"Thinkings~ Musings~ and Pithy words!"

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Wednesday, June 2, 2010


"Nothing in my hands I bring,
Simply to thy cross I cling;
Naked, look to thee for dress;
Helpless, come to thee for grace;
Black ('Black enough!') I to
the fountain fly,
Wash me, Savior, or I die."

"Generally, the people who repent the most think they are impenitent. People feel their need most when they think they do not feel at all, for we are no judges of our feelings. Hence the gospel invitation is not put upon the ground of anything of which we can be a judge. It is put on the basis of our being sinners, and nothing but sinners." ~ Charles Spurgeon from 'Faith' page 33.

I love Charles Spurgeon. Even though he is dead, I consider him a great christian friend. He resonates with me as I read his words. He says it like it is. Very concise and to the point. I am blessed in that Dave and my son Rob have many of his books and gladly lend them to me to read and ponder.

What he is saying is so true in my own life daily. I will not and cannot depend on my own 'feelings' to determine my hearts state of affairs. The Holy Spirit leads me to the truth. Sometimes when I think I am doing okay, I am in most danger. Somedays, I struggle and wiggle and beat my breast and am just where HE wants me. I have many times been reading along and 'boom---the words jump off the paper and straight into my heart with deep conviction and awareness of my sin.' I wasn't looking for it, seeking it, yet God showed me my errors. So I run to the cross!

I for one am so thankful for the power of the Lord. He can break the hold sin has in my heart. He cares for me. He leads me in the truth. I hear HIS voice, I know HIM and follow HIM daily! Thank you Lord for your marvelous grace and mercy to me.....a sinner!

Yes, Charles Spurgeon, I must not depend on feelings to know where I stand ~ I am most miserable if I do!

Clinging to the Cross ~ my only hope in this life!
Delighting in Jesus, hugs, Lynette

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