"Thinkings~ Musings~ and Pithy words!"

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Thursday, July 22, 2010


I am hearing chain saws buzzing very loudly this morning! Tracey, our next door neighbor is having his huge, big, dead oak tree taken down today. It sounds like a large bee hive outside! As I watched and heard the huge tree come down in one huge swoop, I was amazed at the way the ground literally shook! It's a pretty breezing morning.....but it will get hot cutting up all that wood.

I am thinking how blessed we are to 'hear'. The saw buzzing is unique! The beach waves are soothing. The cry of a new born baby is sweet. The sound of a lovers voice is pure gold. The noise of children arguing can be irritating. The sound of thunder can frighten. The music of your choice is fun. The praise of God's people for HIM is worship. The sound of a piano being played is pure joy (Thank you Hannah). The guitar humming away is beautiful (Thank you Rebekah). The chatter of a happy son is delightful (Thank you Caleb). Songs sung with gusto is thrilling (Thank you Dave ~ my favorite person in the whole world). The sound of a friends voice on the phone is encouraging. Water splashing in the pool full of kids is cheery. The sound of cars crashing is terrifying. Hearing your name called with love is wonderful Soooo many sounds we take for granted!


How blessed we are!

You can use your voice to 'bless' or you can use your voice to 'curse'. Which will it be today? What 'sounds' will you make today? I hope to be a voice that 'blesses' my God, my family and friends, and others. Look around today and see how YOU can make a difference. Make a joyful noise today. You CAN you know. Just open your ears and listen. Then make a sound that blesses......I know I will!

Grateful to be HIS, Sherry

1 comment:

  1. Wow, didn't know you were going there with the conviction- lol....

    I will try this- sounds to BLESS :)
