Outside my window~ Sunny breeze blowing my pretty yellow coriopsus and stella dorio lilies in the wind. A chipmunk is sitting on the bench eating something.
I am thinking ~ How good God is to me. I don't deserve it yet what a gift of love! My heart is full!
I am wearing~ white capris, lime green sleeveless shirt, flip flops and a big smile! Heading to the Church office with my hubby ~ coffee in hand.
I am thankful for~ God's redeeming GRACE in my heart and life. I am happy to be a daughter of the King Eternal.
From the learning rooms ~ it is getting re-organized and in a state of flux and is in a messy condition right now~ I will get there!
From the kitchen ~ not much going on in here right now. It does need sweeping though! I need to get motivated and back in the cooking mood after more than 3 weeks off ~ Mexico's food was delicious ~ maybe I will make homemade tortillas today?
I am creating ~ cards...lots of them. I am trying to get ahead on this. My hubby uses hundreds every year and I desire to get lots made for him this summer.
I am going ~ to weed this afternoon and play in the dirt. It rained last night, so the ground should be good for weeding! Only a little weeding is necessary as we did mulch!
I am reading ~ just finished David Baldacci's new book and heading into another spy novel. I am also re-reading "Forgotten God" by Francis Chan. Asked Rob for a recommendation of Spurgeon to read at night also. Waiting to hear back. Smile!
I am hoping ~ those I am praying for come to Lord soon. God is faithful!
I am hearing ~ lovely prasie music playing in our house.
Around our home ~ there is quiet, as our sweet girls are in California for two weeks, visiting their cousing Allison.
One of my favorite things ~ sitting on the couch with my hubby and talking and laughing together. We are doing that often these days and I love it!
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Monday, June 28, 2010
Are you 'Content' ??
"Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things. What you have learned and received and heard and seen in me---practice these things, and the God of peace will be with you." Philippians 4:8-9
Are you content? There is a secret to being content....and I have learned it! It is what you think about and how you think about the things you think about. If you want God's kind of peace, be diligent about what you think about. It takes self-control. I know. I learned the hard way.
I was a worry-wart as a child. I always thought of all the things that could go wrong. I was aware at a young age that bad things happen to people. So I fell into the trap of being a worry-wart. My parents told me all the time that I was one. Then at age 12, Jesus drew me to Himself. Slowly I began to 'trust and obey'. It had become a bad habit to worry. God in is redeeming grace freed me from the sin of worry. I've had bouts of it since, but HE continues to show Himself powerful and mighty in my life. I am quick to see that wrong turn and run to the Cross.
The secret is to put your mind on the things above. No matter what you or I face ~ we CAN ask God to give us his eyes....to view the 'thing' through the eyes of our heavenly Father. He cares for us if we are one of HIS sheep. We can trust HIM. He is in control. He is powerful. He is mighty. He cares. He loves us and wants only what will be for our good and HIS glory. We can trust Him. Ask him. He will show you! He is waiting for you to find your contentment in HIM and in Him alone! Don't make the mistake of trying to find it in people, your hubby, your children, your house or friends or things. You will not find it there. Only in Jesus Christ is it found....true, deep, joyous contentment is in HIM and in HIM alone!
Here are a few good words to help in the pursuit of contentment~
**Never allow yourself to complain about anything---not even the weather (God hates grumbling)
** Never picture yourself in any other circumstances or someplace else. Bloom where you are.
**Never compare your lot with another's. Comparisons lead to sin.
**Never allow yourself to wish this or that had been otherwise. God knows what is best for you.
**Never dwell on tomorrow---remember tomorrow is God's, not ours.
God is so faithful and true. He has a plan and a purpose for me and for you. Remember ~"A quiet heart is content with what God gives." ~ Elisabeth Elliot
Are you content? You can be! Turn your thoughts around today!
Gratefully HIS, Lynette
Are you content? There is a secret to being content....and I have learned it! It is what you think about and how you think about the things you think about. If you want God's kind of peace, be diligent about what you think about. It takes self-control. I know. I learned the hard way.
I was a worry-wart as a child. I always thought of all the things that could go wrong. I was aware at a young age that bad things happen to people. So I fell into the trap of being a worry-wart. My parents told me all the time that I was one. Then at age 12, Jesus drew me to Himself. Slowly I began to 'trust and obey'. It had become a bad habit to worry. God in is redeeming grace freed me from the sin of worry. I've had bouts of it since, but HE continues to show Himself powerful and mighty in my life. I am quick to see that wrong turn and run to the Cross.
The secret is to put your mind on the things above. No matter what you or I face ~ we CAN ask God to give us his eyes....to view the 'thing' through the eyes of our heavenly Father. He cares for us if we are one of HIS sheep. We can trust HIM. He is in control. He is powerful. He is mighty. He cares. He loves us and wants only what will be for our good and HIS glory. We can trust Him. Ask him. He will show you! He is waiting for you to find your contentment in HIM and in Him alone! Don't make the mistake of trying to find it in people, your hubby, your children, your house or friends or things. You will not find it there. Only in Jesus Christ is it found....true, deep, joyous contentment is in HIM and in HIM alone!
Here are a few good words to help in the pursuit of contentment~
**Never allow yourself to complain about anything---not even the weather (God hates grumbling)
** Never picture yourself in any other circumstances or someplace else. Bloom where you are.
**Never compare your lot with another's. Comparisons lead to sin.
**Never allow yourself to wish this or that had been otherwise. God knows what is best for you.
**Never dwell on tomorrow---remember tomorrow is God's, not ours.
God is so faithful and true. He has a plan and a purpose for me and for you. Remember ~"A quiet heart is content with what God gives." ~ Elisabeth Elliot
Are you content? You can be! Turn your thoughts around today!
Gratefully HIS, Lynette
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Genna is gentle~
What joy to have some of our grandchildren here for a few days! We are blessed to have them in our lives! God is good! You should see the back flips Calvin does on the high diving board! They all had fun swimming with Caleb, Pop Pop and me. Too soon they had to leave and go to Philly for a wedding Rob was performing. Can't wait to spend our week in August together at the BEACH!!!!! Love you my loveys!!!!
Saturday, June 26, 2010
Chihuahua Blessings~
So far away and yet so near!
That is how I am feeling about Mexico right now~ My heart is very much there and my body is very much here. I have been praying, thinking, praying and dreaming about Mexico.
Mexico is now in my blood stream. What can I say? That is the best analogy I can say to explain how I am now. All the things that I was afraid of were as nothing. Those things I had heard and thought "oh no".....were less than nothing. The LORD is in Mexico doing an amazing job through amazing people. It is all HIM....yet HE uses who HE chooses!
I left behind so many dear friends as we drove away from Chihuahua. I loved being with LightShine ......and wish we could of been there more. The kids. The staff. Hearts opening to God's love. The love and affection and all the diverse personalities....what joy!
Being there for the Marriage Conference was really really a blessing. If you are married you never will (or should never) out grow hearing about biblical marriage and all the challenges, struggles, joys and blessings of walking with your spouse hand in hand with your God. I was amazed at the honest questions asked at the Q&A session. People really do want to know how to live for Jesus Christ. Dave and I enjoyed getting to know Marcos and Alma (Dave's translator) and thank the LORD for them. Of course getting to know Heather & Chris and Lisa and Sean was a true blessing. God has his servants all over this globe serving HIM and HIS people.
My heart and life will never be the same. I am changed. I am humbled. I came face to face with my own selfishness of heart. I saw with new eyes. My heart beats differently now. I see the LORD's heart in a new way. Chihuahua is in me now. I pray, I think, I pray for Chihuahua and all those whom I love there!
Do your work, Oh Lord, and be glorified!
Gratefully His, Lynette
That is how I am feeling about Mexico right now~ My heart is very much there and my body is very much here. I have been praying, thinking, praying and dreaming about Mexico.
Mexico is now in my blood stream. What can I say? That is the best analogy I can say to explain how I am now. All the things that I was afraid of were as nothing. Those things I had heard and thought "oh no".....were less than nothing. The LORD is in Mexico doing an amazing job through amazing people. It is all HIM....yet HE uses who HE chooses!
I left behind so many dear friends as we drove away from Chihuahua. I loved being with LightShine ......and wish we could of been there more. The kids. The staff. Hearts opening to God's love. The love and affection and all the diverse personalities....what joy!
Being there for the Marriage Conference was really really a blessing. If you are married you never will (or should never) out grow hearing about biblical marriage and all the challenges, struggles, joys and blessings of walking with your spouse hand in hand with your God. I was amazed at the honest questions asked at the Q&A session. People really do want to know how to live for Jesus Christ. Dave and I enjoyed getting to know Marcos and Alma (Dave's translator) and thank the LORD for them. Of course getting to know Heather & Chris and Lisa and Sean was a true blessing. God has his servants all over this globe serving HIM and HIS people.
My heart and life will never be the same. I am changed. I am humbled. I came face to face with my own selfishness of heart. I saw with new eyes. My heart beats differently now. I see the LORD's heart in a new way. Chihuahua is in me now. I pray, I think, I pray for Chihuahua and all those whom I love there!
Do your work, Oh Lord, and be glorified!
Gratefully His, Lynette
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Mexico was life changing to me! I am so full! I have so much from the LORD in my heart. For today I will just post a few pictures with you and write more as I think and ponder and put it all into words. How GREAT is my GOD!
I love our little Brenda....my bonita..... she is just precious to Dave and I and we are her Padrinos!
Love isn't love until you give it away.......please give love to someone today in Jesus' name! You will receive way more than you gave!
Delighting in Jesus Christ today, Hugs, Lynette
I love our little Brenda....my bonita..... she is just precious to Dave and I and we are her Padrinos!
Love isn't love until you give it away.......please give love to someone today in Jesus' name! You will receive way more than you gave!
Delighting in Jesus Christ today, Hugs, Lynette
Thursday, June 3, 2010
~My DayBook~
Outside my window...sunny breezy day, chipmunk playing on rail, squirrels (3) jumping and chasing each other in my flower bed. Birds pecking in the field where the farmer just cut the tall grass.
I am thinking...am I remembering everything for Mexico?
I am thankful for...the opportunity the Lord has given us to take this missions trip. Dave, Caleb, Rebekah, Hannah and I all get to go together.....very rare for us to all get to go together!
From the learning rooms...school is done for the year! Hannah is graduated to 11th grade in September....woo hoo! She is an excellent student and very diligent ~ a blessing!
From the kitchen...want to eat up all the food in the refrigerator and live off what we have til next Tuesday. No grocery shopping til we return. We will just make do with what we already have. Easy peasy!
I am wearing...white shorts, blue Ocean City 2007 t-shirt, barefoot and happy!
I am creating...cards to take to our missionaries in Mexico...encouragements and helps!
I am going...to be busy the next days. Shopping today. Planning today. Packing today. Errands today.
I am reading..."Seeing with New Eyes" by David Powlison. Also a spy novel by David Baldacci ~ I read instead of watching TV and movies. There is nothing like climbing into a really good book.
I am hoping...this will be a very purpose filled summer. Getting "Seeds Family Worship" CDs to help me memorize scriptures in song! (They are for kids but great for Moms too--smile) See Amazon.com for more info!
I am hearing...the air conditioner 'hum' in the background of my humming the new scripture song I am learning!
Around the house...we are packing, packing and more packing! Working on cards too and sewing up some special pillow cases too.
One of my favorite things...my coffee in the morning as I read my Bible!
A few plans for the rest of the week: finish up plans for our trip and packing continues. We have a wedding rehearsal and dinner tonight. Date night for Dave and I tomorrow night. Saturday we have graduation parties and then 6pm wedding. Sunday is sabbath day. Monday we travel to Frederick to give Emma and Taffy to Matthew Scott to keep while we are away. We leave for our Mexico Missions 10 day trip on Tues. at 4am.
Please pray for us as we travel to Mexico next week. Please pray we will have servants hearts, be flexible, helpful, share the Good News and for safety also. Pray for our team of 18, unity and love to each other, and that things will be glorifying to Christ. Thank you for praying!
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
"Nothing in my hands I bring,
Simply to thy cross I cling;
Naked, look to thee for dress;
Helpless, come to thee for grace;
Black ('Black enough!') I to
the fountain fly,
Wash me, Savior, or I die."
"Generally, the people who repent the most think they are impenitent. People feel their need most when they think they do not feel at all, for we are no judges of our feelings. Hence the gospel invitation is not put upon the ground of anything of which we can be a judge. It is put on the basis of our being sinners, and nothing but sinners." ~ Charles Spurgeon from 'Faith' page 33.
I love Charles Spurgeon. Even though he is dead, I consider him a great christian friend. He resonates with me as I read his words. He says it like it is. Very concise and to the point. I am blessed in that Dave and my son Rob have many of his books and gladly lend them to me to read and ponder.
What he is saying is so true in my own life daily. I will not and cannot depend on my own 'feelings' to determine my hearts state of affairs. The Holy Spirit leads me to the truth. Sometimes when I think I am doing okay, I am in most danger. Somedays, I struggle and wiggle and beat my breast and am just where HE wants me. I have many times been reading along and 'boom---the words jump off the paper and straight into my heart with deep conviction and awareness of my sin.' I wasn't looking for it, seeking it, yet God showed me my errors. So I run to the cross!
I for one am so thankful for the power of the Lord. He can break the hold sin has in my heart. He cares for me. He leads me in the truth. I hear HIS voice, I know HIM and follow HIM daily! Thank you Lord for your marvelous grace and mercy to me.....a sinner!
Yes, Charles Spurgeon, I must not depend on feelings to know where I stand ~ I am most miserable if I do!
Clinging to the Cross ~ my only hope in this life!
Delighting in Jesus, hugs, Lynette
Simply to thy cross I cling;
Naked, look to thee for dress;
Helpless, come to thee for grace;
Black ('Black enough!') I to
the fountain fly,
Wash me, Savior, or I die."
"Generally, the people who repent the most think they are impenitent. People feel their need most when they think they do not feel at all, for we are no judges of our feelings. Hence the gospel invitation is not put upon the ground of anything of which we can be a judge. It is put on the basis of our being sinners, and nothing but sinners." ~ Charles Spurgeon from 'Faith' page 33.
I love Charles Spurgeon. Even though he is dead, I consider him a great christian friend. He resonates with me as I read his words. He says it like it is. Very concise and to the point. I am blessed in that Dave and my son Rob have many of his books and gladly lend them to me to read and ponder.
What he is saying is so true in my own life daily. I will not and cannot depend on my own 'feelings' to determine my hearts state of affairs. The Holy Spirit leads me to the truth. Sometimes when I think I am doing okay, I am in most danger. Somedays, I struggle and wiggle and beat my breast and am just where HE wants me. I have many times been reading along and 'boom---the words jump off the paper and straight into my heart with deep conviction and awareness of my sin.' I wasn't looking for it, seeking it, yet God showed me my errors. So I run to the cross!
I for one am so thankful for the power of the Lord. He can break the hold sin has in my heart. He cares for me. He leads me in the truth. I hear HIS voice, I know HIM and follow HIM daily! Thank you Lord for your marvelous grace and mercy to me.....a sinner!
Yes, Charles Spurgeon, I must not depend on feelings to know where I stand ~ I am most miserable if I do!
Clinging to the Cross ~ my only hope in this life!
Delighting in Jesus, hugs, Lynette
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
My counselors ~
"Your testimonies are my delight; they are my counselors." Psalm 119:24
How I have struggled so many times with things in my life when all I needed do was turn to my 'true and faithful counselors' ~ hidden in God's word.
What life it brings. What peace it gives. What help I find. What grace bestowed on me. What soothing of my mind I find. What true joy is mine. What hope is there. What protection is near. What strength is given. What steadfast love endures forever!
Take the time to read all of Psalm 119 today and REJOICE ~ HE can be your favorite 'counselor' today too!
In Jesus is my delight ~ hugs, Lynette
How I have struggled so many times with things in my life when all I needed do was turn to my 'true and faithful counselors' ~ hidden in God's word.
What life it brings. What peace it gives. What help I find. What grace bestowed on me. What soothing of my mind I find. What true joy is mine. What hope is there. What protection is near. What strength is given. What steadfast love endures forever!
Take the time to read all of Psalm 119 today and REJOICE ~ HE can be your favorite 'counselor' today too!
In Jesus is my delight ~ hugs, Lynette
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