We are very different. She is a blue eyed blond. I am a brunette with brown eyes. She is skinny, I am pleasantly round. She is almost a loner. I am a people person. She is smart. I am a dreamer. She is a career woman. I am a domestic engineer. I bake and cook and sew. That's a 'no go' for Robyn. She is like my Mom. I am like my Dad. She has a fast hot convertible. I drive a mini van. She has one son and two step sons. I have six kids. She likes pink. I like red. She exercises everyday at the gym. I go for a walk once in awhile. She has lots of people under her with her job, she's the boss. I am married to the boss.
We are different. Yet, I love her. She knew me as a kid. She came to see me when I lived in Germany. She is my sister. We are linked...even if at times we wonder. So as I set my pumpkin out by my front door during October, I smile. I dream a little and I smile. Different is good!