"Thinkings~ Musings~ and Pithy words!"

Welcome to my Blog ~ grab a cup of coffee or tea and join me for a 'chat' ~

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Snow and Ice

Yesterday I went to a Crop. A Crop is a bunch of ladies getting together to organize their pictures of family, friends and events into scrapbooks. It is a 'telling' of ones experiences in pictures and words. Most of us journal about the pictures, but not always. It is creative, it is fun and much fellowship takes place as we work. I think of it as the modern day 'quilting BEE'. It is something I enjoy and do. It's one of those things that is 'me'. I go when I can, not as often as I would like!

The weatherman was calling for a flurry with no accumulation of any amount. I am from California, so I never learned to drive in the snow. I do not drive in snow. I ride in snow all the time, during winter...my hubby loves to drive in the snow. My boys all love to drive in the snow. One of them even took me out and did 'donuts' ...around and around we went in a parking lot to my chagrin! Don't worry sons, I will not tell which one...hahaha I have NO experience driving in snow!

Dave and I talked about it. "I won't go honey, it's going to snow", I said. "Go" he encouraged me. " It is going to be a flurry, you will be fine!" I'll go....I'll stay....I'll go....I'll stay! I thank the LORD for a patient husband. He knows me so well. I went.

I arrived at the Crop on black pavement....no snow. The snow was to come around 3pm. The CROP was from 9 to 5pm. If it began to snow, I would just leave a little early! I was so looking forward to going and 'doing my thing'. Cropping is relaxing to me. I get something for my effort. It is fun! I sat across from my sister in love...Patti. So I took my 'stuff' out and went to work on my album.

My niece came over (she's the one in charge) and said my hubby wanted me to call him. I have a cell phone, but I never hear it (that is another story for another day), so I called him. "It is snowing really hard here at home Sherry." He knows me so well. "Okay darlin', I will pack up and head out."

The roads were snowy and icy. I was scared. I prayed. I trusted the LORD to help me. I did slide some, but the LORD held me on the road. I prayed all the way home. My heart was beating wildly. I kept praying...slow my heart LORD! He did. I took deep breaths. I went slow but not too slow. I made it up Lake Vista fish-tailing all the way...but I made it by God's grace. I was so happy to pull in. I almost cried with relief.

It was the LORD, not me and I know it! I can now say I have experience driving in snow! Yet I could of never done it without the LORD all the way!!!!

And yes...I did keep 'cropping' at home. I did 14 pages. Creative pages, I think. Maybe I will have a page in there about the 'day' my LORD gave me some snow driving experience!
GOD is soooo GOOD!

Signing off for now, hugs, Lynette

Friday, January 29, 2010

~Reading again~

I just finished reading the book "Tortured for Christ" by Richard Wurmbrand. He is the founder of The Voice of the Martyrs.

This book was compelling to me. I dreamed about it. I talked about it for two weeks to anyone who would listen. I cried reading it. I prayed reading it. I am different for having read it. It showed me things I never knew. It had things in it that hurt me to read. It had 'bad' parts in it, terrible things cruel people do to those who are persecuted for Christ. People today still die for the cause of Christ! They give their lives for the ONE who gave them LIFE! Real LIFE! This book is still used today as a 'guide book' for those in the underground Church. These are our brothers and sisters in Christ!!! Paul tells us to NOT forget them in prison. This book is not going onto my bookshelf but will sit out to remind me to pray and support VOM!

To learn more or to receive maps of peoples to pray over, go online at:


I have already begun reading my next book. It is one recently written by John Piper. "A Sweet & Bitter Providence" is the title. It is the Book of Ruth. Here is the first paragraph of the Introduction. ~

"RUTH IS A VERY OLD BOOK. The events took place over three thousand years ago. Could it be relevant and helpful for your life? I think so. The sovereignty of God, the sexual nature of man, and the gospel never change. And Since God is still sovereign, and you are male or female, and Christ is alive and powerful, the book has a message for you."

Money spent on good books is money well spent! Much better spent than on Starbucks (although I like Starbucks just like you do), movies or at the dollar store--smile!

So 'happy reading' to all my friends! (BTW--is you read just 20 minutes a night before you go to sleep that is almost 2 and a half hours of reading a week, almost 10 reading hours a month!! That is some serious reading time !!!) Let me know what good books you are reading this winter ~ I like good recommendations too!

Signing off for now, hugs, Lynette

~Random Thought Friday~

Today is Friday! My girls and I usually CLEAN on Fridays. So I am making Friday short and quick on my BLOG!

Imitation is the highest form of a compliment, so I will end with a "funny", having adopted the idea from one of my very favorite BLOGS -- "Girl Talk" by the Mahaney ladies (Cynthia's 3 girls are all married so their names have changed) , a Mom and 3 daughters. Thanks GirlTalk!!!

Check out Girl Talk---

Elizabeth Elliot is a favorite author of mine. I started reading her books way back when! Dave and I even had the privilege to go hear her speak at a conference one time. She has so many 'quotes' I enjoy. "Do the next thing" is one that has helped me countless times. As a busy homemaker, having so much to accomplish, places to go and people to see, lessons to teach, life can at times seem overwhelming. We get 'stuck'-- what to do, what to do? "Do the next thing"...don't think about all you have to do, just do the next thing, and the next thing after that. I have been 'unstuck' many times by those very wise words from a godly woman of faith! I hope the next time you are in that place you will remember Elizabeth's words too--- 'Do the next thing' .

Friday Funny~
When our son, Matthew Scott was four years old, we sat at the dining room table eating dinner. "Eat your broccoli, buddy." his Daddy said. Time went by and the broccoli danced around his big plate. "It tastes better when it is warm", he was told. Around the plate his broccoli danced. It got cold, and danced some more! With his big brown puppy dog eyes he looked at me and said "Mommy, my stomach has a really really bad headache !" We still laugh about that one! Out of the mouths of babes!

Signing off for now, hugs, Sherry

Thursday, January 28, 2010

New Mercies EVERYDAY!

God is so good! His mercies are new everyday!

I have a confession to make. Maybe you struggle with this too? I am often challenged to read other things before I read my Bible. My habit is to READ my Bible first. I like that, I LOVE that. Yet, as I am honest, I admit when I'm into a really really good book, having read into the 'wee' hours of the early morning ~ I am tempted to pick up where I left off as I awake. My book is right there where it fell as I dosed off. I don't even have to get out of the warm bed, just pick it up. Besides, I can read my Bible later when I have more time!

Unfortunately, some mornings I have not chosen the 'better part'. I am worse for the choosing of it indeed. Gladly, I admit those type morning have become less and less occurring in my life. Why? God's GRACE! By HIS enabling power, my 'hearing' has been sharpened. I "hear" Him calling me over to my desk which sits across the room from my warm bed. "Sherry--I'm waiting for you", I hear. I smile. I recognize that voice. The moment has come...get up or ignore the voice? I am growing! I am gaining! HIS mercies are evident in me.

"Here I am LORD!", my heart whispers. "To BE with YOU and hear from YOU. To drink SWEET HONEY from THE ROCK!"

I am glad. I am blessed. I am loved by HIM! You see, HE WANTS to MEET with me--HE wants to talk to me. HE WANTS me to worship HIM! The book I thought was sooo good can wait! HIS MERCIES are mine today!

Signing off for now, hugs, Lynette

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Humble Christians------

So about my journal.....here is my first day entry in my "Pink Book" that I will shortly be finishing. Started-
July 26, 2009

--Humble Christians--
1. Love & Respect their Elders 1Peter5:5
--do I ? Do they know I love and pray for THEM?

2. 8 questions to ask myself:
a. am I teachable?
b. how do I respond to correction? defend or humble myself?
c. do I repent quickly/thoroughly?
d. am I considerate of others?
e. do I serve & receive service well?
f. do I consider GRACE of GOD in my life?
g. Do I disagree agreeably? Am I winsome?
h. how much attention do I require when serving?
Upset when not noticed?

3. Make good leaders 1 Peter 5:6
a. I must follow well 'first' to lead.
b. humility or humiliation?

4. Humble Christians understand their life.
1 Peter 5:7

5. Humble Christians BLESS their Church.
1 Peter 5:12-14

Lord, hear my prayer and teach me your ways. Forgive my pride, lead me, my perfect and loving Jesus Christ!!! I love you.

BTW--This was an unusual day for me as I mostly write out my verse for the day and then my prayers and application of God's WORD to my heart.

So, I ask you. Do you journal? Do you have a 'gratefulness book'? Do you write down "I spies"? Begin today. Start small. It becomes 'your' book of rememberance ~ God's faithfulness, God's goodness, Jesus' dealings with your heart.

Signing off for now, hugs, Lynette

Monday, January 25, 2010

Page ONE in my 'Blue Book' ~

Here are the first 2 pages in my book Peggy gave me! (If confused, look at yesterday's BLOG)
Page 1
Things I am grateful for:
--Jesus, my salvation
--Dave, he loves me
--My kids (list & qualities)
--Dave was patient at WalMart
& helped me find book for recipe

Page 2
Things I am grateful for:
--The Lord's sweet salvation
--All my sins are forgiven
--I am the KINGS daughter
--He enabled me to scrub the tile
in two bathrooms.
--Peggy gave us a huge bag of squash,
cucumbers, and zucchini.

I smile at the simple beginnings! As I grew in my journaling, things changed. I do 'journal' different these days.

I still write things I am grateful for(Choosing Gratitude), although it has its own section. I now write my verse for the day and the application to my heart, day by day. Yet I have seen the wisdom of breaking my spiral notebook into sections for efficiency and time saving help. Now I have lists of prayer requests. I write verses that speak to me, or I want to further study (study section) I write my struggles, my goals, my dreams, my thoughts. I also have a section of 'quotes' I enjoy. One tab is lists of books I have read over the year. Just this year I started keeping all my SERMON notes I take on Sundays, and glue them into my journal.

I cannot tell you how many times I have gone back and read how the LORD worked, how HE answered prayer, how HE helped me see that struggle was really silly! I have grown! I have benefited from Peggy giving me that blue book and starting me on the wise path of 'counting my blessings' all those years ago. I miss her. In fact, I have 3 months of no entry in (my next book 3 times down the line) my book because she was in heaven and I was not!

If you can read and write...please take 5 minutes today and write what YOU are thankful for! 10 years from now it just might encourage you! Do it once a day, do it once a week...just do it! I did and I am the one GLAD!

Signing off for now, hugs, Lynette

Sunday, January 24, 2010

~~My Pink Book~~

I write in “my pink book” everyday, well just about everyday. I am on the ending pages of this small spiral book shortly. I already have my new one. It isn’t pink this time, it is coral and black. I am excited to begin writing in it soon. This has not always been the case.

My close friend Peggy met me at the door of Pathfinders one Tuesday night and said, “ Sherry, I have something for you!” It was a ‘blue book’! Let’s each start a ‘GRATEFULNESS JOURNAL’ she said excitedly. “What?”, I sighed. She said “Remember we were talking about writing a journal ? We both admitted we do it for about a week and then we give up. Well, I think we should do a 'gratefulness journal', she beamed. All we need do is at the end of the day we write 5 things we are grateful for on one page. The next day we do it again on the next page. I bought a book for me and I bought a book for you. On Sundays we will ask each other, ‘did you write in your book this week?’ ” So we did! Yes, we did ask each other--not every week but almost! I smile to myself when I remember!

I since have many ‘pink books’ although they aren’t all pink. One is blue, one is tan, one is yellow. I have come a long way. I just recently came across my first book Peggy gave me. What a wonderful loving gift she gave me, much more than just my first book. She gave me something of true value. Peggy and I learned to ‘count’ our blessings. To write them down. To TELL of His mercies. To remember how God works. To SEE HIM!

Tomorrow I will tell what my first page looked like all those years ago!

Signing off for now, hugs, Lynette

Saturday, January 23, 2010

~Small Things~

I received the cutest flip flop card in the mail. On a cold day in January the card came into our mailbox via our faithful mail-lady. It was bright, cheery and very appreciated. The front had lots of little flip flops, all colors with a bright background of blue.

I love flip flops. I always have. I grew up in Southern California where the heat is hot in the summer and sidewalks are too hot to go barefoot. So my Mom always took us to our local Rexall Drugs to buy our 25 cent flip flops. My sister and I would debate colors. She usually picked blue. I always picked red or orange if the red ones were gone.

Anyway, the card is cute. It is a 'keeper', not because of the pretty colors but because of the sweet words inside. Encouraging. Kind. Gentle. Filled with cheer! Love resides in that card. It isn't the CARD---it is the one who sent it. She is kind, gentle, encouraging and filled with cheer.

Many moons ago I was in a meeting about "how to encourage others"....at my house. It really was just some girlfriends brainstorming 'how' we could make a difference. How we could become 'sisters of encouragement' like Barnabas! Not just to each other but to the Church. To Missionaries, to friends, to lonely people or shut ins. I remember vividly some of the conversation that day.

One friend said 'anyone can send a card'! "When was the last time you sent a card?", I asked. I said it in a 'gentle' voice to all of us. She didn't answer. Someone else mentioned anyone can make a phone call. "When was the last time you called someone lonely just so THEY could talk?" Silence. 'Any one can stop by for a visit' was also mentioned. I said yes, anyone can do all these things. Anyone! BUT WE don't do them.at least not often. Why? We count them as 'small things'. We have kids to bath, laundry to do, meals to cook, school to teach and a shower for ourselves once in awhile. BIG THINGS in our minds. Important things! Yes, and they are.

Yet, small things matter too. They mattered to Jesus and they should matter to us. So take the time this week to send an ecouraging note to someone. Ask Jesus who you should send it to, if no one comes to mind. No fancy card needed, even one made of paper you have at home. It just might 'give courage' (which is what encouraging means) to someone who needs it. A single parent, a widow or widower, someone laid up, a child who is struggling, a teacher, a Pastor or a deacon, thank someone for being a blessing! The opportunities are endless!

I am thankful for my flip flop card. It sits on my desk to remind me......did I send a card this week to encourage someone? A small thing, yet a BIG thing to MY heart!

Signing off for now, hugs, Lynette

Friday, January 22, 2010

More about reading.....

As I was saying yesterday, I was not a quick reader in my early years. But the LORD led me...even though I was in the way! So for those of you who have 'little ones' who 'don't get it' right away....there is HOPE! God sees, God knows, God has a plan! Seek HIM---HE CARES!

Reading is a skill everyone not only needs but can come to love. I often hear people say "I don't enjoy reading for pleasure, I am a 'doer'." Did you know reading can make you a more efficient doer? It can open whole new worlds to you that you are very unaware of. It wasn't until I was out of High School that I learned to 'love' reading. I read school books, novels, curriculum, all because I had to. Required reading. Test reading. Boring reading.

Then the Army sent my wonderful Army husband to Germany. No TV (in English) was to be had. Long hours of solitude, how many cups of coffee or glasses of soda can one drink with 'the girls' in ones stairwell??? I had no children running around. Jobs were few and hard to come by. I did enjoy writing long letters but by 10am or so I was finished with study and letters.

I learned to 'climb' into a good book. It was new to me. I enjoyed learning to read fast. Someone gave me a book on 'speed reading', which was quite interesting. I read 'Mommy books". I read 'Marriage' books. I still enjoy reading 'Cook books'. Yes, I read my Bible a lot!

So all this to say---READ!
My habit is to read 3 books all the time. AFTER my BIBLE!
~ A Biography ('Tortured for Christ'--having just finished 'Going Rogue' by Sarah Palin)
~ Devotional or Sunday School Class ('TULIP' by John Piper--excellent)
~ FUN book (The Lacemaker by Janine Montupet--translated from French)

I keep a journal and in my journal are lists of books I've read. Fun info just for me.
This past summer I read 29 books. All kinds. Not so during the school year, I admit!

Many of you read more than I do. As encouragement I must add, when my six 'munchkins' were growing up I read in spurts. Off and on. I had long periods where all I read was curriculum. I read more to them and less by myself. I now know "Reading is caught...more than taught"! If you read a lot, your children will read a lot!

Signing off for now, Lynette

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Do you love to READ?

I was not a good 'reader' in elementary school. In 2nd grade I had to attend a "remedial reading" class to learn to read better. I didn't mind going, there were only 3 of us in the class and I received focused attention along the way.....I smile when I think about it now. It was the only time someone actually 'walked' through reading with me. See, we had reading "groups"....and limited time. So the fast readers were focused on so we could get through the work. In remedial class I learned phonics, I was given time to read aloud. How proud I was the first booklet book I read by myself!!! It was all part of the plan!

Still, reading was 'work' for me. I got mostly A's in High School but it was still WORK for me. When others were out 'having fun', I had to study! It was hard WORK! The day I graduated, I knew it was due to working hard. I eventually became an avid reader, loving to read, not just WORKING at reading. Due to 4 years in Germany with lots and lots of time, no TV and a hubby who worked 12 hours on and 12 hours off in the Army, I learned to ENJOY reading!!!! Vacuuming once a day is plenty when you have no children and a small apartment. God had a plan!

The seeds of what was to come were planted in Germany! READING became my friend. Books to purchase were very limited, there were no libraries, we had limited funds and mail from the USA was slow, yet I found sources. Friends shared books, people sent me books when they could. I read everything I could find. Mysteries, cookbooks, romance, biographies, devotionals, magazines for girls, kids books, history books......all I could get. Books opened new vistas to me. I could go places in books that I never imagined. Like China, or into the bowels of the FBI or dining in a cafe in the Orient. I cried reading. I laughed reading. I pondered about things reading. I learned the BOOK is always always better than the movie!!

It was meant to be. My wonderful hubby has always been a 'bookworm', since birth, probably! He is the one who gave me my first 'real' novel. In 1971 he gave me "Exodus" by Leon Uris. It was a paperback he found in the barracks, abandoned. I read it fast and furious. I loved it. Historical fiction, they call it. God had a plan! Books helped me pass the long hours of being alone while my hubby toiled away at work, or served CQ. I am grateful for those years.

Who knew back then I was to become a home loving, home schooling Mom? I sure didn't! Yet GOD knew! He had a plan! He was FOR me. He taught me. He led me. I love the verse in Isaiah that says "I , being in the way, was led by the Lord." That was me. Thank you LORD for teaching me to love reading. I still love to read.....more about that tomorrow!

Signing off for now, hugs, Lynette

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Bible Study is wonderful.....

On Wednesday nights we have Bible Study at Church. We also have Pioneer Girls and Boys Stockade and Boys Battalion. It is a FAMILY NIGHT for us. Rebekah and I go to Bible Study, which my hubby teaches. Hannah goes to Explorers and spends 1 and half hours with 2 godly ladies teaching her and the other girls in High School. Caleb teaches young men in Battalion. We all make investments in other peoples lives. Our family aims to make biblical investments that count for eternity! It is all by God's grace. Others choose to stay home and watch TV or play with their kids or eat out or read a book. We all choose.

We studied 1 Corinthians 7 tonight. We did not finish the chapter, we just began, getting through verse 5. It was great! I am always surprised at how much I don't know. I have read 1 Corinthians many times before. Yet tonight I learned a bunch of new things. Important things. Paul was a great teacher. He was God's man for the hour. I love being married. I want to be the best wife I can be ! Thank you Lord for giving us YOUR WORD!

Thank you for Bible Study! I am soooo grateful! I can't wait til next week !

Signing off for now, hugs, Lynette

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

I gave blood.....yesterday!

Open Bible Christian Ministries hosted a 'blood drive' in October with the American Red Cross. Many people came and gave blood and Dave and I were two of them. He was in the military and during his years 'in' he gave blood many many times....it was encouraged, if you know what I mean. The Army is like that.....they speak, you obey. Anyway, during those years I was busy being pregnant, nursing, or trying to get pregnant. Pregnant ladies can't give blood. So I never did give blood during those years.

When Church and School decided to host a Blood Drive to help our very low Maryland Blood Bank, I gladly signed on. A bit nervous about it as I don't like needles, but well, it was for a good cause. Did you know 1 pint of blood helps at least 3 people? In October I answered all the questions, was tested for iron count, and asked to sign numerous papers with my John Hancock on the day of giving blood. I sat in the chair and gave blood. So cool. So quick. So easy. Even the needle didn't hurt. At the end I got a Coke and a bag of pretzels and a little button that says "I gave HOPE".

I received a call from the American Red Cross two weeks later asking me to sign up to give blood again in January. One must wait 58 days before giving blood again. Only 30% of the people who give blood give it a second time. Where is it, Iasked? Less than 2 miles from my house the lady said. What day ? January 18th....a Monday. Great, I can make it. So I said YES! I can do this!

Yesterday was January 18th and I went to give blood with my hubby again. I went through all the same things again. Sign papers, finger prick, blood pressure, temperature. (My temp is low, 97.5 as normal--BTW!) I thought the Tech was pretty sweet. We chatted. We smiled. We chatted some more. I asked if the Red Cross was sending blood to Haiti now. She didn't know, but mentioned everyone was asking that same question.

Into the high slung chair I sat. Everything was like last time. I thought GREAT! Just as she was done, I got very very light headed and she asked me if I was. "Yes", I muttered....she flung that chair back in a wink. She got a cold compress for my forehead and took off the winter scarf I was wearing. I felt like I was going to faint....I had never felt that way before. Kinda fuzzy and things far off....but I prayed, please LORD help me, I don't want to faint! She put a cold COKE in my hand and said "sip this"......after 3 sips, I revived. I was hot, but I was coming back. The fuzzy feeling left. She asked me what I had for lunch and I said a nice green salad. --WHAT? One should eat a hearty lunch or dinner before giving blood. Who knew? I sure didn't! Well I do NOW! I went on to the 'canteen' (they call it) and finished my Coke and ate a little bag of oatmeal cookies. I gladly received a free T-shirt this time AND my button!

Next time I give blood I will eat a hearty sandwich or soup, salad AND bread! Am I glad I gave blood? Yes...I am. I like to think of it as helping someone who needs it. Someone I don't know, but someone who is a brother, or a sister, or a Mom, or a Dad, or a child of someone who loves them.

YET---I am reminded of Jesus perfect blood shed for me! HE gave HIS LIFE for me! Not in part, but in FULL....because of the JOY set before HIM!!! How grateful I am !

Signing off for now, hugs, Lynette

Monday, January 18, 2010

It happened again.....

It happened again. It happened again today. I was pricked. I am reading in Matthew during my morning devotions. I read Matthew 7 and the words jumped right off the page. I don't know if that happens to you, but it does to me. Not everyday, but often. Off the page and right into my heart---ouch!

"Judge not, that you be not judged. For with the judgment you pronounce you will be judged, and with the measure you use it will be measured to you. Why do you see the speck that is in your brother's eye, but do not notice the log that is in you own eye? Or how can you say to your brother, 'Let me take the speck out of your eye,' when there is the log in your own eye? You hypocrite, first take the log out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to take the speck out of your brother's eye." Matthew 7: 1- 5

I have to admit I am convicted by these words of Jesus. How easily I fall into the trap. I have by God's grace come a long way in being a 'grace giver'. Praying rather than judging. BUT---I still fall. I have a long way to go. It is so easy to see the 'speck' and ignore the 'log' in my own eye. See, it is all perspective. My log in my eye looks like a speck to someone else. To me it is a LOG! Yet, I look around it, I peer over it, under it and to the side. But it is there still! How perceptive God's Word is. How cutting right to the heart of the matter! I love how Jesus knows us so well and HE CARES! He wants me to see my hypocrisy and run to HIM with it, seeking HIS help! He wants to give me HIS eyes. To not only forgive others, but to forgive myself, humble myself, to keep going, by HIS GRACE! So often it is easier to point to someone Else's foibles, failings, or weaknesses. BUT that is wrong. We will be judged by the same measure we judge.

I don't know about you, but I NEED mercy! My weaknesses and sins are great....huge! It is because of Jesus' blood I am made white as snow. Not me, never, ever will I be good enough. It is only by HIS dying in my place I can be HIS child! Sooo.....mercy is what I long for, mercy is what I need, mercy is my only hope! Thank you JESUS! Teach me to give mercy......to commit to not judge others, those I love and those strangers who I meet. May I run to you every time I fall.

Yes Lord, thank you for the 'pricking of my heart' ! Your are sooo GOOD!
Signing off for now, hugs, Lynette

Sunday, January 17, 2010

I love Sunday School !

I love Sunday School. I always have. I have been going to Sunday School since I was 5 years old. I have always gone, except for our time Dave was stationed in Germany---where there was no Sunday School. I missed it then. Now I only miss if someone is sick or I am not able to go for 'real' reasons. I don't miss it to cook dinner, or entertain visitors, or do my own thing! See, Sunday School is one major means of GRACE God has used to 'grow me' in my relationship with the Lord. I am different because I go to Sunday School. I listen, I read, I do the homework. Why? Because I want to grow. By God's grace I want to know Jesus better, I want to be challenged in my thinking. So I go to Sunday School.

When our boys were growing up, every once in awhile one of them would say.... "I don't want to go to Sunday School this week. I don't want to go......" My very wise hubby would sit down with them and say 'ok, tell me why?' He would go through his complaints, reasons, and objections. Dave would listen very patiently and humbly. He wouldn't get mad. He wouldn't yell. He listened. Then he would say " you are a very important part of this family----we ALL go to Sunday School. You may be having a hard time but trust me, God knows all about it and HE is using this for your 'good' and HIS glory. We will pray the LORD shows you what HE wants you to learn." No arguing, no condemning...just the facts. WE go to Sunday School and as long as you live with us you will go too. For us to do less is wrong.

I have a friend in New York that asked me about all this long ago. She thought it would turn her kids against the Lord to make them go ... it seemed too strict to her. She didn't 'like' the teacher's approach. She was very bright. I asked her if her kids ever complained about going to school. "Mom, this one day can I stay home?" "Oh yes, all the time", she said. AND you let them stay home right? "NO--never!" "Why", I asked? "They need it even if they don't know they do." BINGO!!!!! She smiled and I laughed and she understood. You would never let your children dictate whether they ate veggies, or drank their milk, took their vitamins, took a bath or went to school. How much MORE important is Sunday School???? VERY!!!!! When my kids were little I taught them in Sunday School, at different times. They learn sooooo much. Bible truths. Much more than Bible Truths too. They learn how to love someone who is different from them, working together, how to cooperate, how to feel safe with other Christians, sharing, what it means to be apart of community. They grow, they mature, they learn ---Sunday School is wonderful!

I think of Timothy and his mother Eunice and his Grandma, Lois. If they had Sunday School back then I am sure Lois and Eunice went with Timothy in tow. 2 Timothy 1:5 Sooo...... do YOU love Sunday School? If not, ask the LORD to give you the courage, wisdom and strength to help make your Sunday School better. Pray- ask- seek- and GO to Sunday School, taking your children with you ~ you just might be surprised!

Signing off for now, hugs, Lynette

Friday, January 15, 2010

Sweet 16 is delightful.....

I woke up this morning to sweet, precious, lovely piano music wafting up the stairs from our living room. Hannah was playing beautiful praise music for quite awhile. I thoroughly enjoyed laying in bed and praying for her as she played on! What a treasured gift of music to all of us on HER BIRTHDAY! I can see Jesus shining through Hannah' life. I am reminded that God gives us children as blessings and gifts from our Father above. What a 'gift' she is to us and to all who know her.

" Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change." James 1:17 ESV

Hannah is 16 years old today. I remember when I was 16....it doesn't seem THAT long ago, but it was long ago. She loves Jesus and is committed to living for HIM. I was converted at age 12 but did not grow very much in the following teen years. I cannot say that about Hannah. She is growing fast in many disciplines and in the way she desires to follow Christ. It thrills my heart. It thrills her Daddy's heart too. We are humbled and grateful for God's grace in her heart and life. I am teary eyed to see my baby girl turn 16 yet I know time marches on. Life really is a vapor. We each have today. God holds tomorrow in his hand.

We CAN make a difference today by God's grace. Smile. Laugh at yourself. Give a kind word. Return a smile for a frown. Hug someone who is hurting. Offer a cold drink to one thirsty. Pay for coffee for a friend or stranger. Give someone your clothes that don't fit. Dig someone else out of the snow. Let that person have the close parking spot. Give a gift of time. Give a gift of yourself. Help out your neighbor. Or your enemy! Cry with a friend. Let the love of Christ shine through!

Sweet 16---YES. Sweet 66---YES. Sweet 96 YES!!! May others say of you.....'they are so SWEET -- I see Jesus in them!

Signing off for now, hugs, Lynette

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Clean windshields.....

"For if you forgive others their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you, but if you do not forgive others their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses. Matthew 6:14 ESV

I love how the LORD works. I am reading Discipleship Journal Bible Reading Plan for 2010. Each day I have four readings. Today I was in Matthew, Acts, Psalms and Genesis. The above verse was in my reading of Matthew today.

We all know this verse. Today is sunny and I got in the Van to go see a friend for a little bit this morning. I love to drive a clean van. I have been known to go outside and wash just the windows in the middle of winter. Wow! I did not notice how very dirty my windshield was until the sun shone onto it! I could barely see through the salt splashes, grime and dirt. As I drove into the shade I could "see" again. In the sun, very dirty....in the shade perfect sight! I think this verse has application in a unique way today. It got me to thinking "Lord, is my heart like this windshield?" In the brightness of your SON ~ my sins are visible. When I look away from your SON ~ I am less aware of my grimy heart. I 'think' I am set to go....all shiny and clean....it appears to be so. BUT----as I run to Jesus---my flaws, my wrong thinking, my selfishness, my pride and my heart is exposed !!!! Create in me a "clean" heart O God!!! Restore a right spirit in me!!! Thank you for exposing me to your cleansing light----so I can run to you and find sweet forgiveness and wonderful, full, lovely JOY!!! What delight I have in YOU!

I will never look at a dirty windshield the same again. Gotta run...... Where is that windex???
Signing off for now, hugs, Lynette

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Always a 'hummer' !

"I will give thanks to the LORD with my whole heart; I will recount all of your wonderful deeds. I will be glad and exult in you; I will sing praise to your name, O Most High." Psalm 9: 1-2 ESV

Do you like to sing? Are you a shower singer? Do you sing openly and loud with all your heart? Or are you a "mumbly" singer--barely opening your mouth? I love to sing and make a joyful noise to the LORD ! Problem here ----I cannot sing well. I sing, just not very well. I know God loves to hear me make a joyful noise, but that doesn't mean everyone else appreciates what HE does! Smile....I have come to know many just like me. Actually, I am a 'hummer' !! A very good hummer. In fact I hum as I work, as I drive, as I shop. My kids comment about it all the time....."Mom is humming ~ again!"

About 9 or 10 years ago, my sweet daughter-in-love, Jeannette, told me no one is actually tone deaf. See, my parents told me I was 'tone deaf' when I was little. I had a happy home, but not a musical home. After I became a christian I wanted greatly to be a good singer for the LORD. But that little comment handicapped me and all these years later, I still remember it and where I was when it was said. Jeannette is a very excellent musician and she told me that anyone can learn to sing, that it is a skill one can learn. That doesn't mean everyone is talented in it, but yes, one can learn the skill of singing. That gave me great hope. She encouraged me to begin. I did. I have come a long way. I am better at singing now than I ever was. My hubby has a beautiful deep bass singing voice and I even join him sometimes when he sings in the van. YET---I still love to hum, so much so I don't even realize I am doing it. A hummer I will always be. God loves to hear us sing to Him, to sing His praises. I always loved hearing my little ones sing, their sweet voices ringing in my ears. God loves to hear HIS children sing even more than that! So sing....so hum....begin today! Practice makes perfect and if not perfect, precious in HIS sight!!!!

Signing off for now, hugs, Lynette

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Choosing the good portion...

" Martha, Martha, you are anixous and troubled about many things, but one thing is necessary. Mary has chosen the good portion, which will not be taken away from her." Luke 10: 41-42

I can relate to Martha. I am often like Martha. I want to be like Mary. I often think about these two sisters and their hearts. I like how honest the Bible is. It tells me the truth.

This morning I woke up at 6am. I work at the Church Office two days a week. I have an excellent boss. I think he is a top notch boss, you see I am in love with him. Not everyone gets to work for their husband as his secretary. I do! I love my job. Anyway, this morning I wanted to make blueberry muffins as a 'treat' for those at work. Quickly I realized I could not have my time with the LORD and make muffins. I 'sea sawed' back and forth...make muffins, quiet time with Jesus? Then I remembered Mary and Martha.....I let the muffins go, went downstairs to get my usual cup of joe. There was my sweet daughter Hannah. "Hi darlin' " I said. "What are you doing up, dressed for the day and down here?" " I am making muffins for you, Mom." Wow....isn't that sweet? Isn't that just like the LORD? I am so blessed by my sweet daughter's servant heart. Up I went to meet in secret with my God. So .....by God's grace I chose the 'good portion' and God abundantly blessed me by Hannah's sacrifice of love. So off I go to work with a blessing to share....much more than just muffins!

Signing off for now, Hugs, Sherry Lynette

Monday, January 11, 2010

Rainy days and Mondays

There is an old song that says " Rainy days and Mondays always get me down....." I never did like that song. I like Mondays. I think Mondays are just fine. It is the second day of the week. A new beginning. A fresh start to the school and work week. I like new beginnings. Monday happens to be my wash day. Yes, I am one of "those". I do all my laundry in ONE day. I also get up on Mondays and have a loooonnnnnngggggg time with my Bible and Jesus. I love that. It is one of the days no one interrupts or runs up and down the steps or plays loud music (we ALL love music at our house). You might think "get up earlier"....at my house that would be in the middle of the night. My hubby's normal rising is 5 or 5:30am, he is a 'morning' person. Caleb often leaves for work at anytime between 4am and 6am. Soooo I get up quietly and sit with my Bible at my desk, with a hot cup of joe and begin my day. What delight, what sweet somethings are whispered to my heart. What JOYOUS moments. What surprises and unexpected moments await me this day....yet I often go back to those special quiet early morning moments in my mind and I smile, I think about it, I remember, I meditate. How delightful!

Off I go....I just heard the buzzer sound. Time to go put the next load in......
Signing off for now, hugs, Lynette

Sunday, January 10, 2010

The wonder of middle names !

Middle names!
What is YOUR middle name? Do you like it? Is it a family hand me down name? Is it a name you don't like? Is it a name you love? Names are important, more so than most of us admit. My mother was never given a middle name (she was the oldest child in her family) . When she went to school everyone, absolutely everyone had a middle name, so she invented a middle name for herself. She became Lucille Elizabeth and eventually Lucille E. Therefore my Mom and Dad were careful to give their four children middle names.

I was Mom and Dad's first baby girl and they named me Sherry Lynette. Sherry means 'cherished one'. Lynette means 'refreshing one'. I happen to love my middle name. In fact, I like my middle name more than my first name. I like the sound of it and to be honest I think I look more like a Lynette than a Sherry. When I was little I wanted to be called by my middle name, it never happened. Schools were not organized to allow you to be called by your middle name back then. It wasn't until I met my husband and we became friends....he called me Lynette to my delight. He knew! See, he goes by his middle name too. Now you know why this BLOG is called 'Love Notes by Lynette'.
Signing off for now, hugs, Sherry Lynette

PS. You will never guess what my oldest daughter's middle name is..........Lynette!

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Today I begin to BLOG! I have been telling, asking, pleading for my wonderful hubby to begin a blog because he is such a great writer. He is so busy and has not started one yet, so as an encouragement, I thought I would begin one to see how much time is required and yes, it is good for the thinking processes and to clarify my own thoughts and musings. So today I begin!!! I must thank my sweet friend Melanie for encouraging me to do this and for 'walking' me through the starting process of just doing it!!! She has a blog also, check it out *after I learn how to link to it...ha* So here I sit at the computer typing away asking myself what, if anything, do I have to say?

My blogs will be short and pithy and encouraging I hope. So for today I ask "What do you think about when you have free time?" I mean when you are not accomplishing a task, teaching or talking to your hubby or children, where does your mind go?? We all have empty spaces of time to 'think'. What do you think about during those times? I used to be a daydreamer...."what if" kind of things. I am learning to bring my thoughts captive to the obedience of Christ Jesus. Not an easy task...yet one I want so much. I am learning!!! I am gaining!!! By HIS GRACE, I am taking baby steps! I now even ask what HE wants me to think about and then I 'wait' for HIS answer....crazy huh? Try it, you might be surprised!!!! Signing off for now ~ Love and hugs, Sherry