"Thinkings~ Musings~ and Pithy words!"

Welcome to my Blog ~ grab a cup of coffee or tea and join me for a 'chat' ~

Monday, January 31, 2011

Marriage Monday

I have been thinking about our Sunday School Class yesterday. I love Sunday School. So many people think Sunday School is only for kids. Not so. Our Church has Sunday School for every age, and every walk of life. We have had soooo many different classes. They change every 13 weeks.

I'm attending the Marriage Class. We are studying Song of Solomon. Written on marriage. the Bridegroom and Bride. We were on Song of Songs 6:2-10 yesterday. It speaks of reconciliation between a husband and wife, after a spat. She was selfish. She didn't want to get up and open the door, having taken a bath and all settled in warm and snug.

One important truth to always remember in marriage ~ YOU are a sinner and you married a sinner. No surprise, right? No, I think we sometimes forget this important truth. We are so in need of the gospel everyday. The gospel is the answer to marital 'spats'. We are selfish at times. We are not thoughtful at times. We neglect the important things sometimes. We sin. Our spouse sins.

Forgiveness is key. Forgiveness is needed always. If we do not forgive, if we hold on to it, or only shove under the rug, or deny it....we open ourselves to bitterness.

Bitterness is poison to a relationship. Any relationship, especially our marriages are spoiled by bitterness. "Bitterness is produced, not by the size of the offense, but the proximity of the offender. We are rarely bitter at someone we do not know." ~ Dave

How does bitterness come? What is the result? How do we combat it?

It comes from an unwillingness to forgive. Forgiveness. When we are unwilling to forgive, we enter into bitterness. Bitterness can easily creep into our relationships, if we are not diligent. Bitterness eats people alive. It starts on the inside and is like cancer...silently eating you up inside. It spills onto others and colors your whole world. It lies to you. It kills you and those around you. It is a root that takes the gospel to get rid of.

We combat it by remembering how 'black' our own sins are. And the magnitude of our sin. We all sin everyday. We do what we don't want to do; think, say, or be. (commissions) We also don't do what we do want to do; Demonstrate love, show kindness, OLAT (over-look-a-transgression), sacrifice, neglecting others. (omissions)

Those who see themselves as God sees them are always, always, always easier to live with because they know their need for the Grace of God. They see their own need for the CROSS and therefore understand others struggles with selfishness also.

So if you are bitter? Confess it. Run to the CROSS and dump the load. BE FREE of your sin. That is why Jesus came. To set us free from sin and self. Repent. Repenting is turning 180 degrees and going the other way ~ refuse to be bitter anymore. When you see a hint of it, run to the Cross. Period.

What joy in walking with Jesus. Lighthearted. Free. Full of hope. Seeing the beautiful face of HE who is faithful!

I love Sunday School!

Belonging to HE who IS faithful ~ Lynette

Wednesday, January 26, 2011


My Kitchen Dirt Today!

Everyone has something weird about them. Mine is sweeping. I love to sweep. I mean it, I like sweeping my kitchen floor. For a number of reasons. One of which is, a very long time ago I realized if I was going to go barefoot I better learn to love to sweep floors.

I am a barefoot girl who grew up in California and even though I live in Maryland now, I still like bare feet. Since I like going barefoot except on the iciest of days, I feel every crumb that I step on in my kitchen. The kitchen and the bathrooms need sweeping. Everything else in our home is carpeted.

One of my girls or I sweep the kitchen floor most days. We usually enter our home at the kitchen door, having passed three door mats. One at the entry door in the garage, one at the school room door and one into the kitchen. Three doormats! You'd think that would keep the dirt out since most of the dirt in a home is brought in from the outside.


The above picture is of the dirt I swept up this morning, having missed yesterdays sweeping due to Basketball Games and a busy day, all day! Yes, all kinds of findings in there, including pop corn kernels from Monday nights pop corn fest.

So what? What is your point?

I was thinking last week about the dirt on my kitchen floor as I asked one of my girls to please sweep before I would be returning from an errand. Why Mom? The floor looks clean. Yes, darlin' it 'LOOKS' clean. Yet it is not. Trust me, you'll see.

When I returned, she had swept. "Mom, you were right, it was amazing how much 'stuff' was on the kitchen floor."

Then the thought came. Our lives are sometimes like my kitchen floor. Looks clean. Smells clean. Only a crumb or two in the corner. But if I 'sweep' with the 'broom' ....oh my what do I find? Dirt. Sins. Not just sins of commission but the ones of omission too.

~ Time wasted
~ Selfishness
~ Neglecting my quiet time
~ Unkind words
~ Gossip
~ An ugly look
~ Being in a bad mood
~ Over indulging (you pick of what)
~ Lack of self control
~ Gentleness neglected
~ Rebellion or rebellious thoughts
~ Disrespect

You name it. Some little crumbs (or big kernels) that just lay there, un-confessed. Day after day of not confessing and the pile mounts into a bigger pile. The answer? The gospel!

The Bible tells me there is none righteous, no not one. It tells me as I confess my sins, HE is faithful and just to cleanse me and make me white as snow. That's a fact. True for me and true for you, if you belong to HIM.

I still like to sweep. I found myself this morning talking to the Lord about 'sweeping' my heart even as I finished up sweeping my kitchen! Isn't that amazing!!!

Now I have a clean kitchen floor AND a clean heart!!!!

So Grateful to be HIS, Lynette

Saturday, January 22, 2011



I ran across this pattern to make my own 'swiffer' dust helper. I usually purchase the 'refills' but decided to make two and therefore bank the savings. Neat idea don't you think for a few minutes sewing?! I had some micro-cloth terry type towels and used those. Happy sewing! And happy dusting this winter!

Dusting is part of life.

Grateful to be HIS, Lynette

Tuesday, January 11, 2011


My view out the window from my desk in my bedroom where I 'meet' each morning!

The view from our family room this morning....3 inches of snow!

My summer swing ~ given to me years ago by my older boys and Dave. Matthew Scott designed it into our deck he and his friends built for us long ago! I can hear it calling my name ~ a favorite summer reading place for me!


Outside my window~ White, white, white snow everywhere! 3 inches of the white fluffy stuff.

I am thinking ~ My sins were red as scarlet and now are white as snow because Jesus Christ came, born of a virgin, lived a perfect life without one sin, died on the cruel cross for me, was raised from the dead and sits at the right hand of God my Father. My past, present and future sins all forgiven. I am so thankful and amazed.

I am wearing~ Black cords, black socks, red long sleeved shirt and a big smile.

I am thankful for~ Jesus dying on the cross for me. For HIS presence with me every minute of every day.

From the learning rooms ~ Snow day.....took the day off from school stuff.

From the kitchen ~ Coffee....and more COFFEE. Hot chocolate too for the girls.

I am creating ~ Card making after lunch.

I am going ~ to stay home all day and evening! I am a home body for sure! Maybe a walk in the snow later today...if everyone is willing ~Taffy and Emma will love it too.

I am reading ~ 'Girls Gone Wise in a world gone wild' by Mary Kassian, 'Generous Justice' by Timothy Keller and 'The Judas Gate' by Jack Higgins. I will finish the last one today and half way through the other two.

I am hoping ~no more snow the next few days so Natascha, Joschua and Lorelei can come for Hannah's 17th Birthday celebration over the week end.

I am hearing ~ Rebekah and Hannah talking together as I type.

Around our home ~ Snow day here today....so it is a lazy day!

One of my favorite things ~cup of tasty coffee, good book and warm throw, occasionally looking outside at the white snow and everyone in my family doing the exact same thing----reading!
A few plans for the rest of the week~ Our Hannah Joy will be 17 on Saturday. My baby is going to be 17 ~ WOW! She had a big Sweet Sixteen Birthday party last year so this year is just family. Since we had six children Dave and I decided early on that we would have birthday parties every other year rather than every year. Well, we do celebrate every year, just not big parties. Dave asks them where they would like to go for a meal out as a family. They all have different ideas. Sometimes breakfast, sometimes lunch, yet usually dinner. I'll post about this another time!
Enjoy your day everyone.....snow or not!
Toasty and warm here, Lynette

Love is......

Love Is......winter together!

As a High School student I was growing up in Los Angeles, California. The LA Times was the newspaper my parents subscribed to back then. Each day in the newspaper the "Love Is" cartoon was published. It wasn't on the funny paper page but in section A. I know, because I looked for it each day.

Over the years, my honey and myself have off and on collected "Love Is" cartoons, books and articles. I still like them. When the cartoon first began the little people were naked. Like Adam and Eve. The sayings were so cute and vulnerable and innocent. Everyday little sweet 'thinkings'.

I have bought the book 3 times, since our dogs seem to like to eat them. I guess I leave them in the wrong places. My fault.

I was just recently thinking 'love is' so much more. God's love is real. Honest. Truth. He tells me that there really is 'truth' and the truth will set us free. YES!

I still like to send 'love is' cartoons to my sweet hubby every once in awhile. I may stick one in a book he is reading. Put in a pocket or stick on a mirror. It brings a smile to him and to me. Remembered days gone by.

Yet, real 'love is' is God's kind of love. How grateful I am for HIS love. The REAL LOVE. Sacrifice, forgiveness, faithfulness, love, gentleness, loyalty, compassion, help, mercy, justice, hope.....the list goes on and on and on.

So when you think of 'love is' what comes to your mind?

Loved by the King, Lynette

Monday, January 10, 2011

Happy New Year!

Beginnings are nice. New shoes. New baby. New house. New friend. New day. New week. New Year. Starting off fresh is motivating. We have now entered 2011. Wow.....2011. I remember in 1980 thinking how long away the year 2000 seemed to be. We had 3 little boys. Darlings. Cute. Full of energy and vim and vinegar. I was tired most nights too. I loved being Mommy to them.

So as I begin another NEW year ~ it causes me to pause and think. I think about 2010 and all the Lord did in and around me. I count my blessings. I see HIS hand at work. I see changes. I see how much my kiddos have matured in this last year, all they have accomplished too. I see the many mercies given undeservedly to me over and over again. I see forgiveness granted and given. I see love expressed in hundreds of ways. I see the goodness of a loving heavenly Father that gives, and gives, and gives again of HIS measureless goodness and presence in my life. So much to be thankful for. So much to be grateful for. Isn't HE wonderful and full of grace, love and mercies!

Having thought about 2010, I ponder the gift of 2011. A NEW YEAR!!! A year of expectations. What are my expectations? Since I know my God is good and HE is FAITHFUL.....I know the plans HE has for me are for His glory and my good.

Joys? Yes.....walking with HIM is pure joy. Disappointments? I am sure...yet they cause me to run to HIM. Hope? Always.....for my hope lies in Christ. Struggles? Maybe....but they cause me to grow in faith. Love? Sure...for they will know we are HIS by the love we have for one another. Heartache....we will see. I will enter into HIS sufferings and know HIM better.

I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. Therefore all fear can flee away. I know whom I have believed and HE is able to do so much more than I can even imagine! My faith is rooted in HIM, not myself, not my circumstances, not my family, not my place in time. It is in HIM! What a year to look forward too! To HIM be all Praise!

Happy New Year, it all belongs to HIM, Lynette

Friday, January 7, 2011

Random Thought Friday

~ Our 1st snow of 2011 today. I woke and looked outside our window and my first thought was "white as snow, white as snow, my sins were as scarlet and you, Jesus have made my sins white as snow!" Totally amazing! Think about it!

~ My hubby had a meeting last night. I worked all day yesterday. So I put my PJs on and read a really good new book all evening. It is Jack Higgins newest book. Sean Dillon. General Ferguson. Good reading. I know. But I love spy novels and intrigue and military suspense. I know it is weird for a girl! No fluff for me.

~ I have decided (prompted by the Lord) to not grocery shop this month. Well, not regular grocery shop anyway. I will purchase milk, fresh veggies for salad and fresh fruit as needed. Our freezer needs to be washed and renewed and the only way to do that is to empty it first. It is too hot in the summer to 'get at it' as our upright freezer sits in our hot garage. In the winter it is cold out there......so nothing will thaw.

~ Our freezer is full. We live on a budget and therefore I buy 'on sale', and plan ahead. I never ever pay full price for meat, bread, or treats. I always purchase chicken breasts on sale for under $2 a pound and then wait 6 weeks for the next sale. I tend to 'shove it in' and lose track of what is in the back. I need to work on this. Anyway, the cure is to use it up. Hence, my January plan of attack is 'add not more', until it is used up, cleaned out, washed and starkly clean and fresh.

~ Because of the above, I must get creative and still maintain good nutrition. I will let you know how it goes......

~ I am not a winter person (is there such a person?). I love summer. I love spring. I even love fall. But not winter. Winter is cold. Days are short. Yet, I was reminded today that winter has some benefits. It is a pretty picture of what Jesus has done for me. My sins were as scarlet and now they are white as snow! Totally awesome to meditate on. Hey---I am on to something here!

~Snow is frozen water. The earth needs water. My garden needs water. We need water. I need to change my attitude towards winter. I do like to read. Winter provides time for that. More time to play games with family and friends. I like that too. So maybe the Lord is trying to teach me something here!

~ Happy 2011 to all! What benefits does winter bring to your mind?

Cold on the outside, but warm and toasty on the inside,
I am a daughter of the KING, Lynette

Saturday, January 1, 2011

My Daybook~

Valentine Ideas for 2011? I'm thinking...........


Outside my window...sunny, blue skies, snowy patches on the grass and snow covered deck. Cold but not as cold as it was. The air seems to smell of the hint of spring......

I am thinking...how good God is to me. He is ever with me and loves me abundantly. He forgives me. He gives me grace constantly. He is my refuge and tower of strength. He has made me for a purpose. I can trust HIM!

I am thankful for...God's Word. It gives me life. Guidance and courage are found in it. I thirst for it and I get soooo 'hungry' when I neglect to 'eat from it'.

From the learning rooms...Hannah has the BEST math teacher and it is not me!

From the kitchen...ice tea is brewing on the counter. Not much going on there right now.

I am wearing...black cotton socks, grey sweat pants and a red long sleeve tee shirt with ribbons on it. Oh, and a big smile.

I am creating...space today in my house by de-cluttering spaces like drawers and shelves.

I am going...to be working on my continuing de-cluttering winter project. If I haven't used it (or anyone in my family hasn't used it) in the last 12 months ~ good bye!

I am reading...my Bible systematically, using M'Cheyne's calendar for daily readings and D.A. Carson's "For the Love of God~ Companion for Discovering the Riches of God's Word" that goes along with M'Cheyne's.
I have been reading through the whole Bible for years now and I was thrilled the 1st year I did it as to the huge blessing it was in my life. There are not words to explain it. I regret I got started so late in life in this rich blessing.

I am hoping...Spring comes early this year. I am not fond of snow and ice....smiling!

I am hearing...my oldest daughter's pen writing quietly as she is writing in a pocket sized journal across the room from me.

Around the house...a puttering kind of day. I like to have a list on these kinds of days, so I get more done, faster. The de-cluttering is a goal and will not be done in one day or one week or probably one month. I am taking one room at a time. Right now, I am in our bedroom. Monday I was able to get half my desk done. Half. My desk (which sits in our bedroom---privacy!) is one of my favorite places. My goal is to streamline it. So I cleaned out and sorted and threw out three drawers worth of paper and stuff,on Monday. Today I will tackle the middle one and the other three on the right side. (Maybe I will blog one day on this task...ha)

One of my favorite things...is organizing to be more efficient. I recently read that the average person wastes 55 hours a year 'looking' for things misplaced or lost items in their house. 55 HOURS? Who wouldn't want to get those hours back? ME---I do!

A few plans for the rest of the week:Basketball Games as my hubby is Boys Varsity Coach, Rebekah is Girls Varsity Coach (Caleb is her assistant Coach)and Hannah plays on the Girls Varsity team too. I sit and cheer and watch. Can you see we ALL like Basketball? It's a family thing!

Looking forward: Valentines Day is Monday. It is a cute holiday. I like it. I am sure every little girl likes it. Big ones too. When my children were little we made Daddy Valentines. Now that mine are all grown, I still give each a Valentine. I had to get creative. Now I just give them a Starbucks $5 gift card or some such little thing. Yet for my honey, I make his Valentine myself!
The above picture is from 2009 when he surprised me on Valentines Day!!! Sweet memories and I am glad I have a picture to remember by!

Who will you give a Valentine to? If your wallet is empty, make one. A card. A cake. Cookies. A ribbon with heart of endearing words. Anything! Just do it ~ demonstrate Love!

Because HE first loved us, Lynette


“‘Lord, You have assigned my portion and my cup, and have made my lot secure’ (Psalm 16:5). I know of no greater simplifier for all of life. Whatever happens is assigned . . . Every assignment is measured and controlled for my eternal good. As I accept the given portion other options are cancelled. Decisions become much easier, directions clearer, and hence my heart becomes inexpressibly quieter.”

2011 is here to stay! This is a neat acronym for the word "Priorities". Taken from Nancy Leigh DeMoss' Blog ~

Review & receive God’s priorities for your life
Order your schedule & activities
Resist the tyranny of the urgent
Input from other people
Take advantage of the time God gives you
Identify time robbers
Experience this season and this moment fully
Sabbaths + Stay sensitive & surrendered to the Spirit

Happy New Year from me to you. Walking with the Lord, the best is yet to be! May you know the richness of walking with Jesus this year. Blessings, challenges, disappointments, all things work for our good and HIS glory!

I am a daughter of the King, Lynette