Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Monday, December 27, 2010
How do we know we love God?
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
A Gift~
If one is allowed to have a favorite Bible verse, mine is Romans 8:28-29. I often quote it, write it, say it, pray it, tell it, meditate on it.
Elisabeth Elliot if one of my favorite authors. So I decided to give myself and you a gift today from her. The following is an excerpt from a radio interview with Elisabeth. Hope you receive a blessing...I know I did!
We know, for example, "that all things work together for good to them that love God" (Rom. 8:28). Now the Bible says we know that. The Bible does not say God is going to show us how all things work together for good, here and now. He's not going to show us that, here and now. We have to take His word for it. But that's what it means to take His word. You just read the verse and as my friend Catherine Morgan said, "I don't have faith, I just know how to read."
So if you know how to read, open your Bible, read Romans 8:28 and 29. It says there, "Everything that happens, fits into a pattern for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose." It is all we know, but it is enough. He will prove it in His time.
How silently the wondrous gift is given. Are you drawn, as I am, to hidden things? I've always been fascinated, ever since I was a little girl, with hidden things. I loved playing hide the thimble when I was two or three or four years old. I was always called "the snooper" in our family, because I was always going into closets and drawers and places where it really was not my business to go.
And I remember in our summer place in New Hampshire, which really didn't belong to us, it belonged to my grandparents, I went snooping through all the things in a certain closet and I found what I thought were some empty boxes. And in one of these supposedly empty boxes I found a pair of glasses. Well, it turned out to be a pair that my grandfather had lost and he had been looking for, for years, and he gave me a quarter for finding those. So I triumphantly showed my quarter to my parents and said, "Look, I earned this by snooping."
I always loved little sandy roads in the New Jersey pines. I didn't have a chance to follow them. We would be driving by on a highway and I would always be fascinated to think, I wonder where that road goes? I always loved footpaths in the woods in New Hampshire where we spent our summers. And I loved the games that involved either hiding, like hide-n-seek or kick the can or hide the thimble.
I was always drawn to weak things--babies, little animals, tiny crabs, lowly things. What about painful things, silent things? In the spiritual life the instinct of faith hints that God is there, in hidden things--weak, lowly, painful, silent. God's Book, the Bible, is just loaded with instances of this fact. God is there, the mighty God. The everlasting Father is silently and in hidden ways at work in those very unlikely circumstances and events.
So what difference does this make in our life during this week? Let's meet everything that comes, as people who know, trusting and submitting to the authority of the eternal Word--Who does not reveal the end or the outcome or the meaning, but only Himself. And this has been my prayer lately. I have been really having quite a struggle over certain things in my life and in the life of some people I love. And I've been saying, "Lord, just make Yourself real to me." And I've thought of that poem that I think maybe Hudson Taylor wrote or at least Hudson Taylor was one who quoted it often and Amy Carmichael also quotes it:
Lord Jesus make Thyself to me
A living, bright reality;
More present to faith's vision keen
Than any outward object seen;
More near, more intimately nigh
Than even the sweetest earthly tie.
What is your condition today? Are there things that you don't understand, you don't know the meaning of them, you have no idea what the outcome is going to be? Maybe you are really afraid. Come to Him who came to us. Ask Him to make Himself known to you. He is Emmanuel, which means God with us.
Maybe there is someone, and I'm not sure whether the Lord is just reminding me to say this to you, but I have a feeling that there may be somebody out there who is pregnant and doesn't want to be--somebody who is dying a thousand deaths over the prospect of yet another child. You're afraid. You can't handle it. You know your husband doesn't make enough money for it. You don't have room in the house. You are already exhausted, tired, desperate. Remember that Mary also had an unexpected pregnancy and her response was, "Behold, the handmaid of the Lord. Let it happen as you say."
I too look for 'hidden' things in life. GOD WITH US! May we all, like Elisabeth Elliott quote Romans 8:28-29 often!
Merry Christmas from me to you, Sherry Lynette