"Thinkings~ Musings~ and Pithy words!"

Welcome to my Blog ~ grab a cup of coffee or tea and join me for a 'chat' ~

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Family Time in March!

Natascha, Joschua and Matthew Scott ~ Here for two nights!
Talking, playing games and lots of good food!
Caleb and Rebekah were here too....just no pictures here of them...smile!

Tante Hannah loves me lots and lots!

Me and my Grandpa....he is the tickle bug!

My Grandma gives me lots and lots of kisses everyday!

I like to play on the stairs......too much!

My Tante Hannah plays the piano so well and I want to play well too.....one day!

We enjoyed our two days of pure delight! Time goes so fast when we are all together!
Pictures of some of our fun ~

Monday, March 29, 2010


Random Photo of the Day!
Joschua (15 months old) praying before dinner last night ~ our Cutie pie!

Outside my window...it's raining and pouring and the grass is growing. Everything is soggy wet including Emma and Taffy as they come back in. Dreary outside, but sunshiny inside!

I am thinking...
how much I have to be grateful for. My cup runneth over. Jesus is here, forgiving us, teaching us, and loving us!

I am thankful for...
knowing the Gospel, being redeemed by the Gospel and realizing GOD is the Gospel!

From the learning rooms...
no school this week! Hannah is on spring break and going to stay with her brother and family tomorrow as they travel back to PA.

From the kitchen...
sticky buns fresh out of the oven! Spaghetti tonight for dinner--my favorite!

I am wearing...
my new warm house shoes; I received as a gift from the kids at Christmas, black athletic pants, lime green shirt and black sweater and oh yes, a smile! Glasses instead of contacts and messy hair (becoming a Monday habit?)

I am creating...
happy music as I sing and hum again (note to self: ask if my humming is irritating to those around me.)

I am going...
to organize my pantry today with Natascha....she wants to help me---I love her! (she offered....she likes to organize...what a blessing she is to me!)

I am reading...
not a lot today as we are having a fun family day or two!

I am hoping...
my neighbors want to hear the Gospel again and again and again!

I am hearing...
talking, talking, laughing and laughing and giggles from Joschua in the back ground!

Around the house...
People.....Caleb even skipped classes to be here!

One of my favorite things...
my kids visiting us often, the more the merrier!

No laundry day today, doing the pantry instead and I will do laundry tomorrow! Flexibility is a good thing, don't you agree?

A few plans for the rest of the week
: ~Tues. I am going to work and hope to spring clean the office at Church. ~ Wed. I will go to work with my hubby and do Church work. ~The rest of the week is open for things the Lord has planned for me. If the sun comes out I hope to rake more and work in my gardens. Want to go look at paint colors and paint our master bathroom too soon!

Get your own DayBook here:

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Saturday Labors~

Saturday Dave and I spent part of our afternoon working in our garden beds. What work, yet what fun and productivity~ Just a 'glimpse' of our work!

Friday, March 26, 2010

Red Plate Day

Many years ago when Rob, Nathanael and Matthew Scott were little, friends had us over for dinner. We had a lovely time. Marti, the Mom, handed me two red plates as I finished drying dishes and she finished putting the dishes away.

Take these two red plates for "RED plate day" at your house, Marti said. What? I haven't heard of Red Plate Day, Marti! On birthdays, Anniversaries, special school awards, loose a tooth day, or just because I love you day ~ you set the table and place the 'red' plate at that persons place setting.

Down through these many years later, we have just about worn out our RED plate. We had two but I have lost one through the years. I probably took a cake to someone on their day and never took it home. Anyway, all my kids know the tradition. They have at times even given my honey or I the RED plate to help celebrate.

It is a tradition at our house. It's fun. It is just one little 'special' way to make someone else aware of how special they are to us. Give it a try! Maybe one day your kind daughter or thoughtful son will give you the 'RED' plate!

Here is a website to order a fancier one than we have. Our is just a plain red plate.

Enjoy and celebrate someone in your family this week!

Digging in the dirt today for me! My flowers are lookin' good!

Delighting in Jesus, hugs, Lynette


Random Thought Friday ~

~Random Thought Friday~

~ I came across a PBS series called "Little Dorrit" by Charles Dickens. It is full of characters and the heroine is just sweet as can be ~ very loyal to her father who is a 'lover of man's praise'. 4 DVD's with 4 episodes on each disc. It is on NetFlix. I have not finished watching it so I am not sure about the ending. Charles Dickens tends to be dark in theme.

~ Taffy and Emma are now pretty as can be with their short haircuts and purple bows on their ears. No more winter coats. I am not a dog 'lover' but Taffy and Emma has wiggled their way into my heart.

~ The Lady Bug invasion at our castle has not ended yet. We did some research (I must say Rebekah did some research!) and found out ant spray is the cure. With a hard winter comes lots of Lady Bugs. Both were true here this winter! I normally like them, for they eat aphids in the garden. But NOT thousands of them .....inside and out....especially in our garage!

~ We had our first bar-be-cue this Spring! What a riot! We did hamburgers on Dave's grill only to run out of gas for the grill 3 minutes into it. So he went to the shed and pulled out his spare, just knowing he had half a tank. NOPE! It too was empty! So he brought the burgers inside and plopped them on a frying pan and did them on the stove! They tasted just fine!

~ Hannah is going to New York City on Monday with Matthew Scott, Natascha and Joshcua for the day and then spending the week in PA with them. She is thrilled!

~ I like 'spiced jelly beans' and my family cannot understand why! Fat Free too!

~ I like my new coral journal. I can't believe how quickly I am filling it up. I not only am keeping lists of Books Read, Prayer Lists, Choosing Gratitude and I Spies; also keeping all the Sermon Notes from Sundays ! My daily journaling also with verses noted from daily readings.

~ Spring Cleaning MUST begin this week. Windows especially! I will wait for the Lady Bug infestation to be over to take everything out of the garage, wash the floor (after vacuuming the dead ones the broom cannot reach) and re-paint the floor with garage floor paint. It took a beating with all the snow boots, sleds, and tracking ice in.

~ I am not happy to admit the pantry is not in order yet! Maybe I will enlist Rebekah to help with that this week...shhhhh.

~ I know the Blue Bells will be in full bloom here soon. We plan on going to the Gunpowder on Bel Air Road with our camera and a picnic on a sunny day soon. I highly recommend it for one and all and especially families with children. It is just gorgeous! I'll let you know when peak is!

~ I am half way through Francine River's new book and I just got it from the library on Wednesday! Woo Hoo! It is a page turner too! Her Mother's Hope is the title.

~The other three books beside my Bible I am reading are: Jesus, Keep Me Near the Cross (during quiet time)by Nancy Guthrie, Prayers of an Excellent Wife by Andrew Case and Relationships-A-Mess-Worth-Making by Paul Trip/ Tim Lane

~Yesterday I put up some pictures on my blog of our flowers in our garden beds. Here is the answer to the question I asked!

Whenever people ask about the difference between jonquils and other
daffodils, I point out that the difference has nothing whatsoever to do
with the flowers. The difference is in the foliage. Daffodils with
rush-like leaves are all properly called jonquils. No daffodil with flat
leaves is properly called a jonquil.
There you have it! Daffodils and Jonquils are of the same class ~ Narcissus
It is the 'foliage' that is different!

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Spring is HERE!

God's creative beauty in our yard! Are these yellow flowers daffodils or jonquils ? Check back tomorrow to find out!

Spring is HERE!

These pictures are of our front garden bed. Our home faces South, so these are the first Spring flowers to stick their little heads up through the fertile soil. God is so faithful and creative! Thank you Lord for beautiful flowers!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Hump Day

Today is Wednesday! I have heard some call it 'hump day' because it is the middle of the week. But is it really? I guess if you work or go to school Monday through Friday it would be the middle of the week for work and school. Yet there are seven....SEVEN days in a week! Are you one who lives for the week end?

When I was in grade school, I know I lived for the week ends. School was not one of my favorite things unless I was in recess, Library skills, Art or lunch time. I was a 'day dreamer' , checked out most of the time when doing Math or book work. It was just maturation. I was slow to give up baby dolls, naps and play time. I think back and remember my parents saying "she is smart, just a dreamer!"

My Mom was President of the PTA (Parent Teacher Association) at Canoga Park Elementary School. She knew all the teachers, Principal and Staff. My 2nd Grade Teacher was Mrs. Barnett. My poor 2nd Grade teacher didn't know what to do with me. Everyday at 2pm we had 'learning to tell time' class. Everyday at 2pm I put my head down on my desk and preceeded to go to sleep. EVERY DAY! So the teacher had another meeting with my Mom. "Your daughter must go to bed eariler!" Mrs. Barnett said. "She's in bed at 7pm every night and sleeps all night." my Mom gently told Mrs. Barnett. The school year continued and I continued with my one hour nap from 2pm til school let out at 3pm.

One Spring day my Mom was at school doing some volunteer work and ran into Mrs. Barnett. "How is Sherry doing now?" "Oh ~ Mrs. Masters, never worry about your daughter and school! She is our 'little mother'. "When we have a problem with a shy student, or one who hits or is unable to get along with others, we put them with Sherry and she sweetly 'helps' them overcome. " She will do just fine in life. (My Mom told me this story when I was in my thirties) I have no rememberances of it!

I am told I did outgrow needing a nap everyday the years following 2nd grade. . My Mom told me when I had my own children that each child is unique, special and different in different ways. Some need very little sleep. Some need lots of sleep and then there are some like me who took naps all the way through the early years. It is okay! God has a plan and a purpose for each and every one. As we trust, pray and wait and see, HE will do marvelous things!

As I see little ones coming and going on the days I work, I find myself smiling inside. They too may not remember the funny things that happen. Maybe they will remember! I wonder how many 'need' a nap? Some are probably hoping for the week end to come quickly, just like I did many years ago!

Happy 'hump day' to you! Hug a 2nd Grader in your life!

Delighting in Jesus, hugs, Lynette

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Oh NO!

I am one sinner married to another sinner. We all like sheep have gone astray and that includes my honey and myself. I am so happy I learned this early on in our marriage. We are not perfect and we do not have a perfect marriage......yet we DO know the perfect One! What a difference knowing HIM makes in our lives and our precious marriage.

My hubby and I had an argument this past week. We rarely have arguments. Very rarely! I wish I could say it lasted ten minutes but that would be a lie. It lasted two days which is quite an eternity for us; we are usually very quick to deal with offenses with each other. I am embarrassed to admit it....it was my fault it lasted so long.

I was offended at something my honey said. He knew something was wrong but not what it was. "What's wrong?" "Nothing", I said, lying. (that was the beginning of the downward spiral...honesty is always best) I was not willing to admit I was offended because I 'thought' he should of noticed it right away! I did not marry a mind reader for pete's sake, what was I thinking? Well, I wasn't thinking! I was blind to my part ~ isn't that the way arguments begin?

So I 'stewed' and 'brewed' and continued to sin with my thoughts, attitudes and looks. Lightning did not strike me as I deserved. The wonder of God's GRACE in our midst!

All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned every one to his own way; and the LORD has laid on him the iniquity of us all. Isaiah 53:6

God doesn't cast us aside. He pursues us. He waits. He speaks. I am HIS sheep. I hear HIS voice. He loves us in ways we need. I was reading by myself and the Holy Spirit broke through! Sherry ~ yes, you are hurt but what damage you are doing to this man you love! Oh boy, did the tears begin to fall. Convicted to the core!

So I broke down and admitted my disappointment, hurt and my own part in our dis-unity. Why? Because Jesus died for me, my sin, my pride, my selfishness. For wanting my way. For not quickly running to the Cross and then to my honey to restore peace in our midst and in our relationship. I talked. He talked. We both listened.

He asked forgiveness and I was happy to give it! I too needed to ask for forgiveness because I did not help.....I drove him away. I love him so much. He loves me so much. Yet we are sinners. Like Paul said --We do what we don't want to do. We don't do what we want to do. We are not perfect. But we KNOW the perfect one! I am glad HE is our HOPE, HE is our example and HE loves us MORE!

Our sin is covered by HIS blood!

Besides making up is so fun to do!

Delighting in Jesus today, hugs, Lynette

Monday, March 22, 2010


My HEART REJOICES today ~ HE has given Natascha and Matthew Scott a new baby in Natascha's belly! Praise HIM Praise HIM ~ We are so excited to meet our newest GRAND BABY in November! Congratulations Natascha, Matthew Scott and Joschua--what a super big brother you will be Joschua!

Outside my window... it is raining, raining, raining. After 3 glorious days of sunshine, blue skies and 70 degree temperatures, the rain has arrived and is literally making the grass BRIGHT green!

I am thinking... how fleeting life is. This life really is but a vapor....quickly passing.
I am thinking about the words in the song "I Will Glory in My Redeemer" ~I will glory in my Redeemer, whose pricless blood has ransomed me. Mine was the sin that drove the bitter nails, and hung Him on that Judgemnt tree. I will glory in my Redeemer, who crushed the power of sin and death. My only Saviour before the Holy Judge: The Lamb who is my righteousness. ~ Verse 2 ~I will glory in Redeemer. My life He bought, my love He owns. I have no longings for another, I'm satisfied in Him alone. I will glory in my Redeemer, His faithfulness my sanding place. Though foes are mighty and rush upon me, my feet are firm, held by His grace. ~ Verse 3 ~ I will glory in my Redeemer, who carries me on eagle's wings. He crowns y life with lovingkindness, His triumph song I'll ever sing. I will glory in my Redeemer, who waits for me at gates of gold. And when He calls me it will be paradise, His face forever to behold.

I am thankful for...The Cross. Resurrection Sunday! Soon to be celebrated by us because that is the day our calendar sets aside for this LIFE TRANSFORMING reality. New life ~ Natascha is pregnant and due in November ~ I love it!

From the learning rooms...Hannah has a cold and is not feeling well today. No classes and no soccer practice for her today. She will stay in and drink hot tea and sip soup. Caught it from Rebekah who caught it from a girl at work! Rebekah is all better now!

From the kitchen...leftover Lasagna from our Church dinner yesterday with Sean Rafferty and Chris Nickerson. They are our missionaries from Mexico that we met through Chad. There was lots of food leftover, and we are brought ours home. Thanks Lois, Bernie, David, Heather and your team for serving the body and for your servant hearts! We love you!

I am wearing...Black socks, gray sweats and a pretty green long sleeve t-shirt and a smile! My hair is a messy style today, just ran the comb through it and left it as it was...smile!

I am creating...messy piles of laundry to put into the washer. I am getting a late start. Spent lots of quiet time with the Lord, sipping coffee and 'thinking' and praying! Also wrote four cards to send out~ I better get in the school room today and 'create' some more cards!

I am going... nowhere today in the car, as we spent the week end...going, and going and going!

I am reading...4 books plus my Bible. Maybe I should stick to two and my Bible ~ smile!

I am hoping...those I am praying for are truly converted by HIS grace!

I am hearing...rumblings in the sky, either it is God's mighty thunder or Aberdeen Proving Grounds which blow and detonate bombs all the time to get rid of them, or dispose of (old bombs etc.) It was just confirmed that the rumblings ARE THUNDER and lightening from God!

Around the house...things are looking picked up and mostly put away. We had week end guests which was delightful. Some lights on in the house due to the cloudy and dark skies of hard rain coming down.

One of my favorite things...nice hot coffee and lots of it on a rainy damp day! A good book to read on a rainy day too. Hard to get to that on 'laundry day' though.

A few plans for the rest of the week: this looks like an easy week for me. If there even is such a thing for us ladies. Sometimes when I say that it turns into a wild frantic week! Saying good-bye to our friend Timmer tonight as he heads off to Army Basic Training and the Reserves. We will have the gang here to send him off. I work in the Church Office Tuesday and Wednesday. Bible Study Wednesday night. I hope to get some 'spring cleaning' done this week too! Like windows washed and the shed cleaned out! I know the Lord has plans for me, he will show me!

The Simple Womans DayBook ~ Go to her link and blog your DayBook today! http://thesimplewomansdaybook.blogspot.com/

Friday, March 19, 2010

Random Thought Friday ~

Today is Random Thought Friday!

~ I am working for my co-worker Denise today. She is home playing, talking, learning with her Grandchildren today. I am happy for her.

~ Ladies Retreat was a real 'treat'. Girl time. Learning time. Good stuff! Loved it!

~ I am glad Rebekah, Hannah and I cleaned our abode yesterday. We did it quick and efficiently. I also did our grocery shopping in the afternoon and went to the bank. Of course since it was 'errand day' Rebekah and I went to Wal-Mart too. Cheapest place in town for Prego!

~ I purchased my first two yearly pansy plants yesterday ~ of all places ~ Giant Grocery Store. They are very nice looking and were cheap too. One bright yellow, Hannah likes yellow and one purple, Bekah likes purple. They will go in our white pot by our front door. Cheery!

~ Working three days instead of my usual two is more tiring than I thought. I miss home.

~ I am reading four books this week instead of my usual three. I started a new one that is causing me to think a lot. The other three are just getting a lick and a promise right now. That is okay.

~ I was able to get an hour of raking in this week. And one big bucket of weeds pulled. Looks nice to me.

~ I have cried four times this week. My friend Judy was in the hospital and is home now. A sweet girl who is a student at School was in a terrible accident on Wednesday and has a fractured pelvis, we are trusting the Lord for her. Pray for Andrea please! I was weeping two other times for sadness. Crying is a part of life.

~ March Madness is in full swing! My family enjoys this fun time. We watch when we can, when we are home. GO Maryland! Smile!

~ I have taken the time twice to go to my room and count my blessings this week. On purpose. With intent. In the middle of the day. Thanking my heavenly Father for HIS grace, HIS love, HIS presence, HIS strength, HIS care, that HE is FOR me ~ even when I don't feel it.

~ BIG plans for us this week end. I am EXCITED. I can't wait! God is good!

Delighting in Jesus, hugs, Lynette

Thursday, March 18, 2010

March Madness

March Madness is here!

My handsome hubby loves Basketball. He played on our varsity team at our High School in Canoga Park, California. He has always played 'pick up' games wherever we have lived with other men who also enjoy the game and the exercise. He is now resident COACH at OBCA for Varsity Boys Basketball and they even won the Championship last year, a first for OBCA. Dave graduated from University of Maryland at College Park and of course THAT is his favorite team. Lots of red t-shirts that say Maryland at our house! I always try to get them on clearance as a surprise for him each year....smile!

You may ask, well, why are you talking about March Madness?

I didn't grow up with basketball as a sport our family participated in. I didn't know much about it at all when I married Dave. Yet I loved him. I wanted to be with him. I could complain and gripe about 'another basketball game' or not. I could 'buck the system or join in'. I realized early on that I had better 'learn' something about basketball or I would be miserable and make HIM miserable too. I wanted to be a 'blessing' not a nag and a curse.

I learned to like it....not at first but eventually I did. I would make taco dip, refill his iced tea and make sure we had plenty of Doritos during March Madness. I even learned all the 'yelling' wasn't anger, but excitement! I learned who his favorite teams were. I joined in the fun. I still don't do 'brackets' even though Dave, Caleb and Rebekah all do.

I still re-fill glasses. I make sure we have pop corn or Doritos for the games. Why? Because I love my husband. I think he is wonderful. For all the sacrifices he gives for me and our children, for his servant heart, for his unique ways, for his love for many others, for all his hard work, for the provider he is for us, I am so thankful. He does a thousand things for all of us, all the time.

So bring on the games!
Stock up on the Doritos and iced tea.
Turn up the sound!
Maryland PLAYS tomorrow night!
What FUN, and I know the Lord is smiling all the way!

Delighting in Jesus, hugs, Lynette

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

What a Guy!

My hubby brought home a book for me today!

"Blogging for Dummies"!!!!

He is so kind! I look forward to learning much and changing my blog ......often! We will see!

I just had to 'Blog' this...hahaha

I am so in love with my manly, thoughtful, loving and very kind hubby~ can you tell? I am a blessed woman and I am so grateful!

Delighting in Jesus, hugs, Lynette

Spring has Sprung

Spring is here in our neck of the woods. It smells so good!

Our daffodils are coming up. The grass is green and growing, which means we will soon be hearing the lawn mowers going full force. Dave took our deck chairs out of the shed. He put up our two umbrellas for the tables. We have grilled on our grill two times. The hose is hooked up to the outside spigot. We took out of our shed our 'weed buckets' (tall white buckets we have collected from different places) and used them once. Weed buckets are something I like, I use them to put weeds in as I work, using another one upside down to sit on as I weed. Saves the back and knees. All our hand tools have been rubbed with oil (keeps the rust down) and we have taken inventory of our many work gloves.

In another week or so we will get into our shed and 're-organize' for the months ahead. We like to keep our shed organized and stocked with stuff we need. Potting soil, fertilizer, peat moss, string, seeds, refill for our weed wacker etc.

Yesterday, I came home, put on old jeans and went out back and grabbed my rake and weed buckets and worked weeding in our front yard and raking for an hour. I have chats with the Lord as I work. It is amazing what fellowship takes place. Fun? You bet...I love it!

If you like to garden do you keep a 'Garden Journal'?? I do. I don't really journal, I just jot down notes. Things I want to plant. Things that returned and did not return. I tried doing a 'map' one year, but that didn't work too well. I pretty much remember what we have and what we don't. Lots of things have 'disappeared' over the years. Surprises abound when you garden. Things you just know will return, don't. Then the Lord gives super surprises and something you thought would not return is in full bloom in glorious beauty.

I am just a hobby type gardener. But I so enjoy it! I try to not get overly worked up when something gets trampled on or a dog (not ours) digs in my flower beds. Or a rabbit attacks my primroses and leaves just buds. It all belongs to HIM anyway!

Am I excited that Spring has sprung? Yes, I am. I look forward to the mulch truck pulling into our driveway in a few weeks. What fun! What work! And it is ALL worth it!

Bring it on! I am smiling all the way.......everyday!

Delighting in Jesus, hugs, Lynette

Monday, March 15, 2010

~ Ponderings ~

My friend Stefanie has a Day Book and I tried to 'join' and set it up here with failure. So I am doing my own thing ~ hopefully later figure out the process! Thanks Stefanie for 'helping' me 'get it'! Smile! I keep saying I 'must' sign up for that computer class in my future!

Outside my window... I see green grass and bulbs rising out of the fertile soil. It is rainy. My purple Grecian Wildflowers are blooming and my purple and bright yellow crocus Dieter and Ann gave me and which our beloved Dieter helped me plant are shining brightly.

I am thinking... How grateful I am to be the Kings daughter today. On a rainy soggy day, I am blessed beyond measure because Jesus Christ died for me and HE is FOR me! My sins are forgiven, past, present and future! Thank you Lord for YOUR willingness to go to the CROSS for me!

I am thankful for... Jesus Christ ~ who is my ALL in ALL!!! My hubby, who is not only my husband, but my best friend and lover. Our children the Lord has given to us ~ who really are his, HE has 'loaned' them to Dave and I to raise for HIM! It is awesome to realize and know Jesus Christ loves them even more than I do!

From the learning rooms... Wordly Wise test today for Hannah! I love this subject she has! "Quixotic" was from weeks ago and I am still using it--ha, ha--I am the teacher who still learns!

From the kitchen...Coffee, lots of yummy coffee ~ still thinking about what to make for dinner ~ although Hannah suggested homemade french fries to go with whatever we have tonight; as we are swimming in raw potatoes this week! (I was hoping she would suggest Potato Soup, one of my favorites!) I

I am wearing... Jeans, white t-shirt and black flip flops. A clip to hold back my bangs too!

I am creating...nice piles of laundry as I fold the clothes coming out of the drier. Load number 5 just went in the washing machine! Thank you Lord for my 'servants' ..aka... washer/drier!

I am going... to be inside all day, making our home smell good, look tidy and filled with praise to Jesus! Getting the laundry done today also.

I am reading... 3 books at once! My usual practice, and of course my Bible in the morning!

I am hoping... those I am praying for come to faith in Jesus Christ and are truly converted!

I am hearing... the hum of the drier, Hannah in the kitchen making lunch for Caleb (who is off work and on his first day of spring break from Towson University), me and herself. She has a servants heart for real!

Around the house...Taffy and Emma are going for their shot this week at the Vets and then Friday they go to the groomers and are getting short haircuts. Emma is shedding black fur everywhere, even though they are both 'non shedding' dogs; they have winter coats to get rid of somehow. We are using the broom, vacuum and 'sweeper' often to keep it on top of it!

One of my favorite things...hugs from those I love, especially the way my hubby hugs me...tight and long....not just a squeeze. He is an absolutely wonderful hugger!

A few plans for the rest of the week: We have a special guest who is a Missionary, coming Friday Night to stay with us from Mexico, which we are thrilled about. I have lasagna to make for Sunday Dinner at Church. I will work Tuesday, Wednesday and added Friday this week, an extra day for me. A full week for sure. Week end is full too with wonderful plans!

Here is picture for thought I am sharing...my picture is at the top of this blog today! My honey and Joschua James taken recently! Makes me smile!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Bible Study

I love Bible Study. We have Bible Study every Wednesday night at our Church. Pastor Dave leads the study. We happen to be in 1 Corinthians 9 right now. We have been in 1 Corinthians since September of 2009. We are taking it verse by verse, so we are learning much, discussing as we go.

I was sitting in Bible Study tonight musing about the valuable time spent doing this. Why? Because we have to? NO....always no! We do it because we love it! Always and ever. What investments we are making for eternity. To LOVE GOD more, to deepen our relationships with HIM. NOT to learn facts, or gain knowledge. To grow in our appreciation of who HE is, how HE works, what HE wants for us, and to learn to love HIS gospel more and more and more.

"For by grace you have been saved, through faith, that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God, not by works so that no man may boast." Ephesians 2: 8-9

It was brought out tonight that knowledge puffs us up. If we feel we are 'better' because we read our Bibles more, we are wrong. If we think we are 'better' because we know more, we are wrong. If we think we are more spiritual because......you fill in the blank....we are wrong! It isn't grace plus something.... yet we act like it is! WRONG! It is a gift! Period. Pure GRACE! Yes, knowledge puffs up, yet LOVE edifies.

Thank you Lord for allowing me to be in Bible Study. YOU are so good, so generous, so kind! I still love Bible Study!

Delighting in Jesus, hugs, Lynette

Tuesday, March 9, 2010


I have a friend at work who has the most contagious laugh I have ever heard. We all love to hear her laugh! I told her today that I would love to 'tape' her laugh to just have it to listen to when I needed it. She laughs often, the music ringing in everyone's ears. I am not the only one who loves, loves, loves to hear her laugh, we all do! What a special gift!!!

The Lord gave me this verse this morning. Psalm 56: 9 ~ "This I know, that God is for me." What an encouraging, loving verse to send right into my heart! It made my day 'shine'. Even when the coffee pot tipped over and spilled out, even when a little boy vomited in the office, even when I forgot to put Dave and my lunch order into Shirley. I remembered that "God is for me!".

Maybe you have had a hard day. Maybe a hard week. Or even a hard month! If you are HIS child, then know HE is FOR you! If you are like me, that should make you smile. Maybe even laugh! Doesn't it make you want to sing!?

It did me, and yes, I did laugh more than once or twice today!

What a wonderful mercy filled God I love!

Delighting in Jesus, hugs, Lynette

Monday, March 8, 2010

Spring Flowers!

I just got back from a sunny brisk walk down our quiet street. The sun is shining bright, no clouds in the sky, and bright beautiful blue skie

Sweet fresh air! What a lovely day! Temp is 54 and slight chilly wind! I have flung open all the windows in our house....awww.....nic
e fresh spring air! I love it! Today is Monday so the wash has been going since early after breakfast. Some of our stuff is flapping in the wind (cottons tend to shrink in the drier, so I hang those ~ sweaters too) out back on our deck. I made our own little clothes line over the swing with rope! Gets it done for us!

I was reading this morning and this came to mind ~ "The earth is the Lord's and the fullness thereof, the world and those who dwell therein, for he has founded it upon the seas and established it upon the rivers." Psalm 24:1 & 2

I love Spring! I guess everyone does. Spring belongs to the Lord most of all. All the 'deadness' of winter is passing away and things begin to come to life. Well, they weren't really dead, just dormant. Pretty colors, beautiful smells, bright green leaves.... spring time is delightful!

I am uploading pictures of my very first flowers to bloom in the springtime. I want thank Hannah for taking these pix of our front yard flowers this morning. Our back yard is still so cold, we have micro-systems here on Lake Vista. Our front yard faces south and is warm. Our back yard faces north and is colder and more shady, both of which have their own blessings, come summer time. The daffodils are growing taller yet just buds, so no full blown flowers on them yet!
In another couple sunny days and they will be bowing to the sun too.

I see so many analogies in my gardens. We celebrate the Resurrection on a Sunday in the not too distant future; actually we celebrate it each and everyday and especially each Sunday, but our calendar picks one day to especially celebrate it. What LIFE! Because Jesus Christ came, totally man and totally God, gave HIS perfect life for me and you.

If you walked around my gardens with me today it wouldn't look like much. Most things look dead and gone. But they aren't! They are very much alive. Just like one day I will look 'dead', I really won't be. I will be ALIVE! More so than I am today! Because I am a child of God the Father, he will bring me to live with HIM in glory! Won't that BE something!

So as I dig, as I weed, as I trim, as I plant, as I pull up and move my plants, I rejoice! I pray! I talk to my FATHER! I spend time praying for those I love and those things dear to my heart. I smell the sweet fragrances. I feel the soft petals. I 'hear' HIS sweet voice. I move the dirt. I lay down mulch. I water. I rejoice! What blessings!

As spring arrives at your house, your situation is very different from mine, I am sure. You may have little ones, so give them a cup and let them discover 'worms'. Worms are good! I used to save milk cartons and cut them and allow my little ones to plant seeds about this time of year, and then transplant the little plants into our yard gardens and watch them grow.....they would get very excited to see the results. Maybe you are alone, so you can pray more. Maybe you have a house full of 'bigger' kids, so you can make a garden together, maybe veggies or flowers to share. Or you could be "BK" (before kids) , so enjoy an inside garden of African Violets.

We have so much to 'learn' about our God and life from springtime!
The earth is the Lord's, yet HE allows us to enjoy it ~ with thankful hearts ~ full of praise! He delights in us as we delight in HIS beautiful gifts!


Delighting in Jesus, hugs, Lynette

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Isn't life funny?

Just like everyone else, I love week-ends. Our three kids (well, not really kids--16, 18 and 22 yrs old) are in Deep Creek, Maryland--on a CrossCurrent Leadership Trip. They are doing Bible Studies and interactions and snow tubing too. Learning to share their faith more openly!

Dave and I are home alone.....the second time in 40 years! (overnight, that is) How quiet it is. Well, sorta-ha. I must say, I was even able to play my Sara Groves CDs 'loud....louder....loudest of all' yesterday as I trotted around the house!!! I loved it! I went downstairs yesterday afternoon and could still hear it! YES!!!! Would never happen with my kids here, "turn it DOWN Mom"!

Life is funny! I was sitting at my desk in my bedroom late this morning, writing some notes, music playing softly. Dave had gone outside to start on the damage control with all the fallen branches from the two blizzards we had. As I am concentrating on writing my notes, I hear him talking outside. What? I thought we were home alone? He kept talking for a few minutes. I kept writing. What am I hearing, he's chatting with a neighbor? So I looked out the window and he is alone! I knocked on the window, he didn't look up. So I knocked harder---whacking the window! .....who are you talking to?, I asked, mouthing the words to him! He looked away and kept talking!

It hit me then. YES! We are going to Mexico in June! On a Missions Trip with our Church. He is learning Spanish by Pimsleur from the library. It is a little disc with ear buds you put in your ears. You learn, you repeat, you repeat, you repeat! You see, he was a Linguist in the Army....spoke not only German fluently, but also Russian, Polish, Czech, Hungarian and Romanian. Limited vocab in each, other than German. My hubby has a propensity for languages.

So pray for us as we 'prepare' ! We want to go to be a blessing. We want to serve. We want to see God at work! The most important thing we take isn't our luggage, but our hearts. Hearts that are not only forgiven, forgiving, and full of mercy, but hearts that are soft, pliable and seeking HIS face! It is all about HIM and sharing the gospel!

Home alone? Not really....because Jesus is here with us! Isn't life funny!

Delighting in Jesus today, hugs, Sherry

Friday, March 5, 2010

Random Thought Friday ~

~ This was a very weird week for me. Lots of re-grouping, things going haywire and out of sorts! Yet, I am happy to say through it all, God's grace was not only evident, but shining brightly!

~ Well, the snow is all melted in our front yard, but not the back yard yet! The warm sun yesterday was so nice. Today Caleb, Rebekah and Hannah leave for Deep Creek CrossCurrent Leadership Trip. Deep Creek had 15 inches last week end, so they will be able to do some 'snow tubing' tomorrow!

~ Dave and I will be home 'alone' for 3 days! Woo Hoo! This is only the 2nd time in 40 years that this has happened! (AK--after kids)

~ I had yet another 'lesson' in downloading my ipod and now I am confident that I can do it ----by myself--- that is the key---by myself! YES! I'll keep you posted, ha!

~ I finished a Novel that I thought was very good. "In a Blink of an Eye" by Ted Dekkar. It was a 'fun' book to read about a Princess from the Middle East and a Genius from Berkeley who is a different kind of guy! Give it a try, you might like it too. Got it from the library!

~ Rebekah and I ordered new glasses this week...they should be in soon! She's had hers since she was 14 years old and I have had mine 5 years. That was so fun to do together!

~ The one thing I did not get done again this week, (Natascha and I were going to attack it here the week of the double blizzards but we didn't get to it---smile!) was re-organizing my storage pantry. It is a crazy mishmash of shelves. No order, therefore, I cannot find things quickly. Hunt, hunt, hunt! I just know it is in here 'somewhere' ! Yikes!

~ I had the thought to organize my pantry tomorrow...but my hubby would not enjoy that project at all......at all! Of course I could get up early and do it while he is at Men's Prayer Breakfast.....I like to 'sleep in' too much!

~ The problem with the pantry (which is in my laundry room---crowded) is that things have to stack and lack of room makes it a challenge. I have to come up with a system! I have like items together, one just has to stay on top of it, rather than just throwing things on the shelves! I guess you can tell I am thinking about this...ha!

~ I like to save money, buying things when they are on 'sale', therefore my pantry is in a constant state of flux -haha. This week I bought 10 boxes of spaghetti on sale at Giant for $.77 a box!!! 10 boxes of Ziti, same price! Can't beat that unless you drive to BB's in PA!

~ My Mom-in-Love is doing very well. Her recovery has been slow, yet she is coming along nicely. Dave and I took lunch to them from Panera Bread yesterday, and had an agreeable time. She mentioned she hopes to be back to Church on Resurrection Sunday. That would be fabulous!

~ Looking forward to this week-end ! I am glad this week is almost over ~ HIS mercies are new everyday! Even when things so haywire and tempers around us boil, we can rest in HIS goodness! HE never boils! What a savior, what a GOD! How I love HIM!

Delighting in Jesus today, hugs, Lynette

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Thursday Thinkings~

Today is Thursday. I usually grocery shop on Thursdays. I guess I pretty much have a schedule as I think about my daily life. I think I have found it easier for me to get all the important stuff in that way.

Today was a different Thursday though. I got up at my regular time and spent time reading scriptures, praying and writing in my journal (which I have come to love....didn't use to be that way, to my chagrin). My hubby and I had planned a special lunch today. So he came home around noon and off we went.

We went to Panera Bread and placed our order for their yummy sandwiches, soups(for them) and of course their divine salad (for he and I) and took them to his parents home to have a delightful time of lunching together---our treat. My hubby's parents are faithful loving servant of Christ. Not sure who enjoyed it more, them or us....smile!

After a lovely visit and full bellies, we were off and running again. What a funny conversation we had as we drove around doing some extra errands about my technical difficulties with downloading my ipod, using the computer and always not figuring out the DVD player without assistance from one of our brood. It is so EASY for my kids, yet I sometimes can't even get the TV on, much less on the right place. I push every button twice that they tell me to...no go!

I was once again reminded of how 'kind' my hubby is in explaining (again) how to download my ipod. He is a numbers man. He thinks in numbers. He is a walking concordance, honest. Just ask him for reference or verse and he will tell you. Just say the verse and he can tell you where it is in the Bible. Anyway....I am not at all like that. It is really sad. It takes me a few times of doing the same things over and over again to 'get it' with anything technical. I am a sad case, what can I say? Honest, I try. I really do. I just do not get how it all fits together. He is so kind to me. He is patient. He is loving. He doesn't make fun. I would be lost without his know how.

Isn't it funny how we are all different? What would life be like if we were all the same? I am glad God does things the way he does. Opposites attract. Similar s attract too, don't they? Yes, we each have the people in our lives that God has chosen to bring us the greatest lessons. Am I learning?

We got home and as I had dinner simmering on the stove early, my hubby said "come here, I want to show you something". What? Sit here and look at this. Put your fingers on the key board.......and he gave me another lesson using my ipod. What a guy! What thoughtfulness! Such kind words. I am so glad, I am so blessed, I even think I have it this time!

So off my hubby went to his meeting tonight. I sit here and count my blessings! I know that today is Thursday. Yet, not at all just like every other Thursday. Grace has entered my life today because HE was seen in the eyes of one very patient hubby with one very puzzled wife and her ipod struggles. Isn't HE wonderful!

Delighting in Jesus today, hugs, Lynette

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Sweet Girls, part 2

Being the Mom of two girls is sheer joy! I know part of the reason I feel this way is because the Lord blessed Dave and I with four boys before giving us two sweet adorable bouncing baby girls. Girls are so different from boys. They are much more different than I can even share in this short blog. Here are a few of my own observations. I am sure you could add your own list!

Our girls like to 'chat'. At the ages our boys were making 'noises', our little girls were saying words and putting them into sentences. Girls like to be 'together'....boys are more independent players, although they like contact sports and wrestling more! Our girls are very affectionate too, in different ways from our boys. They hug, kiss and snuggle more, for a longer time and a lot more often!

Girls also take a bit longer to say what they are thinking. It takes more work to get at the 'heart' of the issue. Boys are blunt. Girls are not. My girls know just looking at one of us if something is wrong. Boys get it when you 'cry', girls see it coming way before you cry. They have a 'sense' of relationships. Girls are more intuitive. Hannah is so creative with crafts. She thrives with crafts. She 'initiates' doing a craft project with me often.....those creative powers at work.

Girls are more relationship centered too. I am sure the Lord does this because they need to be glue for hubby's, babies and children. My girls now have their own rooms, after sharing a room for many years. Often they are found in the morning in one double bed, having 'chatted' long into the night, or having read together into the wee hours of the morning.

Another thing I have noticed is that my girls notice 'tiny' things. They notice the clothes in the drier, or the dirty socks sitting on the steps and then they 'do' something about it. They 'see' the baby toys on the stairs, the sink of dirty dishes, the empty sugar bowl, or crumbs on the floor. Boys just keep going usually. They weren't lazy, they just never noticed. The girls will clean up the kitchen 'just because'. And then wait to see how you respond when you see the clean kitchen! They will notice the bulbs blooming, the dark clouds or rainbow in the sky and mention it. I am sure the boys noticed all these things too, it just never crossed their little minds to mention it out loud.

My girls are 'home' centered, wanting to make things lovely for us as a family. Hannah often just makes cookies as a surprise for her dad and Caleb. Bekah will sit and play the guitar just because it sounds pretty. Hannah will come up and rub my back just to be sweet, as I cook. Bekah will call home just to say she is running a few minutes late (she doesn't want us to wonder). Girls add sweetness and depth. Hannah will get up early to play sweet music on the piano to wake up Mom and anyone else sleeping (never Dad as he is the 1st one up always---early) Babies and children are drawn to Hannah and Bekah! Why? Because they know Hannah and Bekah love children....all shapes and sizes.

Our boys were outward looking. They want to 'hunt' and 'conquer' and 'bag the deal'. Not so much our girls. They want to make life sweet and provide a 'haven' for those they love. We need both. I am glad God has given me the opportunity to be a mom of both our four boys and two girls! How creative and majestic our God is in his making of boys and girls. What a plan. What a GOD! What a JOY!

Delighting in Jesus today, Lynette

Monday, March 1, 2010

Sweet Girls ~

The Lord blessed Dave and I with four bouncing, very active, cute, noisy boys! Our house was filled with truck noises, yo yo's dancing, 'shoot em up' ramblings, fish bowl filled with fish, baseball hats, turtles, cowboy boots, patches on jean knees, every shape and kind of 'ball' made in the western world, and every size and color of play 'sword' you can imagine! It was a boy filled home. And we loved it! Forts were often found in every room. I loved the giant 'sheet fort' in our basement family room that had 5 big sheets all clothes-pinned together. I even crawled in with them one evening and ate our evening snack together, laying in the fort! Of course that particular fort was built over and over and over again. The longest a 'fort' could stay up was a couple days! After all life does go on---smile! Company was coming, or we needed to vacuum or there would be a 'spill'. I kept a stack of sheets in the laundry room just for said fort building.

Then the Lord surprised us with a new baby. Mommy is PG!!!! What fun we had guessing what the baby would be. Boy? Girl? Boy? Girl? I just knew it was a boy! I do well with boys! I understand boys. I am a boy 'type' mother (what was I thinking?---there isn't even such a thing!) So I was sure it was a boy!

SURPRISE! Dr. Zacchheo said "It's a GIRL"!!! What? A GIRL!!!! I laughed and said " Please check again...are you sure?" Yep! A GIRL! Dave and I were just tickled pink. We were so happy! The nurses thought Dave with the four boys coming to see Rebekah and I at the hospital was quite something to behold. Rebekah Lynette was born on Mother's Day Sunday. She and I even had our picture in the Newspaper! Rebekah did not wear anything but PINK and PURPLE for over a year! Sweet, sweet, sweet. What can I say? Our lives CHANGED!!!! Rebekah was followed less than 3 years later by Hannah Joy. She is pure JOY to us. Yes, girls are definitely different than boys. I had no real idea about all that!

There are all kinds of girls, just like there are all kinds of boys. Yet they are very different other than just the plumbing. My little girls were quieter as babies. Ours were shy and not real out going. Our little girls were so caring, affectionate to all, and very very in love with daddy. Rebekah never did take to baby dolls, not for lack of the number of them she was given. She'd rather play 'swords' with her brothers. I'm sure birth order had something to do with that...ha.

An example of the differences is seen in a snapshot of Rebekah and Caleb having a 'tea party' together. It took some doing, but she talked him into it. As they sat at the tiny table having tea Rebekah wanted to 'chat' with Caleb. He was all about gobbling down the cookies and being 'done' with it. On to playing with the legos. It was over before it began. Tears. So Rebekah and I sat and had tea at her tiny table, with tiny cups and saucers. We chatted. We smiled. We refilled our tiny tea cups. We had tea together. No rush. No 'when are we done'. We just sat and enjoyed the moments together.

Children are so special. I love all shapes and sizes. Not just mine either, although mine are special to me in special ways. Jesus told us we cannot come to HIM unless we come as little children. Trusting, believing and without anything to 'bring' to make us desirable!

Today's blog is getting too long. Short...I like short blogs! More tomorrow about 'Girls' ~ I am one, you realize!

Delighting in Jesus today, hugs, Lynette