Outside my window... it is raining, raining, raining. After 3 glorious days of sunshine, blue skies and 70 degree temperatures, the rain has arrived and is literally making the grass BRIGHT green!
I am thinking... how fleeting life is. This life really is but a vapor....quickly passing.
I am thinking about the words in the song "I Will Glory in My Redeemer" ~I will glory in my Redeemer, whose pricless blood has ransomed me. Mine was the sin that drove the bitter nails, and hung Him on that Judgemnt tree. I will glory in my Redeemer, who crushed the power of sin and death. My only Saviour before the Holy Judge: The Lamb who is my righteousness. ~ Verse 2 ~I will glory in Redeemer. My life He bought, my love He owns. I have no longings for another, I'm satisfied in Him alone. I will glory in my Redeemer, His faithfulness my sanding place. Though foes are mighty and rush upon me, my feet are firm, held by His grace. ~ Verse 3 ~ I will glory in my Redeemer, who carries me on eagle's wings. He crowns y life with lovingkindness, His triumph song I'll ever sing. I will glory in my Redeemer, who waits for me at gates of gold. And when He calls me it will be paradise, His face forever to behold.
I am thankful for...The Cross. Resurrection Sunday! Soon to be celebrated by us because that is the day our calendar sets aside for this LIFE TRANSFORMING reality. New life ~ Natascha is pregnant and due in November ~ I love it!
From the learning rooms...Hannah has a cold and is not feeling well today. No classes and no soccer practice for her today. She will stay in and drink hot tea and sip soup. Caught it from Rebekah who caught it from a girl at work! Rebekah is all better now!
From the kitchen...leftover Lasagna from our Church dinner yesterday with Sean Rafferty and Chris Nickerson. They are our missionaries from Mexico that we met through Chad. There was lots of food leftover, and we are brought ours home. Thanks Lois, Bernie, David, Heather and your team for serving the body and for your servant hearts! We love you!
I am wearing...Black socks, gray sweats and a pretty green long sleeve t-shirt and a smile! My hair is a messy style today, just ran the comb through it and left it as it!
I am creating...messy piles of laundry to put into the washer. I am getting a late start. Spent lots of quiet time with the Lord, sipping coffee and 'thinking' and praying! Also wrote four cards to send out~ I better get in the school room today and 'create' some more cards!
I am going... nowhere today in the car, as we spent the week end...going, and going and going!
I am reading...4 books plus my Bible. Maybe I should stick to two and my Bible ~ smile!
I am hoping...those I am praying for are truly converted by HIS grace!
I am hearing...rumblings in the sky, either it is God's mighty thunder or Aberdeen Proving Grounds which blow and detonate bombs all the time to get rid of them, or dispose of (old bombs etc.) It was just confirmed that the rumblings ARE THUNDER and lightening from God!
Around the house...things are looking picked up and mostly put away. We had week end guests which was delightful. Some lights on in the house due to the cloudy and dark skies of hard rain coming down.
One of my favorite things...nice hot coffee and lots of it on a rainy damp day! A good book to read on a rainy day too. Hard to get to that on 'laundry day' though.
A few plans for the rest of the week: this looks like an easy week for me. If there even is such a thing for us ladies. Sometimes when I say that it turns into a wild frantic week! Saying good-bye to our friend Timmer tonight as he heads off to Army Basic Training and the Reserves. We will have the gang here to send him off. I work in the Church Office Tuesday and Wednesday. Bible Study Wednesday night. I hope to get some 'spring cleaning' done this week too! Like windows washed and the shed cleaned out! I know the Lord has plans for me, he will show me!
The Simple Womans DayBook ~ Go to her link and blog your DayBook today!
Congrats on a new grandbaby on the way! How exciting!
ReplyDeleteCongratulations to Matt and Natascha! Exciting :)
ReplyDeleteI like that you listed your were "wearing" your smile- I will have to do that too :)
Tara~ Thanks...they just called us last night! Exciting for us!
ReplyDeleteMel~ Sometimes the smile starts out 'fake' and then the Lord changes my heart to match! I wish that were not so....but in reality it is!