunday Nights and serve pop-corn and cool-aid. We had a blast and so did our company.

4. Remember that when you invite people to your home, they are coming to see you.

Your guests want to meet your family and learn more about your traditions in your home and around your table. They don’t want to be impressed. We have had many 'bloopers' including serving a dish that was 'rotten'....I blushed and got over it. They came back too....because it's not about being impressed.

5. Don’t try to do it all.

Include the family in doing chores, setting the table, and setting a standard that is “good enough,” not necessarily perfect.

6. Be intentional.

Consider inviting people you want to introduce to one another, or who you want to get to know more yourself.

7. Lean into your fears.

Why do I call it imperfect hospitality? Because not every element of fellowship will ever be perfect.

Maybe your dishes won’t match perfectly, maybe a dish will end up under- or over-cooked, or maybe your smoke alarm will go off! Figure out what works for you personally when it comes to fellowship. I believe it has a lot to do with our personalities and what we can handle, so learn to stop doing the things that make you feel like a failure, and do the things that are simple and easy.

And if unexpected things happen, laugh—and your company will laugh along with you.

When it comes to hospitality, what are your strengths? Your weaknesses?

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