My Kitchen Dirt Today!
Everyone has something weird about them. Mine is sweeping. I love to sweep. I mean it, I like sweeping my kitchen floor. For a number of reasons. One of which is, a very long time ago I realized if I was going to go barefoot I better learn to love to sweep floors.
I am a barefoot girl who grew up in California and even though I live in Maryland now, I still like bare feet. Since I like going barefoot except on the iciest of days, I feel every crumb that I step on in my kitchen. The kitchen and the bathrooms need sweeping. Everything else in our home is carpeted.
One of my girls or I sweep the kitchen floor most days. We usually enter our home at the kitchen door, having passed three door mats. One at the entry door in the garage, one at the school room door and one into the kitchen. Three doormats! You'd think that would keep the dirt out since most of the dirt in a home is brought in from the outside.
The above picture is of the dirt I swept up this morning, having missed yesterdays sweeping due to Basketball Games and a busy day, all day! Yes, all kinds of findings in there, including pop corn kernels from Monday nights pop corn fest.
So what? What is your point?
I was thinking last week about the dirt on my kitchen floor as I asked one of my girls to please sweep before I would be returning from an errand. Why Mom? The floor looks clean. Yes, darlin' it 'LOOKS' clean. Yet it is not. Trust me, you'll see.
When I returned, she had swept. "Mom, you were right, it was amazing how much 'stuff' was on the kitchen floor."
Then the thought came. Our lives are sometimes like my kitchen floor. Looks clean. Smells clean. Only a crumb or two in the corner. But if I 'sweep' with the 'broom' ....oh my what do I find? Dirt. Sins. Not just sins of commission but the ones of omission too.
~ Time wasted
~ Selfishness
~ Neglecting my quiet time
~ Unkind words
~ Gossip
~ An ugly look
~ Being in a bad mood
~ Over indulging (you pick of what)
~ Lack of self control
~ Gentleness neglected
~ Rebellion or rebellious thoughts
~ Disrespect
You name it. Some little crumbs (or big kernels) that just lay there, un-confessed. Day after day of not confessing and the pile mounts into a bigger pile. The answer? The gospel!
The Bible tells me there is none righteous, no not one. It tells me as I confess my sins, HE is faithful and just to cleanse me and make me white as snow. That's a fact. True for me and true for you, if you belong to HIM.
I still like to sweep. I found myself this morning talking to the Lord about 'sweeping' my heart even as I finished up sweeping my kitchen! Isn't that amazing!!!
Now I have a clean kitchen floor AND a clean heart!!!!
So Grateful to be HIS, Lynette
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